Better Newspaper Contest

2013 Award Winners

Hoosier State Press Association - The Indiana Publisher - Better Newspaper Contest

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Photo of the Year Evansville Courier & Press Division 6 Lance Cpl. Alec Terwiske's mother, Sandy Terwiske of Dubois, is consoled by Pat Moriarty, right, a member of the Southern Indiana Leathernecks, after her son's flag-draped casket was returned to Dubois County at the Huntingburg Airport. Lance Cpl. Nathan Merkley, left, was a longtime friend to Terwiske. A procession for the Marine who was killed in Afghanistan Sept. 3, 2012, wound its way through Dubois County as thousands paid their respects with signs, American flags and salutes. Salute Denny Simmons Category judge's comments: This was the strongest image among a number of top-notch entries. Evoked strong emotions. Division panel's comments: Great emotion. Quality photo. Outstanding job. Finalist panel's comments: The emotion in this photo is overwhelming. The judges wanted to see it cropped tighter, but still, it stood out above the other entries. Page 9

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