The Press-Dispatch

February 16, 2022

The Press-Dispatch

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The Press-Dispatch Wednesday, Feburar y 16, 2022 D-1 CHURCH Submit church items: Call: 812-354-8500 Email: or bring in a hard copy: 820 E. Poplar Street, Petersburg "How could Peter say to the Jews that their inheritance is reserved for them in heaven (I Peter 1:4) if their hope is earthly? " When the disciples thought "that the king- dom of God should immediately appear (Luke 19:11), the Lord told a parable. The "certain no- bleman" (v. 12) represents the Lord Himself, who went to the "far country" of heaven at His ascension (Acts 1:9) "to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return." This means that the kingdom that will eventually be established for Israel on earth was reserved for them in heaven at that time. Before leaving, the nobleman charged his servants with conducting his business while he was gone (Luke v. 13), a picture of how the Lord left His disciples in charge of His min- istry after He left. But after the "citizens" of Israel killed the Lord, they "sent a message after Him" (v. 14) by killing Stephen, a mes- sage that said, "We will not have this man to reign over us." When the nobleman "was returned, having received the kingdom" (Luke v. 15), he gath- ered his servants to reward them according to their faithfulness (v. 15 -27). This speaks of how, when the Lord returns to the earth, He The church page is made possible by the following firms and businesses: Amber Manor Care Center Petersburg — 812-354-3001 Benner & Co. Heating and Air Petersburg — 812-354-3433 Computers Plus Radio Shack Petersburg — 812-354-9633 DougGlass DBA Hold Everything Self Storage — 812-354-1110 Four Star Fabricators Petersburg — 812-354-9995 Harris Funeral Home 7th and Walnut Streets, Petersburg Phone: 812-354-8844 MK Farms Mike and Kay Anson Monroe City, Winslow — 812-890-5012 Play & Learn Preschool Campbelltown — 812-354-3999 CHURCH CHURCH Notes Notes Notes Ramblings of my mind By Lowell Thomas I've been canceled Points to Ponder By Curtis Bond See MINUTES on page 3 See POINTS on page 3 See R AMBLINGS on page 3 Peter and the heavenly inheritance Minutes with the Bible By Pastor Ricky Kurth Emile Durkheim, the founder of the French school of sociology, saw the role of religion in society as the "glue which holds society togeth- er." This is true for Judaism, Hinduism, Islam and other beliefs. Acceptable human behav- ior is an outgrowth of these religious beliefs. American laws are influenced by what we characterize as our strongly held Judeo-Chris- tian beliefs. America's founding documents reference God and specific freedoms as in- alienable rights. Inalienable means they can- not be taken away from or given away by the possessor. We hold sacred the first amend- ment to our Constitution, which gives every- one freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom to peacefully assemble, and freedom to gripe to our gov- ernment. These freedoms are under wide- spread attack and may soon disappear only to be found in print, but not practice. Our rights are not being taken away judicial- ly or by legislation. They are being eroded by big business, social platforms like Facebook, twitter, and YouTube, by lawmakers, by news media, and by clergy for not embracing and supporting a new social image. The new image lacks any freedom of thought or expression. It is more akin to mind control and robotics. They use tactics of fear and intimidation and the dreaded you have been "canceled" moni- ker to stifle human expression. America is in a cultural civil war. More and more clergy and churches are abandon- ing long held church teachings and replacing them with wokeness theology and joining the fight. They are a modern version of "the in- quisition" of centuries past. Many church go- ers no longer hear the message of repent and do the gospel. The sermon underlining Jesus' new commandment to "love thy neighbor as thyself" is now qualified. To be affirmed as a Wow, it's been another week and another opportunity to share with you my rambling thoughts. It has been a cold week of ice and cold weather. The first day the temperature got above freezing I tried to get as much of the ice up from our driveway as I could. But it was extremely frozen and it was similar to scrap- ing ice from a windshield. It was fun last Sunday though as our grand- kids used their sled on the driveway because it was as slick as the Olympic downhill track. Of course the granddaughter wiped out and went head over heels flying down the hill and she was done with sleigh riding. The school kids got an extra few days out of school because the back roads were too slick to negotiate. When- ever you are passing out kudos, reserve a few for the brave school bus drivers who brave the kids and the driving. The first day school was back in session my wife took Wyatt up the meet the bus and as she put her car in park to wait on the bus her car slid back down the hill. Some of what I had cleaned up became frozen again and was slick enough for her car slide. I hope this is our on- ly storm for the year, but if it another shows up we'll make it through. Just like we made it Assembly of God RIVER OF LIFE 342 E. CR 300 N., Petersburg Sunday morning worship 10 a.m.; Sunday evening worship 6 p.m. and Consumed youth group 7 p.m.; Wednesday eve- ning Bible study 7 p.m.; Men's ministry meeting every other Thursday 10 a.m. If you would like a ride