The Press-Dispatch

May 24, 2017

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D-8 Home Life Wednesday, May 24, 2017 The Press-Dispatch To enter the Birthday Club, email your name, ad- dress, phone number and birthdate to birthdayclub@ Only the person's name, town and birthday will appear in the paper. As an added bonus, one lucky person each month will receive a free prize from a local business and a free three month Press-Dispatch subscription. This month's birthdays have a chance to win a $20 gift certificate to Jewel Craft Jewelers. THIS WEEK'S BIRTHDAYS Erma Luker .................................. Otwell ......... 5/24 Shirley Perry ............................ Monroe City ..... 5/24 Norman Dillon ............................. Otwell ......... 5/24 Bob "Sarge" Schmidt ................... Winslow ........ 5/24 Jerry Hill .................................... Winslow .........5/25 Naomi Gross Brown ................. Oakland City .....5/27 Margaret Kreigh .........................Muskegon ...... 5/28 Isaac Cavins .............................. Petersburg ...... 5/30 Wes Garris .................................. Winslow ........ 5/30 THIS MONTH'S SPONSOR 217 Main St., Vincennes • 1-812-882-7603 My Point of View by Dr. H. K. Fenol, Jr., M.D. and your budget fits in your POCKET Sign up today Just $5 per year additional to current paper edition subscribers or $35 per year for NETedtion only. net edition Web, Smartphone, Tablet Sweet's Column by Barbara Sweet Hi stars and welcome to this big stage lit up in colorful lights and dec- orated to help celebrate with all our stars who will have a birthday or anni- versary in the week of May 25 to the 31, so come on up onto this big stage and take a bow. May 25 –Aunt Mima Lou Meyer turns 78 years, Lana Lucke turns 52 years, Jerry Hill turns 64 years, Lar- ry Hill turns 64 years, Lexi Halbrader, Virgina Norrick turns 90 years, Mike Green. May 27–Brittany Craney turns 29 years, Whitney Craney Knight turns 29 years. May 29 –Aunt Jean Meyer turns 84 years, Aynslee Key turns 10 years, Isa- iah Culbertson turns 15 years. May 30 –Marie Meyer turns 28 years. May 31–Ravynne Lily Cato turns 6 years. May all our stars have a real great day and may all your wishes come true. Keep in your heart and in your prayers all our stars who need that card, visit, phone call, and that daily thought to help them have a wonderful day. Teresa, Katy, Arvle, Virginia, Mar- gie, Benny, Robert, Laura, Junior, Jan- ice, and those with allergies, and we all have those aches and pains of life. Events coming up in Winslow and the surrounding areas are: May 24–All Pike Co. schools are out for the summer. Congrats to all our stars who will enter another grade, to the stars who will enter into more schooling after graduation or enter in- to the workforce. Have a great summer in whatever you may do and most of all enjoy and have fun. May 27–Timeless Classics Car Show at Hornady Park Petersburg. May 29 –Memorial Day–Several Pike Co. cemeteries will honor our fallen men and women, so check The Press-Dispatch for times and cemeter- ies where the American Legion will hold a short memorial. May 29 –Winslow 10 -year Memorial Day Parade and service at 2 p.m. Line up at 1 p.m. at the Winslow Elementa- ry School Parking Lot. We are inviting all who can to come and honor with us on this day, either as part of the pa- rade down Main St. or as an onlooker, as we make our way to the Oak Hill Cemetery, where an honoring will be made by several of our hometown ser- vice men and women. All Pike Co. Fire Depts., churches, EMTs, service men and women, loved ones with a picture of their loved ones, you are invited and you can invite someone to join you. June 1–Winslow Lions Club at 7 p.m. at the Trading Post. June 1–Pike Co. Moms Group at 10 a.m. at the Otwell United Methodist Church. Moms and Grandmoms can enjoy the interaction with other moms and have fun while their little ones are playing and having fun with the other little ones. June 3–Arthur, Winslow, Campbell- town City-Wide Yard Sale, see The Press-Dispatch for locations. June 5 –Winslow Girl Scout Troop 211 meets at 6 p.m. at the House of Mercy Church basement. Contact Robyn at 812-789 -2756. June 9 and 10 –Stendal 150 -year heritage, where you can enjoy the Tin Fest car show, flyover, parade, musi- cal groups, quilt raffle, silent auction and fireworks. Winslow seniors meet on Monday and Tuesday at the Snyder Community Center. Peters- burg seniors meet on