The Press-Dispatch

November 29, 2017

The Press-Dispatch

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The Press-Dispatch Local Wednesday, November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³VLPSOLVWLFDOO\D VHULHVRIVFKHPDWLFVZLWKVLJQDOVÀRZLQJLQJLYHQSDWKZD\VVLPLODUWRDFRPSXWHU V\VWHP´'U$OOUHGFKRVHWRDOVRZRUNLQVOHHSPHGLFLQHEHFDXVHWKHUHLVD VLJQL¿FDQWRYHUODSRIVOHHSGLVRUGHUVZLWKQHXURORJLFDOGLVRUGHUVZKLFKDOORZVIRUEHWWHUWUHDWPHQWRIWKH SDWLHQW³7KHUHLVDORFDOQHHGIRUWKHFDUHRISDWLHQWVZLWKQHXURORJLFDODQGVOHHSGLVRUGHUV´VDLG'U$OOUHG ³,ZDQWHGWRKHOSWUHDWWKHVHSDWLHQWVDQG¿OOWKDWQHHG´'U$OOUHGLVPDUULHGZLWK¿YHNLGVDQGWZRGRJV:KHQ KHLVQRWZRUNLQJKHHQMR\VUHDGLQJ¿VKLQJFDPSLQJDQGJROI 'U1DGLU,VKDJ2VPDQZDQWHGWREHFRPHDSK\VLFLDQVRKHFRXOGKHOSKHDO DQGVDYHSHRSOH¶VOLYHV³,FKRVHQHXURORJ\DVP\VSHFLDOW\EHFDXVHWKHEUDLQ LVDIDVFLQDWLQJRUJDQ´KHVDLG³,ORYHWRNQRZWKHXQNQRZQ´'U2VPDQZDV LPSUHVVHGZLWK*RRG6DPDULWDQ¶VIULHQGO\DQGSURIHVVLRQDODWPRVSKHUHZKLFK DLGHGLQKLVGHFLVLRQWRSUDFWLFHKHUH+HLVDPHPEHURIWKH$PHULFDQ%RDUG RI0HGLFDO6SHFLDOWLHVDQGKDVSURIHVVLRQDOLQWHUHVWVLQQDUFROHSV\DVZHOODV LQWHUQDWLRQDOPHGLFLQH'U2VPDQDOVRKDVDGLSORPDIURPWKH$PHULFDQ%RDUG RI3V\FKLDWU\DQG1HXURORJ\,QF+LVDUHDRISUDFWLFHLVDGXOWQHXURORJ\DQGDGXOWSHGLDWULFVVOHHSPHGLFLQH +HLVDOVRDUHVHDUFKVFLHQWLVWZLWKVHYHUDOSXEOLFDWLRQVLQSHHUUHYLHZHGMRXUQDOVLQWKH¿HOGVRIQHXURORJ\ QHXURVFLHQFHDQGVOHHSPHGLFLQHDQGLVDQ$I¿OLDWH$VVLVWDQW3URIHVVRUDWWKH&KDUOHV(6FKPLGW&ROOHJHRI 0HGLFLQHLQ)ORULGD,QKLVIUHHWLPH'U2VPDQHQMR\VVSHQGLQJWLPHZLWKKLVIDPLO\LQFOXGLQJKLVZLIHDQG WZRFKLOGUHQSOD\LQJVRFFHUKLNLQJDQGWUDYHOLQJ 66HYHQWK6WUHHW_9LQFHQQHV,1 _JVKYLQRUJ 420 Illinois St., Petersburg IN SUNDAY, DEC. 17 • 10am Christmas Concert & Dinner Gospel Center Church FOR INFORMATION, CONTACT 812-354-9914 e Common Bond Quartet will be with us for a great time of celebration. ey are a talented group and we are confident that you will enjoy a great concert focused on the true meaning of Christmas! Following the concert we will have a great time of food and fellowship at our Church Family Christmas lunch. Please plan to be with us on what is sure to be a blessed time. 8)&/:063-*'&$)"/(&4 :063*/463"/$&10-*$*&4 4)06-%%05)&4".& 0-*$*&4 .& MOOSE LODGE Dining Specials 5pm-8pm 115 Pike Ave., Petersburg OR ORDER FROM MENU FRIDAY 12-01-17 SATURDAY 12-02-17 Buffet with Salad Bar. Only $9.95. Buffet with Salad Bar. Only $9.95. Sandwiches, Fish and Steaks Open to the Public Coffee or Tea with special. Brush fire on Dutchtown Road One Petersburg pumper and one tanker, plus about a dozen firefighters, responded to a field fire in the woods between two houses about a mile north of Hwy 356 on Dutchtown Road Tuesday afternoon. Fire suppression succeeded using hoses, flappers and manpower to keep the fire contained to leaves, brush and some small trees. James Capozella photo Jobless rate fell to 3 percent in October By Ed Cahill Pike County's jobless rate fell to 3.0 percent in October, according to preliminary figures released by the In- diana Department of Work- force Development on Mon- day, Nov. 20. October's 3.0 percent job- less rate was two-tenths of a percentage point lower than the revised 3.2 percent un- employment rate Pike Coun- ty recorded in September. The 3.0 percent jobless rate was also the lowest re- corded in Pike County dur- ing the month of October since 2000, when it was 2.1 percent. According to estimates released by the Indiana De- partment of Workforce De- velopment, 6,181 of Pike County's labor force of 6,373 were employed during Oc- tober, leaving 192 persons without jobs. In October 2016, when the county's jobless rate was 3.8 percent, it was estimated that 5,966 of the county's la- bor force of 6,200 were em- ployed, leaving 234 persons without jobs. In adjoining counties: • Daviess County's job- less rate remained the same from September to October at 2.8 percent. In October 2016, Daviess County's job- less rate was 3.1 percent. • Dubois County's job- less rate fell from a revised 2.6 percent in September to a preliminary 2.5 percent in October. In