to and from church services, call WASHINGTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 320 S. Meridian Street Washington Sunday school 9:30 a.m.; morning worship 10 :30 a.m.; Wednesday evening dinner and Bible study at 6 p.m. 812-354-8800. Jim Gidcumb, Pastor Baptist Baptist Baptist Continued on the next page BRENTON CHAPEL CHURCH of CHRIST Sunday Service Times: Sunday School �����������������10 a�m� Worship ���������������������� 10:30 a�m� Night Worship ������������������ 6 p�m� 1194 E. C.R. 400 N., Petersburg (PRIDES CREEK ROAD) East of Prides Creek Park ELDERS: Ross Williams 812-789-6444 • Tony Sims 812-582-2819 CHECK OUR FACEBOOK PAGE Blessed are the pure in Heart, for they will see God. Matthew 5:8 AYRSHIRE VALLEY G.B. CHURCH 1947 E. Co. Rd. 375 S. Winslow Phone: 812-354-3862 Sunday school 9:30 a.m., Jim King, superintendent, Paul Couts, assistant; morning wor- ship 10 :30 a.m.; Sunday evening 6:30 p.m.; Wednesday evening Bible study 6:30 p.m. My hope and prayer for all people who read this is that you will make a decision to confess the past, repent from your sins and accept Jesus as the Savior and Lord. See our Facebook page: face- Frank A. Coleman, Pastor FBC PETERSBURG 8th and Poplar Street Petersburg 812-354-6582 American Baptist Church Our Vision is to Engage with God and equip Christians to Reach Out, Show Love and Serve our Community. Join us on Sunday morn- ings at 10 :30 a.m. in-person or online ( YouTube or Face- book) for a time of fellowship and Christ-centered instruc- tion from God's Word. Sunday school starts at 9:30 a.m. for all ages. Adult Bible study and youth group meet Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. We hope to see you here. Michael Miller, Pastor GLEZEN G.B. CHURCH Corner of Center and Sycamore Sunday school 9:30 a.m.; morning worship 10 :30 a.m.; Wednesday Bible study at 6:30 p.m. Studying John, Chapter 11. Remember those on our prayer list, the shut-ins and our lost loved ones. "A fter this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands; And cried with a loud voice, saying Salvation to our God which sit- teth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb. And all the angels stood round about the throne, and about the elders and the four beasts, and fell before the throne on their face, and wor- shiped God, saying, Amen: Blessing, and glory, and wis- dom, and thanksgiving, and honor, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever" —Amen. This scene from Revelation 7:9 -12, so beautifully captures God's end vision. In a time that has left many feeling isolated and weary, it is good to remind one anoth- er of God's heart and to look ahead with anticipation to this GR ACE G.B. CHURCH 1007 E. Union St., Winslow Sunday morning worship 10 a.m.; Sunday evening worship 5 p.m.; Wednesday Bible study at 5 p.m. Henry Nelson, Pastor Bill Chesser, Reporter IMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH SBC 295 West Main Street Petersburg Church 812-486-3658 Pastor 812-890-9942 Email: awordfitlyspoken@ Website: www.immanuel- Early service at 9:30 a.m. to coincide with children's Sunday school; Sunday morn- ing Bible study at 9:30 a.m.; morning worship 10 :40 a.m.; Wednesday evening prayer meeting at 6 p.m. and youth from 6 -8 p.m. For more infor- mation, contact Pastor Joe at 812-890 -9942. MT. PISGAH G.B. CHURCH 6100 S. Augusta Broadway Street Winslow Pastor 812-582-0756 Sunday morning worship at 10 :15 a.m.; children Sun- day school during the morn- ing worship; Cross Fit youth on Sunday evening at 6 p.m.; Consume on Wednesday eve- ning at 6:30 p.m. "I treasure your word in my heart, so that I may not sin against you" (Psalm 119). Memorizing scripture gives you a better understanding of the Bible and of the way God wants you to live. The Bible says that you are to hide His Word in your heart, and you do this by reading, studying, and inwardly digesting what God has to say. Intimately knowing Scrip- ture helps you find God's pur- pose in your life, because it is ready and on the tip of your tongue when you face tempta- tion or trials. The verses you know come back to you and re- mind you to call on God. They help you give Him control and they comfort you. If at any time you have no church to attend, feel free to join us for services. Your pres- ence will be appreciated and I'm sure you will feel the bless- ing of God. May God bless each and everyone. Jerry "Tuffy" Blackwell, Pastor Sharon Kendall, Reporter BIBLE BAPTIST CHURCH An Independent Baptist Church 4995 N. Co. Rd. 850 E. Otwell (Meeting in the Iva Union Church building) Sunday school for chil- dren and adults 9 a.m.; Sun- day morning worship service 10 a.m.; Sunday evening ser- vice, Youth Group (6th grade through 19 years old), and Patch Club (four years old through 5th grade) 6 p.m.; Thursday, prayer service 7 p.m. Scott Fulcher, Pastor very real day that we are pre- paring for—This is God's vi- sion. A vast crowd of worship- ers around the throne, too many to count, from every na- tion, tribe and language, giv- ing Him glory and praise. In thinking about this time where we all come together, may God renew your faith, refresh your perspective and give you eyes to see where He is at work around you in this time. May He give you creative ideas for how to participate in things He is doing and how to join Him in seeing this beauti- ful vision fulfilled. Author Un- known. Dwight Howe, Pastor Karri Brock, Reporter

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