South Gibson Star-Times

April 12, 2022

The South Gibson Star-Times serves the towns of Haubstadt, Owensville and Fort Branch.

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MY SO CALLED MILLENNIAL LIFE Learning how to fail CRAB RANGOON CRAB RANGOON EGG ROLLS EGG ROLLS By Jennifer Vallee When my kids were younger and I had the extra money for it, we would treat ourselves to a good meal from a restau- rant. Given that my son's favorite restaurant was Mexican and my daughter and I loved Chinese food, it was usually a bit of a let down for at least one of us. Given these hurdles, I found it made more sense to learn to make these dishes at home. I mastered several dishes easily, but was always a bit sad that I was missing some of my favorites that I had not learned to make yet. My absolute favorite, and a favorite of both my kids was crab rangoon. I had never attempted anything purse-shaped and was a little frightened of the prospect, so I decided to do without. To my delight and surprise, however, I found a recipe that merged the delicious filling in an easy to roll egg roll shape. I found it to be both easy and delicious! The recipe I used asked for real crab meat, but I found imitation crab meat, chopped fine, suited both my palate and my pocketbook. It was a huge hit and I still occasionally pull it out as a treat. I like both sweet and savory crab rangoon, but this one is on the savory side. If you prefer it sweeter, feel free to add half a tablespoon of sugar. Enjoy! INGREDIENTS • 2 (8 ounce) boxes cream cheese softened • 1 –2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce (see notes) • 1 teaspoon garlic powder • 1/2 teaspoon onion powder • 3 green onions chopped • 1/2 lb fresh white cooked crab meat flaked or diced • 8 –10 egg roll wrappers • Vegetable oil for frying DIRECTIONS 1. In food processor pulse cream cheese, Worcestershire sauce, garlic powder, onion powder and green onions sev- eral times until mixed. Stir in crab meat. 2. Lay one egg roll wrapper out with a corner pointing to- wards you. Place about three rounded tablespoons in the center of each wrapper making a short horizontal lump . Bring the corner that is closest to you up and over and gently tuck it in. Fold in the sides and roll the wrapper tightly. Use a small amount of water to secure the tip of the wrapper. (If you don't know how to roll an egg roll it usually shows on the package with pictures). 3. Heat oil in heavy stockpot or saucepan to 375 degrees. Fry them 2-3 at a time (depending on the size of your pan) for 1-2 minutes or until lightly browned. Allow the heat to charge back up in between batches. Place on pa- per towels to drain. Serve warm. Source: 317-650-4086 317-650-4086 (cell) (cell) Call Today! Call Today! We believe that right Insurance Plan is the one that meets your needs. 60-Year-Old Company Providing Health Insurance Strategies for Farmers, Ranchers and Self-Employed Businesses Are You Paying Too Much? If your answer to this question is "yes," Policies Individually Underwritten By Reserve National Insurance Company LOUIE CAMPBELL Sales Professional CALL OR TEXT 812-899-6267 @LouieYourCarGuy HWY. 64 W. PRINCETON Looking for a Great Deal On Your Next Vehicle? April Fool's Day jokes that tragically are not By Stephanie Hayes Columnist It is time for the worst holiday of the year. Not Tax Day, nor Columbus Day, nor Talk Like a Pirate Day, nor Nation- al Pickle Day. The pestilence at hand is April Fool's Day. This is not the first time I've ranted about the awfulness of April Fool's Day, and by golly, it will not be the last. I might run for office just to push some Marco Rubio-type daylight saving time legisla- tion and become known as the Senate's colorful April Fool's crank. "Everyone has their thing," the others will whisper, shrugging. "Just let her have it. It's like Disney Adults." Go ahead, put plastic wrap on your brother's toilet; enjoy the cleanup. My annual beef is with the corporate prolif- eration of unfunny pranks in a world al- ready drowning in misinformation. The