Mon- day, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday in the courthouse basement. Postcards this week were none at Sweets Column, Winslow, IN 47598. The point of interest is that the mosquitoes and ticks are out for your blood with a ven- geance, and they come with all their friends when they know you are out- side. I have walked from the cabin to the house and got ate up all over be- fore I got three feet away, and that is not a tall story, but the real thing in the Brownstown part of Winslow. Yes, we live by the backwater tributaries but this is worse than a few years ago. This past winter wasn't cold enough to kill off any of these varmints and the ticks here are bad also, because I pulled three ticks off me in one day. I know we have to deal with them but to stay inside the house isn't what I planned to do, but maybe if the area could be sprayed this spring, we might enjoy the outside life like yard sales, camp outs, mowing and more activities. The Patoka River is half empty and the flood waters are disappearing in the fields. We have had more show- ers last week and some were heavier in other areas, but Winslow got only showers with temps of 85 degrees to a low of 66 degrees until Sunday when the temp dropped into the 70s and 50s with, maybe, more rain to come. On Friday, Daniel was in Marengo, where a funnel was seen but no touch- down. Some of these storms have the strength to produce these funnels so keep watching the skies. The rain has helped the flowers as they bloom with their bright colors and the sweet fragrance for the honey bees to feast on. Kyana, Norm and I have planted a small garden with corn, let- tuce, tomato and pepper plants, and we hope they all come up. In another ar- ea, we will plant cucumbers and more flower seeds. Laura got some mari- golds to help keep down the mosqui- toes and some oils that should help the bites from those pesky mosqui- toes. We will have to see which ones will do the job and to help out the larva in the water that is standing, you can use bleach to kill them. Oh, have you seen the trees, especially the trees that have the white blooms? Pretty! I would like to say thanks Vernon for picking me up last Wednesday and taking us to Petersburg so I could get some money out of the bank, because Winslow doesn't have an ATM any- more. Anyway, we also ate out at the park and then we took a scenic drive to Oakland City for some ice cream cones that we ate at the park. Vernon, also on Friday, gave me a massage and pressure point that I have needed for a time. I was feeling a lot better after the massage and some exercises to help the muscles from tightening up as much. I hope your Mother's Day was as spe- cial as mine was. I got to get a hug from Aaron Bellamy, who stopped by, and it was great to see him again. He was al- so with his Grandma Bellamy on this Mother's Day. Saturday, Kyana had fun with other stars at MaKenna's birthday party for her sweet 16. Pizza, pop- corn, movie, games, cake and friends having fun was enjoyed by all. Kya- na also got to feed a goat. Mother's Day at Ter- riAnn and Ted's church was a Mother-Daughter Banquet, where Norm, Kyana and I were invit- ed. Laura had to work. Norm helped the guys serve and the meal was made by the men of the church. The women and children played games, watched clips of mothers, listened to poems of Moth- ers and phrases that Mothers say or have said to their child, guessed how many M&Ms are in a jar and sever- al had their name drawn out to win a basket of flowers. One of the read- ings about what Mothers have said was the exact words our (TerriAnn and I) mother said as we grew up and I have said them to Laura and Kyana several times, like, "if you make that sad face, it will grow that way" or, "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." Then there was a skit from two teenage boys who acted out a conver- sation between a mother and a son and they did really good. Saturday before Mother's Day, Kya- na, Norm and I went to pick up our mor- tar mix and metal lathe so we could chink the two outside walls on the cab- in. When we were loading everything into the truck, the teller watched as Kyana and I took a 60lb bag and lifted it onto the truck bed where Norm took it and placed it in the bed and this con- tinued for the 10 bags we bought. The teller said we work real good together and in no time, we had it loaded. When we got to the cabin, we worked again as a team to unload the 60lb bags. Mon- day, Norm