The Press-Dispatch

May 9, 2018

The Press-Dispatch

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A-4 Local Wednesday, May 9, 2018 The Press-Dispatch ª5($'<ª6(7ª 6&5((1 $OXQJFDQFHUVFUHHQLQJJLYHV\RXDKHDGVWDUW «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our First Choice For Quality Home Comfort. *Upon timely registration. HIGH QUALITY SERVICE EXCELLENCE At Carrier we deliver quality and energy efficiency. Because Carrier ® systems are reliable and so accurately installed by a network of independent contractors, our products are backed by a 10-year parts limited warranty.* Discover your comfort solutions by contacting a Carrier expert today. ©Carrier Corporation 12/2016. PH: 812-743-2382 HEATING & AIR-CONDITIONING Perry ' s LLC Serving the area since 1950. Perry ' s Perry ' s Craig Perry Vance Perry Chase Perry 303 Breckinridge Rd, Monroe City Email: At Carrier we deliver quality and energy efficiency. Because Carrier ® systems are reliable and so accurately installed by a network of independent contractors, our products are backed by a 10-year parts limited warranty.* Discover your comfort solutions by contacting Perry's today. Your Area's NEWEST Carrier Dealer *Upon timely registration SERVICE EXCELLENCE HIGH QUALITY With This Ring... 50th anniversary Mr and Mrs. David Holmes, formerly of Oak- land City, will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniver- sary on May 18. David and the former Karen Schmidt were married by the late Rev. Lyndon Holmes, Da- vid's father. Cards may be sent to: 5596 S. State Road 61, Winslow, IN 47598. County Commissioners asked to provide more funding to ride service By Andy Heuring County Commissioners were asked to provide more funding to Ride Solutions, made an appointment and approved a new hire dur- ing their Monday morning meeting. Becky Guthrie, of Ride Solutions, requested the county increase their fund- ing of the program by $2,000. Guthrie said Ride Solutions provides rides to residents of 10 counties. They are state and federal- ly funded. "When you get into rural counties like Pike County, very few taxi ser- vices are available. If they are available, it is very ex- pensive. We take people to work, school and doctor ap- pointments. We take peo- ple just to visit people," said Guthrie. She told a story of a wom- an calling her about the woman's father. She said her father lived south of Peters- burg and he was getting to the point he shouldn't drive any more. She said the most important thing of day was going to McDonald's and sit- ting and talking to friends. She was so excited we could do this," said Guthrie. Guthrie said when Ride Solutions started in 2002, Pike County contributed $5,000 a year. She said that amount increased to $7,000 in 2017, but it was reduced back to $5,000 for 2018. She asked the county to increase that back to $7,000. Commissioner president Brian Davis told Guthrie she would need to speak to the county council, because they were the fiscal body that sets the budgets. The commissioners voted 3-0 to appoint Scott Fulcher to the Jefferson Fire Dis- trict Board of Trustees to replace Kevin Noland, who resigned. The also voted to hire Carl Goeppner at the High- way Garage. Highway Su- perintendent Roger Ham said they had an open posi- tion at the garage. He said they had interviewed can- didates and recommended Goeppner. Assistant Super- intendent Josh Byrd said Go- eppner had "tanker certifi- cation," which allowed him to operate tankers. "We are lacking that certification," said Byrd. In other business, the commissioners voted to re- quest an additional appropri- ation of $12,485 to purchase a software package that will help them track road work. Ham told the commission- ers the state has nearly dou- bled the highway depart- ment funding, but is requir- ing the county to track how it is spent and prove that at least 50 percent of the MVH funds are used on road im- provements. He said if they don't, they are in jeopardy of losing those funds. The next commissioners' meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. Monday, May 21 in the courthouse auditorium. Scouts help with work at church The Petersburg Boy Scouts helped out Saturday with landscaping work at the First Methodist Church in Petersburg. Scouts Austin and Blake Garland and Scout Leader Larry Haycraft help spread mulch around the church. Haycraft said First Methodist is their Charter Sponsor so they volunteered to help out of appreciation.

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