brands, they cherish April Fool's. Cau- liflower Peeps, Velveeta skin care, Bud Light pizza seltzer. Last year, Teletubbies announced their own cryptocurrency, which — I cannot stress this enough — is completely believable in these times. The first fake press release of the year arrived on March 23, a full 10 days ear- ly. These people really want to drag this misery out. What's more, the joke story is embargoed, media-speak for "please don't share yet." This company wanted the fake news held until a date of its choos- ing. The mind reels! Reels, the mind does! Imagine the working hours involved in spoof announce- ments, the defeating fol- low-up emails, the metrics reports. No wonder people are resigning from jobs en masse. They must launder trash over and over, the way a raccoon cleans a pile of gar- bage. I am disconsolate! Real life is absurd enough, as my leg- islation will clearly state. Let's review a few totally true things that might as well be April Fool's jokes: The phrase "by golly." Chris Rock making that crack at the Oscars. Will Smith slapping Chris Rock. The ensuing 37 think pieces on Will Smith slapping Chris Rock. The discourse about the discourse about Will Smith slapping Chris Rock. Changing gears, because you cannot take one more thing about Will Smith and Chris Rock, let's discuss giant squids. Their eyes alone stretch to the size of plates. They, perhaps, are cannibals. In- stead of a tongue, they eat using a long or- gan dotted with rows of teeth. We do not need April Fool's jokes when the Kraken is real, by golly! While we're here, basically everything about the ocean is unbeliev- able. It stretches more than 35,000 feet deep, or about 1,400 Airstream trailers. It's riddled with deadly black holes, monsters and viruses, and that's only the 20 percent scientists know about. Happy spring, the ocean wants to kill you. Horned lizards can rock- et blood from their eyeballs. How about that, Burger King? That's way scarier than Whopper-flavored toothpaste. Harry Styles has four nipples, which is harmless and more common than you think. I support you, Harry; call me! Um, what else? Oh, there's something known as a "rat king," which is when a bunch of rats accidentally get their tails tangled in a knot. The same thing hap- pens to squirrels. The odds of a rat or squirrel king forming are slim, of course, much like the odds of me still bloviating about April Fool's Day as an octogenari- an, registering my annoyance to anyone in earshot at morning senior coffee. No, no, that's a fact. Stephanie Hayes is a columnist at the Tampa Bay Times in Florida. Follow her at @ stephhayes on Twitter or @ stephrhayes on Instagram. By Jayme Waddell Youth First, Inc. As a parent, my goal is always to help my children succeed. However, I have re- alized that kids actually need help learn- ing how to fail. When we fail, we have the opportunity to learn from our mistakes and eventually succeed. This isn't neces- sarily a new idea, but one that I now un- derstand better as a parent. Failure is inevitable. If kids don't learn how to tolerate failure, it can leave them vulnerable to anxiety and stress, which often results in meltdowns, regardless of age. It may also lead kids to give up al- together. Acquiring the skills necessary to cope with failure is a crucial part of success. "I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I suc- ceed."–Michael Jordan Michael Jordan, one of the greatest athletes in the world, has spent decades speaking about failure. He has discussed the importance of perseverance and resil- ience, both on and off the court. His leg- endary accomplishments and hard work have turned him into one of the most im- pactful basketball players of all time. Was he born a champion? No. Did he have a raw talent for the game? No. He was re- lentless and never gave up. He accepted failure as part of his success. As the pressure to win increases, we see more kids getting distraught over the smallest error. Therefore, it is increas- ingly more important for kids to learn