and I got a start on the west wall and in eight hours, we had that side all chinked in. If you don't know what chinking is, it's the mortar that goes between the logs that you see on most cabins nowadays. The east wall has one area that we finished, using up the leftover mortar mix, then it was laying in the metal lathe and we are at a standstill now cause the mosquitoes were too bad to finish. We have only one log and several spots in the other rolls to be done with laying the met- al lathe and then the mortaring starts again. We are hoping the weather is in our favor and I'm hoping those mosqui- toes don't know we are outside. Schools are out for the summer and that means in every neighborhood there are children playing outside, so to all our drivers, please watch out for the children and you should drive slow in those neighborhoods anyway. Our sports field and park has a road that is used often by local persons and some still drive fast, so remind yourself to slow down. The speed limit is 10 mph. Memorial Day is May 29 and Winslow would like to invite all our stars to honor our fallen men and wom- en at 2 p.m. for the parade and service of honor at the Oak Hill Cemetery. As the lights begin to dim on this week's ramblings, keep an eye on fami- ly and friends, slow down and see your amazing surroundings, and always smile, wave and say Hi to everyone you see this week. Politics and world events. Our Pres- ident Trump has been on the world spotlight, visiting the seat of three world religions: Is- lam, Judaism and Christian- ity. What a his- toric set of news. I have been keenly watching these events unfold, I'm certain the whole world is watching, and we hope good things come out of these visits. Anymore it is so unsettling to pay at- tention to the news. Then when you hear cynical re- marks made by the me- dia, it adds to the anxiety. My tendency many times is to listen with caution, hear news from different perspectives, and educate myself as to who seems to be giving the truthful and helpful news. When different report- ers talk at the same time and start to shout each other out, I then press the power button to turn off the T V or change chan- nels quickly. One can on- ly take so much. The av- erage American I have ob- served through the years is quite intelligent and well informed, and they cannot just be hoodwinked. We can disagree in a civil way and make choices based on an enlightened manner. Thank God for democra- cy. Pray that good things get headed our way for the sake of our generation and the next. • • • A friend of mine sent an article titled Great Truths. It is food for thought….. Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take interest in you. (Peri- cles-430 B.C.) In general, the art of gov- ernment consists of taking as much money from one party of citizens to give to the other. Voltaire (1764) Government is the great fic- tion, through which every- body endeav- ors to live at the expense of everybody else. Freder- ic Bastiat, a French econ- omist ( 1801- 1850) Govern- ment's view of the econo- my could be summed up in a few phrases. If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it. Ron- ald Reagan (1986) A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have. Thomas Jefferson. And the difference be- tween a tax man and a taxi- dermist is that the taxider- mist leaves the skin. Mark Twain. Other thoughts: What one person receives with- out working for, anoth- er person must work for without receiving. For the government cannot give to anybody anything that the government must first take from somebody else. If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's free. P.J. O'Rourke. • • • Why health care can be expensive…… There was once a urologist who called a plumber to fix a big leak in his house plumbing sys- tem. The plumber came and quickly and speedily solved the problem. Then he submitted his bill to the doctor. It was $ 300.00 for the work. The doctor was shocked and said, "My gosh, this is quite a big fee for your half hour of ser- vice. I should have been a plumber." The plumb- er looked at the doctor in- tensely and said…. "Doc, I used to be a urologist my- self." Now you know why. Have a great week. HOLIDAYS THIS WEEK May 24 National Escargot Day May 25 National Missing Children's Day May 26 Sally Ride Day May 27 International Jazz Day May 28 Amnesty International Day May 29 Memorial Day Source:

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