The Press-Dispatch

January 18, 2023

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Wednesday, Januar y 18, 2023 The Press-Dispatch D-4 SCHOOL Submit school news items: Call: 812-354-8500 Email: Petersburg Elementary Winslow Elementary OMA gion. She proudly flaunted hir- ing convicted felons to work for her. It is worth noting these hired felons murdered her and stole her fortune. God is not mocked. Jesus said whatever a person sows, they will reap. Fast forward to 2023. A 10 -year-old boy is charged with fatally shooting his moth- er for refusing to buy him a VR headset. A six-year-old first-grader at an elementary school in Newport News, Vir- ginia shot a teacher during an altercation in a classroom, leaving her with "life-threat- ening" injuries. A four-year- old brought a loaded handgun onto a school campus in Tex- as. A seven-year-old brought a gun into a school in Coch- ise, Arizona. Good old-fashioned Godly parenting has been replaced with Dr. Spock's 'don't spank your child, it will hurt their self-esteem and damage their psyche.' Merit awards because of achievement are being discon- tinued on the basis it is racist or psychologically harmful for other children. Children are being encouraged to change their gender identity. They are being given puberty blocking drugs to arrest their physio- logical development while ig- noring the genetic hard-wired mental development that fol- lows. Mental illness rates will skyrocket within this gender changing group. Modern society has re- moved the supernatural from their consciousness. Science has declared God is dead or never existed. We can trust science to lead us to the promised land and utopia. We can trust them, right? We are witnessing a world running off the rails because it no longer believes in God. So- ciologists say humanity is on- ly one generation away from extinction. It appears we are reaching critical mass. Trump returning to the White House as president will not arrest what is coming. Humpty Dumpty has fallen. The end of civilization as we know it is in sight. The proverbs writer says it the best; "Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not de- part from it." Pr 22:6. What are children, the next generation, being taught? What will their morals be when it's their turn to rule? Twenty twenty-three is go- ing to be a rollercoaster. It is said the only thing cer- tain is death and taxes. I will add Jesus is certain. The He- brew writer calls him the an- chor for the soul. I suggest you anchor your soul in Jesus. He's the only one who can sail us through the hurricane that's coming. HEATING AND AIR 812-789-3065 or THE INDUSTRY LEADER IN CLEAN AIR, BUT DON'T JUST TAKE OUR WORD FOR IT. The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America recognizes CleanEffects® as asthma & allergy friendly® Transformed YouTh minisTries 245 S. Glezen Center St., PeterSburG, In AGeS: 11-18 text/CAll 812-582-1523 for Info DEVO & OPEN GYM WednesdaYs 6:30p.m.-8 p.m. REMODELING Our Petersburg location is now closed until March for a remodel. Scheduling patients at our Jasper location Monday through Friday. 671 3rd Ave, Suite D • Jasper 812-634-6425 • We will be back in full swing next spring! Karan Thacker, AFSP Owner 704 E. Haub Street Haubstadt, IN 47639 THACKER TAX SERVICE 906 Blackfoot Drive Fort Branch, IN 47648 812-615-0071 (offi ce) 812-789-3852 (cell) POINTS Continued from page 1 Ms. Small and Mrs. Fellers' class joined together for STEM. Fifth Grade student Kellcyn Ryker created this beautiful masterpiece for Mrs. Jullian. She is one of the many Otwell Miller angels. CHARGER MOMENTS From the desk of Principal Mindy Hill-Keeker, Pike Central Middle School The robotics team at Pike Central Middle School has been very busy building their robots to prepare for com- petitions since early September with their first year coach, Missy Schultheis. The first of two teams competing this year is the Oreo Bytes, made up of Loralie Hoskins and Landon Harvey. The second team is the Cir- cuit Jokers, consisting of Grayson Schultheis, Taylen Bailey and Kea- ton Stafford. During the first competition, the Circuit Jokers finished in 8th place and the Oreo Bytes finished in 20th place out of 35 teams. There are two hundred plus teams in Indiana that will compete over the next two months to earn the right to compete in the world finals. The team plans to attend competitions in Bedford on January 28, Tell City on February 4 and at least two others to be de- termined. We wish them well as they work hard to make a return trip to the world competition. Pike Central Middle School released report cards for first semester last week and is preparing to release our most recent honor roll. Students worked extremely hard during the second nine weeks of school and we look for- ward to giving them the well-deserved recognition. Second semester is now in full swing with students and teachers focused on academic success. As always, please feel free to reach out to your child's teacher with questions or concerns that they may help with. I am available as well at December Students of the Month were, front row from left: Harlan Barley, Kaybree Nixon, Isaac Cook, DJ Stafford, Mia Kendle, Ryker Nowark, Teylee Nall, Josiah Eager, Riddick Coleman Bailey, Neriah Glispie, Rowan Drew and Adeline Havens. Middle row, Ava Hinton, Sophia Clark, Easton Whitis, Trinity Gross, DJ Huffer, Abiranna Hale, Niah Terry, Mack Mason, Alec Glass, Mariah Adams. Back row: Natalie Russell, Landon Snodgrass, Kayleigh Schultz, Haiden Cook, Gemma Gonzales, Lukas Farmer, Ebony Mason, Jackson Taylor, Kinzlee Hornor and Daxen Cates. Ford Carrico and Austin Smith work on their com- puter science project. The fourth graders were able to use technology to test a science concept. Makey Makeys were used to determine if different materi- als were conductors or insulators. The students were then able to use them to control their chromebooks. Kendall Daugherty is intent on setting up the mu- sic on her chromebook using the Makey Makeys pro- gram.

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