The Press-Dispatch

February 16, 2022

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D-6 Wednesday, Feburar y 16, 2022 The Press-Dispatch PETERSBURG CIVIL CITY, PIKE COUNTY, INDIANA CASH & INVESTMENTS COMBINED STATEMENT—2021 Cash and Inv. Cash and Inv. Balance at 2021 2021 Balance at Funds January 1, 2021 Receipts Disbursements December 31, 2021 GOVERNMENTAL ACTIVITIES General $345,581.00 $629,094.33 $613,780.48 $360,894.85 Unsafe Building Fund $5,288.05 $0.00 $25.00 $5,263.05 ARP Coronavirus Recovery Funds $0.00 $261,557.48 $34,274.07 $227,283.41 MVH $89,239.71 $81,344.26 $120,701.03 $49,882.94 Local Road & Street $36,941.73 $16,356.42 $0.00 $53,298.15 MVH Restricted $0.00 $49,986.45 $18,548.96 $31,437.49 Park $13,397.25 $40,280.05 $40,934.47 $12,742.83 Levy Excess Fund $4,128.60 $0.00 $4,128.60 $0.00 Park Donation $24,343.68 $182.65 $0.00 $24,526.33 Planning And Zoning $1,250.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,250.00 Benner Bark Park Donations $8,380.76 $720.00 $5,365.95 $3,734.81 IHCDA $0.00 $2,239.84 $2,239.84 $0.00 Local Law $882.10 $762.00 $1,422.10 $222.00 Riverboat Fund $98,464.21 $23,526.52 $19,873.91 $102,116.82 Des#2002850 CCMG 2020-2 $0.00 $44,847.91 $44,847.91 $0.00 Rainy Day Fund $300,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $300,000.00 LOIT–Public Safety $151,303.66 $81,526.36 $59,652.45 $173,177.57 Fire Protection Brush Truck $0.00 $31,702.00 $30,747.56 $954.44 Community Foundation Grant $2,065.13 $7,000.00 $0.00 $9,065.13 Fire Run Equipment $20,114.64 $8,300.50 $19,123.32 $9,291.82 Fire Territory Equip Repl $185,357.64 $73,229.65 $57,109.08 $201,478.21 Fire Territory Operating $99,478.49 $84,446.51 $76,823.12 $107,101.88 DNR Fire Grant $0.00 $10,827.10 $10,827.10 $0.00 AFG Fire Fighting Grant $0.00 $0.00 $3,975.00 -$3,975.00 Fire Donation $7,175.93 $100.00 $7,175.93 $100.00 Fire Reimbursable Grant $4,000.00 $0.00 $4,000.00 $0.00 Redevelopment $241,828.81 $145,440.56 $10,029.73 $377,239.64 C.C.I. $50,420.36 $4,896.10 $9,800.00 $45,516.46 C.C.D. $85,043.21 $13,388.12 $19,054.99 $79,376.34 EDIT $938,572.31 $223,935.64 $124,367.78 $1,038,140.17 Police Donation $387.11 $400.00 $78.01 $709.10 Police Other $0.00 $3,703.07 $2,628.19 $1,074.88 Des#2100462 CCMG 2021-1 $0.00 $102,735.16 $0.00 $102,735.16 Park Investment $75,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $75,500.00 Safer Grant $0.00 $0.00 $7,222.38 -$7,222.38 Walnut Hill Cemetery $147,584.27 $88,852.77 $65,892.54 $170,544.50 Walnut Hill Savings $11,395.12 $18.44 $0.00 $11,413.56 Police Reserve $1,111.85 $0.00 $0.00 $1,111.85 Donation Special Response $4,111.76 $0.00 $2,100.36 $2,011.40 Police Pension $28,074.17 $6,485.46 $9,174.17 $25,385.46 Payroll Fund $0.00 $1,167,863.89 $1,167,863.89 $0.00 WASTEWATER Waste Water Collection $189,712.92 $723,510.49 $730,006.05 $183,217.36 Wastewater 2015 Rev Bonds $14,455.15 $159,200.00 $159,283.75 $14,371.40 Waste Water Cash In Drawer $80.00 $0.00 $0.00 $80.00 2019 Wastewater Project $2,471,617.28 $3,820,000.00 $5,472,316.91 $819,300.37 Waste Water Debt Reserve $85,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $85,000.00 WATER Water Cash Operating $727,174.50 $1,828,337.40 $1,925,442.46 $630,069.44 Water Bond & Interest $54,304.87 $95,671.38 $95,657.80 $54,318.45 Water Depreciation $129,293.57 $0.00 $0.00 $129,293.57 Water Meter Deposit $24,549.99 $5,373.86 $5,154.17 $24,769.68 Water Debt Reserve $242,000.84 $25.17 $0.00 $242,026.01 Water Cash In Drawer $80.00 $0.00 $0.00 $80.00 SR 61 Water Main Relocation $0.00 $523,914.72 $761,978.27 -$238,063.55 Water Project $196,781.65 $1,140,000.00 $1,270,693.25 $66,088.40 Interlocal River Birch Project $343,843.39 $0.00 $0.00 $343,843.39 Total All Funds $7,460,315.71 $11,501,782.26 $13,014,320.58 $5,947,777.39 (February 16, 2022) hspaxlp LEGALS LEGALS LEGALS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS PETERSBURG REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION SITE 2044 E. MAIN STREET, PETERSBURG, IN 47567 BRIEF LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 