The Press-Dispatch

December 7, 2022

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ESKIMO MOMENTS From the desk of Principal Aaron Meyer, Winslow Elementary School By the end of the semester, educators can often feel that we survive every day. We work in our three focus ar- eas to do more than survive. We work to THRIVE. This acronym stands for T - Trust, H - Hope, R - Respect, I - Imagine/Innovate, V - Validate, and E - Empathy. Resilience ( Validate, Empathy) - Sports, Basketball, Winter Pro gram, Robotics Students are often tasked with pushing themselves and growing in areas that are beyond their cur- rent capabilities. Extra-curricular activities are often places of inter- est for students to develop their coping skills and empathy. They learn to push themselves to the limit and through their bonds with teammates develop the soft skills they bring back to the classroom. The relationship with team- mates/classmates often translates into long lasting friend- ships. These friends help each other to reach and often exceed their goals. Relationships (Trust, Hope, Respect) - American Edu- cation Week, Clothe a Child, Kiwanis American Education Week saw students engage in a va- riety of activities that took them from our small and won- derful corner of the world out into the larger world to ex- plore and learn about the variety of cultures and activi- ties that go beyond our daily experiences. We had a mar- tial arts demonstration, a virtual tour of the world and its animals, a silly safari, a storyteller, and an accordion con- cert. This all culminated in our family lunch on Friday of the week and Fall Festival in the evening. It was a tru- ly special week. We are also blessed to have all students who applied for holiday assistance covered. It is amazing to see community organizations assist students in need. It brings our community closer together and helps spread that holiday cheer. Relevance (Imagine/Innovate) - Field Trips to Buchta Finally, we are taking trips to Buchta Center to learn more about technology and explore the opportunities that the community has to offer. Students have been excited to learn more about 3D Printing, CNC Machining, Robotics, and coding. It is fun and exciting for students to explore space and places where they may work in the future and imagine themselves in future careers. They also had op- portunities to use their imaginations to innovate and cre- ate. We finish the semester with our iReady Diagnostic test that measures student growth throughout the year. All students start at different places but they ultimately have a similar target in reaching their personal growth goals. The holidays can be a stressful time with all that is going on wrapping up the first semester, sports, and holiday per- formances. With everyone working together we still have energy and cheer to finish the semester strong. During the kick lap of the 1st semester, we hope to do much more than survive the last few weeks we hope to THRIVE. MILLER MOMENTS From the desk of Principal Richard Padgett, Otwell Miller Academy Welcome to the magical month of December. For schools, this month serves as a benchmark of the mid- point of the school year. With this milestone comes the same oppor- tunity afforded to all of us with the close of another calendar year. A chance to reflect on the year to date and to plan for the next steps with refreshed goals and dreams. Dreams are important, out of the dreams, come a sense of pur- pose and drive to make wonder- ful things happen. As educators we are here to make good things happen for others. Imagine if we reached out to help and offer helping hands to our neigh- bors during the whole year like we do in December. Thank you to the many organizations in our county that provide direct or indirect support to our students and fami- lies. The support that is given through food pantries, cloth- ing pantries and basic needs throughout the community, are a blessing for those in need. The generosity of these groups is a positive reflection on Pike County that is am- plified during this time of year. The lesson of giving may well be the most important lesson we teach our students. Pike County has many remarkable people and business- es operating under the radar, so to speak. Pike County has people and businesses that contribute locally, at the state, national and international level. We would like to bring those activities and businesses to our students' at- tention early in our students' school experience so they see the many opportunities to stay in our community or to return to Pike County to continue their dreams. Please reach out to any one of us at Otwell Miller Academy if you would be willing to share with any or all of our students your experiences. Schools cannot exist in a vacuum. We need the commu- nity to fully succeed in our mission. With that in mind, we have partnered with several outside groups to extend our learning experience. The University of Southern Indiana is one of the organi- zations and has a fantastic loan program for technology/ science learning programs. They provide the equipment and tools to complete experiments and lessons delivered to the school for a loan period free of charge. These kits are used multiple times throughout the year to bring les- sons to life at the hands of the students rather than pag- es from a book. Elementary schools have a different approach to the end of semester "one" than middle or high schools because of the nature of the classes. Most of our classes continue on in the second semester, but middle/high schools must wrap up and end some courses at the mid year. We do not deal with the pressure of exams or end of course state test- ing like those other buildings in the month of December. Upcoming events for us include: fourth grade trip to the Dubois County museum and second and third grades trip to Crane Naval Base. The Christmas program at the Ot- well Community Gym will take place December 8 at 6 p.m. Next month we will talk a little about our Wacky Wednes- day and Stem certification efforts. Life Milestones made free CALL: 812-354-8500 Put a free photo with write up on your Family and Class Reunions. The Press-Dispatch D-9 Wednesday, December 7, 2022 SCHOOL Submit school news items: Call: 812-354-8500 Email: or bring in a hard copy: 820 E. Poplar Street, Petersburg Winslow Elementary Petersburg Elementary Pike Central Middle School Mrs. Barb Jochim classes visited Precision Machining with Mr. Mark Scott and welding with Mr. Kevin Car- ter. The students are visiting high school classes to see what classes they would be interested in taking when they enter high school. Reid McCandless and Riddick Coleman-Bailey aim their paper airplanes as they get ready for the 1st grade American Education Week airplane races. Beau Stein and Lindsey Lee use their desk to work on their math lesson with a dry erase marker 4th graders Jaxyn Barrett, Xavier Shelton, Mad- ison McCandless and Kacee Mason have fun with their "Saving Sam" STEM activity. Sophia Johnson helps pack the backpack buddies sacks so they will be ready to pass out on Friday. William Jenkins and Denver Killian are decorating a Christmas tree at Petersburg Elementary. An Attitude of Gratitude. Mrs. Miller's first grade class spent the month of November writing differ- ent words on a pumpkin representing things they are thankful for.

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