how to tolerate imperfection. I would ar- gue that learning how to cope with these mistakes may be even more important than whatever lesson or skill they were working on at the time the mistake was made. Learning how to fail is a neces- sary part of accomplishing any goal. It is an important life skill for kids to master to become more independent and thrive in the future. Teaching kids how to fail is a pro- cess that starts with empathy. Saying, "it's okay," "nice try," or "you'll do bet- ter next time" can invalidate the child's feelings, which could lead to more frus- tration and disappointment. Try chang- ing the approach to be more empathet- ic: "I can see that you are upset. I know you wanted to do better." Modeling how to handle your own dis- appointment can also be impactful. Shar- ing your failures and explaining that fail- ure is part of life can help normalize set- backs. Children are not always exposed to the reality that we, as adults, make mis- takes and experience failures. It's import- ant to teach our children that it is okay when things don't always go according to plan. Make failure a teachable moment. When a child fails, there is a great oppor- tunity for parents to teach critical think- ing skills like problem-solving, self-regu- lation, and open mindedness. Try helping your child figure out what could be done next time for potential success. This is all about balance – we want to build distress tolerance skills by accepting that the sit- uation "is what it is" while also recogniz- ing what we learned or what we can do differently next time. Watching your child fail can be dif- ficult, but learning how to handle mis- takes can only be done through expo- sure. When we hover or try to protect our children from every misstep, we rob them of the very experiences that require problem-solving. We take away the op- portunity for them to experience resilien- cy and build the confidence necessary to take on new challenges. Learning how to fail can be a pain- ful experience, but success can only be achieved after we have learned the skills necessary to cope with any obstacles life throws in our path. Jayme Waddell, LSW, is a Youth First Social Worker at John H. Castle Elemen- tary and Yankeetown Elementary in War- rick County. Youth First, Inc. is a nonprofit dedicated to strengthening youth and fami- lies. Youth First provides 78 Master's level social workers to 107 schools in 13 Indiana counties. Over 60,000 youth and families per year are served by Youth First's school social work and after school programs that prevent substance abuse, promote healthy behaviors, and maximize student suc- cess. To learn more about Youth First, vis- it or call 812-421-8336. YOUTH FIRST TODAY Antiques - New Home Decor Vintage Clothing - Collectibles Vintage Candy Store Vintage Candy Store Chocolates - Fudge Truffles - Coffee 2 S T O R E S IN 1 522 MARKET STREET - MT. CARMEL, IL Ladies DayOut Oct. 15-16, 2021 20% 20% Off S Off Selected Merchandise lected Merchandise Boutique - Boutique - Purses - Purses - Coffees - Candles Coffees - Candles Friday: 12 Noon 'till 7:00 p.m. Friday: 12 Noon 'till 7:00 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Drawings, Samples, Free Coffee & Truffles for the Ladies! — OUR ESSENTIAL STORE IS OPEN — — OUR ESSENTIAL STORE IS OPEN — We We offer offer: Soups, Bread, Jellies & Jams, Pasta, Coffee, : Soups, Bread, Jellies & Jams, Pasta, Coffee, Farm Fresh Eggs, Honey, and Fine Chocolates. Farm Fresh Eggs, Honey, and Fine Chocolates. Antiques - New Home Decor Vintage Clothing - Collectibles Vintage Candy Store Vintage Candy Store Chocolates - Fudge Truffles - Coffee 2 S T O R E S IN 1 522 MARKET STREET - MT. CARMEL, IL Ladies DayOut Oct. 15-16, 2021 20% 20% Off S Off Selected Merchandise lected Merchandise Boutique - Boutique - Purses - Purses - Coffees - Candles Coffees - Candles Friday: 12 Noon 'till 7:00 p.m. Friday: 12 Noon 'till 7:00 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Drawings, Samples, Free Coffee & Truffles for the Ladies! — OUR