012-00016-00 PT SW SE 23 1N 8 .55A Parcel Number: 63-02-23-403-011.000-012 In accordance with IC 5-23-5, the Petersburg Redevelopment Commission ("Commission"), on behalf of the City of Petersburg, Indiana ("City"), is seeking proposals from qualified individuals, developers and/or builders for the placement of permanent residential real estate improvements ("Project") on property located within the City and presently owned by the City. e Commission hereby sets forth the general characteristics described below: Residential projects with the greatest impact to the community will be given preference, and must meet all current zoning (unless variances or modifications are granted) and state building codes. Preference will be given to those residential structures of at least 1300 sq feet of living area, attached garages, and at least two bedrooms. Aesthetic value to the surrounding neighborhood will be considered. Other characteristics and specifications as may be identified and included in future design documents and agreements e Developer would assume ownership of the site aer being the succesful bidder, taking into consideration not only meeting the minimum price as required by law, but also the characteristics as set forth in this notice. e Commission will require information from the selected winner sufficient to prove the financing ability, and ability to meet the costs of the proposed improvements. It will be a material part of the consideration for the conveyance that Grantee will have placed on the real estate residential improvements per the plans and specifications as presented by Grantee to the City Redevelopment commission. Construction to be completed within 18 months of the date of this deed. Failure of Grantee to comply, can result in forfeiture of the real estate and any improvements, and the voidance of this deed. In the event of said forfeiture, Grantee will not be entitled to any compensation for work and/ or improvements made by Grantee. e City must institute forfeiture proceedings within 3 years of the making of this conveyance. INFORMATION TO BE INCLUDED IN PROPOSALS Proposals should include a written description of the applicant's plans and experience designing, financing, constructing, operating, transferring, and developing projects and details related to this specific project. Further, a site plan including drawings of proposed improvements should be submitted including dimensional information. Further, the commission will need: GENERAL INFORMATION General information including (company?) name, principal office location, point of contact, and contact information e Commission does not require you to submit a certified check or other evidence of financial responsibility with your proposal. ANTICIPATED SELECTION PROCESS e Commission will review all proposals and may enter into discussions with offerors to clarify and assure full understanding of proposals. All offerors will be accorded fair and equal treatment with respect to any opportunity for discussion and revision of proposals. e Commission or its agent will make a recommendation for award of an agreement based upon compliance with the above-requested information, or shall terminate the request for proposal process. Of all evaluation criteria listed in this Request for Proposals, the offeror's focus on revitalization of the area, general project approach and financial capacity will be given the most weight by the Commission. e price offered in a proposal will be considered, but is not the primary determining factor. e Commission reserves the right to modify or cancel this project at any time before a developer enters into formal agreement with the Commission, including at any point during the evaluation period. DEADLINE Proposals are due by 2:30 p.m. on, Feb. 25, 2022, and six (6) copies of such proposals (plus one [1] unbound copy) should be hand delivered to (and questions should be directed to): Redevelopment Commission President City of Petersburg, Indiana Phone: 812-354-8511 E-mail: (February 16, 