October 2016, Dubois County's jobless rate was 2.8 percent. • Gibson County's job- less rate fell from a revised 3.0 percent in September to a preliminary 2.9 percent in October. In October 2016, Gibson County's jobless rate was 3.2 percent. • Knox County's jobless rate remained the same from September to Octo- ber at 3.4 percent. In Octo- ber 2016, Knox County's job- less rate was 3.9 percent. • Warrick County's job- less rate fell from a revised 3.1 percent in September to a preliminary 2.9 percent in October. In October 2016, Warrick County's jobless rate was 3.7 percent. Statewide, county non- seasonally adjusted unem- ployment rates fell in 72 counties, increased in two counties and remained the same in 18 counties from September to October. Adams, Elkhart and La- Grange counties tied for the state's lowest unemploy- ment rate during October at 2.4 percent. Dubois County recorded the second-lowest jobless rate in October at 2.5 percent. Vermillion County record- ed the state's highest unem- ployment rate during Octo- ber at 5.1 percent, followed by Fayette and Lake coun- ties at 5.0 percent. The Elkhart-Goshen met- ropolitan statistical area had the state's lowest jobless rate among the state's 13 MSAs in October at 2.4 per- cent, while the Gary MSA had the state's highest MSA jobless rate in October at 4.7 percent. The jobless rate for the Evansville MSA was 3.2 per- cent in October, which was down one-tenth of a percent- age point from 3.3 percent in September. In October 2016, the Evansville MSA's jobless rate was 3.8 percent. According to data pro- vided by the Indiana De- partment of Workforce De- velopment, the Evansville MSA – which includes Gib- son, Posey, Vanderburgh and Warrick counties – had a total of 163,000 jobs in Oc- tober, an increase of 2,700 jobs from October 2016. From September to Oc- tober, the Evansville MSA experienced significant in- creases in the trade, trans- portation and utilities (+400), mining, logging and construction (+300), retail trade (+300), and education and health services (+200) sectors. Those gains were partial- ly offset by losses in the lei- sure and hospitality (-300) and professional and busi- ness services (-200) sectors from September to October. Indiana's seasonally-ad- justed unemployment rate rose from a revised 3.8 per- cent in September to a pre- liminary 3.9 percent in Sep- tember while remaining low- er than the national jobless rate of 4.1 percent. With the exception of one month when it was equal (October 2015), Indiana's unemploy- ment rate now has been be- low the U.S. rate for four full years. The monthly unemploy- ment rate is a U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics indicator that reflects the number of unemployed people seeking employment within the prior four weeks as a percentage of the labor force. Indiana's labor force had a net decrease of 11,694 over the previous month, which was the result of a 2,351 un- employed residents seeking employment and a 14,045 decrease in residents em- ployed. Indiana's total labor force stands at 3.33 million, and the state's 64.2 percent labor force participation rate remains above the national rate of 62.7 percent. In addition, Indiana's ini- tial and ongoing unemploy- ment insurance claims are at historical lows. Private sector employ- ment has grown by more than 22,600 jobs over the year, and has increased by 2,500 jobs over the previ- ous month primarily due to gains in the financial activi- ties (+3,400) and the trade, transportation and utilities (+2,100) sectors. Gains were partially offset by losses in the professional and busi- ness services (-3,000) and the construction (-2,400) sectors. Total private employment stands at 2,691,600 and is 14,700 above the November 2016 peak. Otwell Christmas decorations lighted Jefferson Township Ruritan members Ry- an Schmitt and Jordan Ison use a lift to place Christmas lights on utility poles along CR1000E.

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