ESSENTIAL STORE IS OPEN — — OUR ESSENTIAL STORE IS OPEN — We We offer offer: Soups, Bread, Jellies & Jams, Pasta, Coffee, : Soups, Bread, Jellies & Jams, Pasta, Coffee, Farm Fresh Eggs, Honey, and Fine Chocolates. Farm Fresh Eggs, Honey, and Fine Chocolates. Antiques - New Home Decor Vintage Clothing - Collectibles Vintage Candy Store Vintage Candy Store Chocolates - Fudge Truffles - Coffee 2 S T O R E S IN 1 522 MARKET STREET - MT. CARMEL, IL Ladies DayOut Oct. 15-16, 2021 20% 20% Off S Off Selected Merchandise lected Merchandise Boutique - Boutique - Purses - Purses - Coffees - Candles Coffees - Candles Friday: 12 Noon 'till 7:00 p.m. Friday: 12 Noon 'till 7:00 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Drawings, Samples, Free Coffee & Truffles for the Ladies! — OUR ESSENTIAL STORE IS OPEN — — OUR ESSENTIAL STORE IS OPEN — We We offer offer: Soups, Bread, Jellies & Jams, Pasta, Coffee, : Soups, Bread, Jellies & Jams, Pasta, Coffee, Farm Fresh Eggs, Honey, and Fine Chocolates. Farm Fresh Eggs, Honey, and Fine Chocolates. Antiques - New Home Decor Vintage Clothing - Collectibles Vintage Candy Store Vintage Candy Store Chocolates - Fudge Truffles - Coffee 2 S T O R E S IN 1 522 MARKET STREET - MT. CARMEL, IL Ladies DayOut Oct. 15-16, 2021 20% 20% Off S Off Selected Merchandise lected Merchandise Boutique - Boutique - Purses - Purses - Coffees - Candles Coffees - Candles Friday: 12 Noon 'till 7:00 p.m. Friday: 12 Noon 'till 7:00 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Drawings, Samples, Free Coffee & Truffles for the Ladies! — OUR ESSENTIAL STORE IS OPEN — — OUR ESSENTIAL STORE IS OPEN — We We offer offer: Soups, Bread, Jellies & Jams, Pasta, Coffee, : Soups, Bread, Jellies & Jams, Pasta, Coffee, Farm Fresh Eggs, Honey, and Fine Chocolates. Farm Fresh Eggs, Honey, and Fine Chocolates. Antiques - New Home Decor Clothing - Collectibles Vintage Candy Store Vintage Candy Store Chocolates - Fudge Truffles - Coffee 2 S T O R E S IN 1 522 MARKET STREET - MT. CARMEL, IL Ladies DayOut Oct. 15-16, 2021 20% 20% Off S Off Selected Merchandise lected Merchandise Boutique - Boutique - Purses - Purses - Coffees - Candles Coffees - Candles Friday: 12 Noon 'till 7:00 p.m. Friday: 12 Noon 'till 7:00 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Drawings, Samples, Free Coffee & Truffles for the Ladies! OUR ESSENTIAL STORE IS OPEN — OUR ESSENTIAL STORE IS OPEN — offer offer: Soups, Bread, Jellies & Jams, Pasta, Coffee, : Soups, Bread, Jellies & Jams, Pasta, Coffee, Farm Fresh Eggs, Honey, and Fine Chocolates. Farm Fresh Eggs, Honey, and Fine Chocolates. Antiques - New Home Decor Vintage Clothing - Collectibles Vintage Candy Store Vintage Candy Store Chocolates - Fudge Truffles - Coffee 2 S T O R E S IN 1 522 MARKET STREET - MT. CARMEL, IL Ladies DayOut Oct. 15-16, 2021 20% 20% Off S Off Selected Merchandise lected Merchandise Boutique - Boutique - Purses - Purses - Coffees - Candles Coffees - Candles Friday: 12 Noon 'till 7:00 p.m. Friday: 12 Noon 'till 7:00 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Drawings, Samples, Free Coffee & Truffles for the Ladies! — OUR ESSENTIAL STORE IS OPEN — — OUR ESSENTIAL STORE IS OPEN — We We offer offer: Soups, Bread, Jellies & Jams, Pasta, Coffee, : Soups, Bread, Jellies & Jams, Pasta, Coffee, Farm Fresh Eggs, Honey, and Fine Chocolates. Farm Fresh Eggs, Honey, and Fine Chocolates. Ladies Ladies Day Out Day Out April 15 20-50% Off Sale Boutique – Purses – Coffees – Candles Boutique – Purses – Coffees – Candles 50% OFF ALL EASTER Hours: Noon-8 p.m. Independent Insurance Agent 812-483-4670 • Haubstadt • CALL: Bill Yarbor Are You Adequately Covered? A new year means changes to Medicare premiums, deductibles, copays and benefi ts! Bill Yarbor, experienced insurance agent can help you make sure you are adequately covered. Medicare Supplement Insurance, Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part-D prescription drug plans. A-8 Tuesday, April 12, 2022 South Gibson Star-Times

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