2022) hspaxlp TO THE OWNERS OF THE WITHIN DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE AND ALL INTERESTED PARTIES PIKE NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Sheriff Sale File number: 63-22-0003-SS Date & Time of Sale: Wednesday, March 30, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. Sale Location: Pike County Sheriffs' Office basement, 100 S. 4th St., Petersburg, IN Judgment to be Satisfied: $89,647.97 Cause Number: 63C01-1907-MF-000268 Plaintiff: PHH Mortgage Corporation Defendant: Anthony Hasenour, AKA Anthony B. Hasenour, e United States of America, e Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and Unknown Occupants By virtue of a certified copy of a decree to me, directed from the Clerk of Superior/Circuit Court of Pike County, Indiana, requiring me to make the sum as provided for in said DECREE, with interest and cost, I will expose at public sale to the highest bidder at the date, time and location listed above, the fee simple of the whole body of Real Estate, a certain tract or parcel of land described as follows: Lot Number Twenty-three (23) in Dempsey's First Addition to the Town of Otwell, Indiana. Commonly Known as: 9951 EAST MCKINLEY STREET, OTWELL, IN 47564 Parcel No. 63-08-05-410-007.000-002 Together with rents, issues, income and profits thereof, said sale will be made without relief from valuation or appraisement laws. is Notice shall also represent service of Notice of Sale of the above- described real estate upon the owners, pursuant to requirements of IC 32-29-7-3. *An entire Sheriff 's Sale may be cancelled due to inclement weather or other county emergencies. If the entire Sheriff 's Sale is cancelled, each parcel will be cancelled. Each parcel will be assigned to the next available sale (normally 2 months from original sale). is will allow compliance with Indiana Code concerning posting, publication, and serving time frames. Also, new Sheriff 's Sale fees will be assessed and the parcels will be automatically re-advertised. e plaintiff will be responsible for the new fees and advertising costs. Kent Johnson, Sheriff of Pike County By: Kent Johnson, Sheriff Phone: (812) 354-6024 Township of property location: Jefferson Common street address of property: 9951 East McKinley Street, Otwell, IN 47564 Property tax ID: 63-08-05-410-007.000-002 Attorney: Nicholas M. Smith Attorney Number: 31800-15 Law Firm: Manley Deas Kochalski LLC Contact Number: (614) 220-5611 e sheriff 's office does not warrant the accuracy of the commonly known street address. It is the buyer's responsibility to research the legal description and associated legal filings. (February 16, 23 and March 2, 2022) hspaxlp CLUES ACROSS 1. Remain as is 5. Functional 11. News magazine 12. Popular treat 16. Area units 17. Artificial intelligence 18. Marten valued for its fur 19. Forms of matter 24. Home of the Dodgers 25. Bordering 26. Part of the eye 27. It might be nervous 28. Visualizes 29. Crest of a hill 30. Measures engine speed (abbr.) 31. Tears in a garment (Br. Eng.) 33. Not easily explained 34 Song in short stanzas 38. Detonations 39. Intestinal 40. EU cofounder Paul-Henri __ 43. Balmy 44. New Mexico moun - tain town 45. Gobblers 49. Insecticide 50. Golf scores 51. Has its own altar 53. "Pollock" actor Harris 54. Being livable 56. NHL play-by-play CROSSWORD man 58. "The Great Lakes State" (abbr.) 59. Unpainted 60. Swam underwater 63. Native American people 64. Containing salt 65. Exam CLUES DOWN 1. Small bone in mid- dle ear 2. Long, angry speech 3. Move out of 4. Male organ 5. Two-toed sloth 6. Making dirty 7. Article 8. Oil company 9. Emits coherent radi- ation 10. Amounts of time 13. Unit equal to one quintillion bytes (abbr.) 14. Forbidden by law 15. Drains away 20. Not out 21. Sea patrol (abbr.) 22. Bird genus 23. Gratuity 27. __ and feathers 29. Spiritual part of an individual (ancient Egypt) 30. Hot beverage 31. Pouch 32. It followed the cas - sette 33. Large northern deer 34. Ones who offer for- mally 35. Famed genie 36. Bequeathed 37. Skeletal muscle 