The Press-Dispatch

October 5, 2022

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NOTES Continued from page 3 D-4 Wednesday, October 5, 2022 The Press-Dispatch divide the Word of truth." It was after "the law was given by Moses," after our Lord's earthly ministry, after the commission to the twelve, that God raised up another apostle, Paul, and sent him forth with "the gospel of the grace of God" (Acts 20 :24). It was Paul who was sent to declare: "But NOW, the righteousness of God with- out the law is manifested…" (Rom. 3:21). "To him that worketh not, but believeth on Him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is count- ed for righteousness" (Rom. 4:5). "Therefore, being jus- tified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" (Rom. 5:1). condition I inherited. One wonders how many people have had this and didn't realize it because of the medi- cal field didn't know about it. I am used to living with it now and I do the best I can to not let it worry me, although you remain concerned. I don't re- ally feel bad so I suppose that is a plus. We are lawn mower poor because there are five lawn mowers in our shop. We have three riding mowers and they are getting older so we have been considering one new one to take their place. The old- est one is manual transmis- sion and the drive belt was stretched so bad the lawn mower could just barely pull itself let alone pull the little wagon I use often. To change this belt you have disassemble almost the entire under carriage of the mower. This might be an easy job if you have done at least a hun- dred times, but if you aren't used to it it takes you a long time just to get the old belt off. You are fortunate if your belt isn't broken because you can reverse what you have done to remove the old one to put on the new one. I can see why it would cost a lot if you took it to a mower mechanic. We had a free day so I de- cided it was time to give ev- erything a rest, especially my body. We went over to Wash- ington to get a few things and just stay away from any kind of work. It felt good to goof off for awhile. People who say they are bored with their retirement sure don't look very hard for something to occupy their time, because it seems as though it finds me instead of having to look for it. If you seen five guys along side of Meridian road pick- ing up trash. it was not guys on work release, but five of us Lions doing our road project. We have concluded going downhill is where the most trash can be found along the road. It did seem somewhat cleaner this time than it did the last time we picked up the trash on this stretch of road. We went to our home church this weekend and our Sunday school lesson covered what to do and what to expect after we have prayed to God for His mighty way to occur in our lives. Don't forget your prayer of thankfulness. Once you pray trust you will recieve an an- swer and accept His answer. Don't forget to be blessing this week and be thankful for all opportunities to bless others. RAMBLINGS Continued from page 2 POINTS Continued from page 2 vince their minions they are looking out for "our" church. Sometimes the pas- tor doesn't know who this person is because they oper- ate in the shadows. I have come face to face with evil people like this and had two churches that meet this definition. They are not misguided—they are evil. Whoever said, "The only thing necessary for the tri- umph of evil is for good men to do nothing," was wise as Solomon. When a congregation knows it has toxic leaders and stands idly by while a pastor is vilified and slan- dered is beyond my compre- hension. I put the blame for toxici- ty squarely on the congrega- tion. They allow this small group of people to run rough- shod over the church. I know some pastors who have pas- tored four or more of these toxic churches. One pastor I know was the 11th pastor in 20 years. It had seen 10 pas- tors come and go before him. An isolated example? No. Do you think they appreciat- ed their ministers? This is clergy appreciation month. Pastors are a gift from God and sent by God. The Hebrews writer says, "Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you," Heb 13:17. I have had my share of tell- ing God about his wayward children who refuse to sub- mit to God's word. I have been on the receiving end of their slander, gossip, and godless conduct. When I fi- nally left, as I drove out of town, I shook the dust off my shoes. Jesus' knows the spiritu- al condition of his churches. His seven letters to the sev- en churches show us what a wonderful or evil church looks like. Jesus commended the churches at Smyrna and Philadelphia. They were doing everything right. He commended the churches at Ephesus, Pergamos, and Thyatira, but they had some serious issues they needed to deal urgently with or else. Sardis was a dead church and didn't know it. The La- odiceans were a social club. His warning to the way- ward churches was to straighten up or he would re- move their candlestick. They would cease to be a light for him. Ichabod would be their name. Jesus addressed these sev- en letters to the messenger of the church—the pastor. The pastor is the angel, the messenger, the one sent by God to lead the church. What is a pastor to do when some church leaders know more than God? What can be done with a church that thinks it can vote a pas- tor in or out like one does a politician? Without the support of their congregation, there is little a pastor can accom- plish. Which church do you be- long to? MINUTES Continued from page 2 net edition Web, Smartphone, Tablet 812-354-8500 • 820 