The Press-Dispatch

March 20, 2019

The Press-Dispatch

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B-8 Classifieds Wednesday, March 20, 2019 The Press-Dispatch LEGALS OTWELL MILLER ACADEMY 2018 ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REPORT (APR) GENERAL EXPLANATIONS Note for 2019 APR Publication: e Annual Performance Report is based on the best available data at the time of publication. e Indiana Department of Education is aware of several unresolved scoring issues from assessments administered in the 2018 school year. Schools potentially affected by these issues have been notified. When these issues are resolved, the IDOE anticipates very limited impact on published school proficiency rates for the 2018 school year. Should a school grade be impacted in the resolution of the scoring issues, the IDOE will recommend an alteration of the grade to the State Board of Education. e IDOE does not anticipate changes to any school corporation grades. Upon resolution of these scoring issues, the IDOE will review any other measures based school accountability and determine what, if any, changes should be made as a result. e APR is a report on the performance of schools and school corporations (districts) in your area. e goal is to provide information regarding the progress schools are making to help students become college-and–career ready. Where possible, this report contains three years of data to show trends – not just this year's results. In addition, the State Average is also shown for comparison purposes. ere are additional indicators that are available on the Indiana Department of Education's Web site (compass.doe., including data broken out by different student subgroups, such as race, gender, income level and special education. Indiana educators and citizens have developed higher academic standards for all students. ese standards are necessary to prepare Indiana students to be successful in life, whether they go directly to higher education or to the workplace. e scores for ISTEP+ are listed under each school to reflect student progress toward those standards. For high schools, you also will see graduation rates and the percentage of graduates who plan to go on to college. Other important data are provided, such as average attendance rates and indicators of school safety, including expulsions and suspensions. Also included is information about your school corporation, such as how much is spent, on average, for each student; how much teachers are paid; and the percentage of corporation students who are in special education classes or gied and talented classes. DEFINITIONS (IN THE ORDER FOUND ON THE REPORT) CORPORATION LEVEL & GENERAL SCHOOL DATA A-F Accountability Grade Grade calculated by the IDOE per 511 IAC 6.2-6 and officially assigned by the State Board of Education. For 2014-15, Schools and Corpora- tions were assigned the better of their 2013-14 grade or the 2014-15 calculated grade. For 2015-16 and later, Schools and Corporations were assigned grades using the New Student Centered Accountability Model. Student Enrollment Number of students enrolled on October 1 of the school year. Note: Counts for Membership purposes are taken on a different day and may differ. Non-Waiver Grad Rate For 2017-18, the percentage of students who entered Grade 9 in Fall 2014 and graduated in four years or less without a waiver College and Career Readiness Rate e percentage of 2017 four year graduates who passed an Advanced Placement test, passed an International Baccalaureate test, received 3 hours of Dual Credit, or received an Industry Certification. Note: ese data are not available for the 2018 cohort at time of publica- tion. Career and Technical Diplomas Core 40 with Technical Honors Diplomas Certified Teachers Teachers certified to teach as reported by School Corporation (includes guidance counselors and other non-Administrator staff ) Teacher Salary Range Salary range is calculated by reviewing the salaries for teachers as provided by the School Corporation. Teachers must be reported at 100% for 180-195 days Students in Special Education Students (including non-public Students) who are receiving special education services Students in Gied and Talented Education Percentage of students enrolled in gied and talented education pro- grams as defined locally Percent of Instruction Delivered rough Career and Technical Education Percentage of total instructional hours delivered through vocational education classes Students Receiving Free or Reduced Price Lunches Students who receive free or reduced price lunches due to family income level Limited English Proficiency Students Students whose inability to communicate English prevents them from participating fully in a standard educational program Foster Card Students Students who are foster care students Alternative Education Students enrolled and receiving instruction for at least 10 days in an approved alternative education program Intra District Mobility Percentage of students who moved from one school to another in the same school corporation Inter District Mobility Percentage of student who moved from one school to another in a different school corporation Pupil Enrollment to Certified Employee Ratio Number of Students per Certified Employees as reported by the School Corporation Attendance Rate Average attendance rate for students ELEMENTARY/MIDDLE SCHOOL DATA ISTEP+ Grade specific exam given to all students. All students in Grades 3-8 are tested annually in Math and English/Language Arts. Students in grades 4 and 6 are also tested in Science. Students in grades 5 and 7 are also tested in Social Studies. In 2014-15 Indiana transitioned to a new, more rigorous college-and-career ready standards and a new statewide assessment to measure these standards. erefore ISTEP results are not comparable to previous data. IREAD Exam given to all students in grade 3 to test reading proficiency. Stu- dents must pass the exam to advance to grade 4 CONTACT: If you have any questions about this information, you should contact your local school corporation or contact the Department of Education at 317-234-1332 or by e-mail at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n 2014-15 Indiana transitioned to new, more rigorous college-and-career ready standards and a new state- wide assessment to measure these standards. erefore, results are not comparable to previous data. *** Suppressed (March 20, 2019) hspaxlp Here's How It Works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues al- ready provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle! SUDOKU C R O S S WO R D CLUES ACROSS 1. Submit 7. When you hope to arrive 10. Ducks 12. Ancient Dead Sea region 13. Hatch 14. Genus of finches 15. Knifes 16. Towards the oral region 17. Bitter-flavored beer 18. Brews 19. Hideouts 21. Where one sleeps 22. Unbroken view of a region 27. Hammer is one 28. Racing legend 33. Commercial 34. Understood by just a few 36. Global design effort 37. Portuguese folk song 38. Traditional woven cloth 39. Oil barrel (abbr.) 40. Cupbearer of the gods 41. Spiritual leader of a Jewish congregation 44. Dabs 45. Bedspread 48. Visionary 49. Prime Ministers 50. Criticize 51. Teeter CLUES DOWN 1. Bird genus 2. A baseball team 3. Taxis 4. Baseball stat 5. Insecticide 6. Midway between east and southeast 7. Icelandic poems 8. Rocker Rundgren 9. Doctors' group 10. Inform wrongly 11. TVs used to have one 12. Long-__: donkeys 14. Weasel-like mammal 17. Payroll company 18. Conductance unit 20. Fifth note of a major scale 23. Prepares 24. Yellow-fever mosquitos 25. Partner to Pa 26. They __ 29. Canadian province (abbr.) 30. Official 31. More colorless 32. Goodies 35. Sanders was one 36. Talkative 38. Rips apart 40. Chinese Muslim 41. Rapid eye movements 42. Song 43. Spent it all 44. Somber 45. Cycles per second 46. Naturally occurring material 47. "Orange is the New Black" character SUDOKU ANSWERS CROSSWORD ANSWERS

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