38. Atomic #56 40. Silk garment 41. They deliver the mail 42. Equally 44. Check 45. Light-colored breed of hound 46. Drug that soothes 47. Railroads 48. Most slick 50. Jacket 51. A radio band 52. Hello 54. His and __ 55. Supporter 57. Popular software suite (abbr.) 61. Railway 62. NY coastal region (abbr.) SERVICES Contractors Richard Sabelhaus 812-582-9425 INSURED Electrical & Plumbing Services abelhaus, llc S (Formerly AARC Electric) SEAMLESS GUTTERING Free Estimates 15 colors - 6" available 812-254-5064 All types of concrete work: Driveways, floors, walls, etc. 50 years experience. Knepp's Construction 812- 486-8205. Construction: Room addi- tion, new homes, metal and shingle roofing, window and door replacement, sid- ing decks, bathrooms, kitchens and flooring. Free estimates. Waglers 812- 787-0644. CELCO ELECTRIC Licensed, bonded, insured master electrician. Lifetime labor warranty. Call 812- 309-1474 or 812-788-2058. Find us at www.celcollc. net. BBB Accredited A+ rat- ing. GENERATORS PLUS Installation, service and maintenance. BBB A+ rat- ed. Free estimates. Call 812-788-2058. Miscellaneous JILL'S ALTERATIONS Formal dresses altered with professional results and reasonable prices, jeans hemmed, zippers, embroi- dery, steaming, memorial pillows and much more. Call 812-254-0288. Frank Zint and Sons Truck, Auto and Small Engine Re- pair. We have updated di- agnostic equipment for all vehicles foreign and domes- tic. We replace CV joints, clutches, transmissions, en- gines, all brakes, engine and electrical work on all makes and models. We al- so work on grain trucks, lawn mowers, tillers, chain saws, motorcycles, ATVs and farm tractors. We've been in business since 1980. Call 812-354-9231. SERVICES Contractors YODER'S APPLIANCE RE- PAIR: factory certified tech- nician, works on all makes and models. We also do heating/AC, electrical and plumbing. 812-486-8196 (cell). DISH Network. $64.99 for 190 Channels! Blazing Fast Internet, $19.99/mo. (where available.) Switch & Get a FREE $100 Visa Gift Card. FREE Voice Remote. FREE HD DVR. FREE Streaming on ALL Devices. Call today! 1-855-551-9764 IC Directv Stream–The Best of Live & On-Demand On All Your Favorite Screens. CHOICE Package, $84.99/ mo for 12months. Stream on 20 devices at once in your home. HBO Max FREE for 1 yr (w/CHOICE Pack- age or higher.) Call for more details today! (some restric- tions apply) Call IVS 1-844- 412-9997 IC DIRECTV for $69.99/mo for 12 months with CHOICE Package. Watch your favor- ite live sports, news & en- tertainment anywhere. One year of HBO Max FREE. Di- rectv is #1 in Customer Sat- isfaction (JD Power & Assoc.) Call for more de- tails! (some restrictions ap- ply) Call 1-888-885-8931 IC Earthlink High Speed Inter- net. As Low As $49.95/ month (for the first 3 months.) Reliable High Speed Fiber Optic Technol- ogy. Stream Videos, Music and More! Call Earthlink To- day 1-855-977-7069 IC SERVICES Contractors High-Speed Internet. We instantly compare speed, pricing, availability to find the best service for your needs. Starting at $39.99/ month! Quickly compare offers from top providers. Call 1-844-961-0666 IC 4G LTE Home Internet Now Available!† Get GotW3 with lightning fast speeds plus take your service with you when you travel!† As low as $109.99/mo! 1-877-327- 0930 IC Smart Home Installations? Geeks on Site will install your WIFI, Doorbells, Cam- eras, Home Theater Sys- tems & Gaming Consoles. $20 OFF coupon 42537! (Restrictions apply) 855- 668-0067 IC Thinking about installing a new shower? American Standard makes it easy. FREE design consultation. Enjoy your shower again! Call 1-855-475-0534 today to see how you can save $1,000 on installation, or visit www.newshowerdeal. com/hoosier IC Wesley Financial Group, LLC–Timeshare Cancella- tion Experts–Over $50,000,000 in timeshare debt and fees cancelled in 2019. Get free information- al package and learn how to get rid of your timeshare! Free consultations. Over 450 positive reviews. Call 877-329-1207 IC

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