Poplar St., Petersburg, IN • Get your news anytime and anywhere! Wednesday's at 6:30 p.m. Join us as we celebrate Jesus Christ in our community one friend- ship at a time. Romans 5:8 tells us," For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spir- it set their minds on the things of the Spirit." I often find it dif- ficult to live out this verse. The daily news casts seem to show us tragedy and acts of violence cast on individuals and fami- lies at home and around the world. We rarely see messag- es of hope, good will, neigh- borly conduct or plain acts of kindness anymore. It is truly difficult to not be concerned about the state of human so- ciety. But don't lose faith. We can change this world. The apostle Paul was right when he wrote Romans 5:8. God works through the blessings and kindnesses found in sim- ple things to feed our souls and renew our spirits. A fter I have spent time in prayer and/ or reading my Bible it is easi- er for me to see God's bless- ings and find strength to face each day. Jason Dean, Pastor PETERSBURG FREE METHODIST CHURCH 202 Walnut Street Sunday school at 9:30 a.m. with morning worship and children's church at 10 :30 a.m. We would love to have you join us in person, but for those who are unable we do provide a live stream of the entire ser- vice. You can find the stream on our Facebook page or through a link on our website. Our youth meet on Sunday evenings at 5 p.m. Each Monday evening the Sanctuary is opened up at 6 p.m. for an hour of prayer. This is an unstructured prayer time: pray with others or by yourself and feel free to come and go as you need. Faith Builders meets at 6 p.m. every Wednesday eve- ning that school meets for a full day. This program is open to preschoolers through high- school seniors. October is Pastor Apprecia- tion Month. Take some time to reach out to your pastors and let them know how much their leadership means to you. Pastor Appreciation Din- ner, October 30, after morn- ing worship. Registrations for the Wa- bash Women's Ministry Fall Retreat are due October 7. Contact Betty Newton, if you would like to attend. There is an Official Board meeting October 9 at 5:30 p.m. Stop in and see us - wheth- er you have never joined us or it has just been a while. We would be blessed to worship with you. Don Fausnaugh, Pastor David Blaize, Reporter RUMBLETOWN FREE METHODIST CHURCH 1485 N. St. Rd. 57 Petersburg Morning worship at 10 :30 a.m. The church is located south of Petersburg on State Road 57. David Mullis, Pastor Hope Barnett, Reporter SPURGEON METHODIST CHURCH 11505 N. Hwy. 61 Spurgeon Pastor Cell 812-202-8903 or church office 812-922-8215 Church service 9 a.m.; Fri- day Bible study at 1 p.m. Bring items for Somebody's place. October 9 church event. October 30 fall party at 5 p.m. "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith" (II Tim- othy 4:7). Contemplating our final days has a way of clarify- ing what matters now. Paul's words can be a good model to follow. Fight the good fight, finish the race, keep the faith, because in the end what will matter is that we've stayed true to God and His ways as He provides what we need to live, fight life's spirtual battles, and finish well. Imagine your life is over and your obituary is pub- lished. What would you like it to say? What changes might you make now to "finish the race" well? "Father God, strengthen me to live faithfully for You, right to the end"—Amen. Josh Sanders, Pastor Sherry Julian, Reporter WHITE RIVER CHAPEL UMC 3555 W. SR 56 Bowman 812-582-8896 Sunday worship 9 a.m.; Sun- day school 10 :15 a.m. We are exploring the words in Philippians 4:4-9 and how they can help us thrive in cha- os. So many trials come into our lives and along with the business of life. These things can easily choke out the Life of God in us. But praise God, "But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteous- ness; and all these things will be added unto you" (Matthew 6:33). What things will be add- ed? God's order back into our lives—a peace that passes all understanding—He is in con- trol. Facebook: White River Chapel UMC, Jeff Pinney. Questions regarding church events, call 812-766 -3344 or mail to: 3555 West State Road 56, Petersburg, IN 47567. Jeff Pinney, Pastor Nazarene PETERSBURG CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 118 West Pike Ave. Church 812-354-8851 Service times: Sunday at 10 :30 a.m. Praise and Worship service; 6 p.m. Bible study; Teen activities; Wednesday at 6 p.m. Bible study. Sunday morning service is available via transmitter. Pull in to the church parking lot and tune your radio to 90.1 FM and hear the service from the comfort of your car. Sunday morning services are available on our Facebook page—Petersburg Church of the Nazarene or look for us on YouTube. Visit our website for additional information. We want to be a church meeting the needs of our com- munity. If the church can be of assistance to you, contact us at Steve Hamilton, Pastor WINSLOW NAZARENE CHURCH 106 W. Washington St. Winslow 989 -941-7190 Love, Care, Serve, Share Sunday morning service at 10 :30 a.m. Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. You are welcome to connect with our church either in per- son or online. Facebook: Winslow Church of the Nazarene. YouTube: Winslow Naza- rene. Website: Irene's Food Pantry: Every third Saturday from 10 -11:30 a.m. Hope to see you soon. Corinna Williams, Reporter Pentecostal OAKLAND CITY FIRST PENTECOST Hwy. 64 East New number 812-582-9877 Sunday morning service begins at 9:30 a.m. with chil- dren's Sunday school during the ministry of the Word. Sunday and Wednesday eve- ning services are at 6 p.m. All times CDT (Gibson Co.) We will be having our fifth Sunday night singing this month. Come for a visit and bring a special. John Wayne was once quot- ed as saying, "no one can play John Wayne like I can." You don't need to be jealous or in- timidated by anyone. When God calls you into a work, no one can do your job like you can. God calls us individual- ly; by name; to do a specific job in His kingdom and no one, I repeat, no one; can do you, like you. Ron Vickers, Pastor Elaine Young, Reporter HOUSE OF MERCY CHURCH Corner of East and Porter Winslow Pastor 812-789 -5229 A Church with open arms and a loving heart. Sunday morning service 10 :15 a.m.; Sunday school at 11 a.m. May the Word of God guide your life this week. Keep our Federal, State, and Local governments in your prayer as it was a command from Jesus. Also, pray for the nursing homes, those in hos- pitals, family and friends that are afflicted. May you find peace and blessings in your week and be filled with joy. In His Service, George Bruce, Jr., Pastor Presbyterian KNIGHTS CHAPEL CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1285 S. County Road 375 W. (Oatsville), Petersburg 618 -302-1608 In Acts the 17th Chapter, we find Paul and Silas leav- ing Philippi and going to the city of Thessolonica. The first thing Paul did was go into the synagogue and preach about Jesus and his death, burial and resurrection. Reference: (I Cor. 15:1-4). The results of Paul's preach- ing resulted in a great multi- tude of Greek men and wom- en becoming christians. But the Jews who were not per- suaded because envious, got together with some evil men and got the city in an uproar. They dragged some christians and Jason before the city rul- ers and cried out, "these who have turned the world upside down have come here too." If that statement is true, then in what way has christi- anity turned the world upside down by preaching the gos- pel? 1. The gospel makes peo- ple responsible for their sins. Many people would rather de- ny there is sin in their lives, or that it is so very small that it is hardly worth mentioning. With God, you can not catago- rize sin by being greater of smaller. It is all just sin—Ro- mans 3:12 says, that we have all sinned and that is not a good thing. However, Ro- mans 5:8 "But God demon- strated his own love towards us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." His death upon the cross has justifired us or made us a though we have not sinned. How could he do that? vs. 9 of Romans Chapter 3 says, "now you have been justified (made righteous) by Jesus' blood and we shall be saved from the wrath (condemna- tion) through Him." Come and join us for Sun- day Bible study at 9:45 a.m. and worship at 10 :30 a.m. You will be glad you came. Ed Loyd, Minister MAIN STREET PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 10th and Main Streets, Petersburg 812-354-6844 Visit us, our doors are al- ways open to you. Office hours: 9 a.m.-noon, Monday-Friday. On Sunday we will take a look at Luke 17:11-19. In those verses we find 10 lepers who ask Jesus for healing. Jesus heals them all. One of them turns to thank Jesus and he was the only one to do that. The one who did the thanking was not a person likely to ex- press gratitude to anyone; he was an outsider and not well thought of. We have a little saying in our church that goes "guilts becomes grace becomes grat- itude." We know that we have fallen short and we do our best to acknowledge that. That is the guilt part. God gives grace abundantly. There's no limit on it. That grace leads us to gratitude. Living in gratitude gives us a joyful life and opens us to God's plan for our minis- try among God's children. So, let's do our best to be the first to give thanks in all ways on all days. Gratitude opens the door to service and com- passion and hope and healing. Rob Henson, Pastor Amy Melhiser, Secretary Wesleyan OTWELL WESLEYAN CHURCH 2277 N. Mechanics Street Otwell Pastor 812-354-3028 Sunday school at 9:30 a.m.; morning worship at 10 :30 a.m.; Sunday evening worship service at 6:30 p.m. Car crash A fter dying in a car crash, three friends go to Heav- en for orientation. They are all asked the same question, "When you're lying in your casket, and friends and family are mourning over you, what would you like to hear them say about you? " The first guy immediately responds, "I would like to hear them say that I was one of the great doctors of my time, and a great family man." The second guy says, "I would like to hear that I was a wonderful husband and school teacher who made a huge dif- ference in the children of to- morrow." The last guy thinks for a moment, and then replies, "I guess I'd like to hear them say, 'Look, he's alive! '" "He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him. Therefore encour- age one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing" (I Thessalo- nians 5:10 -11). Roy Stilwell, Pastor Pam Lemond, Reporter MAVERICK "Everything that moves serves to interest and amuse a kitten"—Fran- cois Augustin de Paradis de Moncrif. This week PAWS fea- tures a peppy little kit- ten named Maverick, who searches about the office for any adventure he can find. When he finds it, he pounces and plays until he can play no more and then curls up in a cat condo and falls fast asleep. He is a petite little fel- low with black whirls in his tiger-striped fur, long white whiskers and aqua eyes, which makes him quite a showy fellow. To adopt Maverick, call 812- 354-9894. PAWS WEEK PAWS WEEK Pet of the

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