Better Newspaper Contest

2013 Award Winners

Hoosier State Press Association - The Indiana Publisher - Better Newspaper Contest

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Division 5 Best Editorial Page/Category 22 First place Opinion/Readers' Forumn Max Jones Tribune-Star (Terre Haute) Comments: Strong editorials and reader contributions presented in a compelling format. Second place Perspectives/Opinion Jeff Ward The Star Press (Muncie) Comments: Great presentation of good editorials, but readers' contributions pushed to the side. Excellent use of cartoons, but lapses in attention to detail (a missing drop cap or a drop cap overprinting text). Third Place Opinion Harry McCawley The Republic (Columbus) Comments: Engaging pages for both local writers and readers. Design is clean, and Spotlight Letter is an excellent feature. Best Use of Graphics/Category 23 First place Gone in a second; Favorite riffs; Little bug, mighty bite Thomas Maxfield Journal & Courier (Lafayette) Comments: Wow! Rifts graphic was over the top. Really brings the reader in. Top notch graphics throughout. A clear winner! Second place Nation of Arms; Winds of Change; Annexation: 20 Questions Staff The Herald Bulletin (Anderson) Comments: Nice job. Using large red numbers on questions, made it easy to read. Third place No award given Best Online Site/Web Page/Category 24 See Page 12 for all divisions. Best Sports Section/Category 25 First place Sports Staff The Republic (Columbus) Comments: Strong use of art, great coverage of local sports. Second place Sports Staff The Herald-Times (Bloomington) Comments: Nice graphics, layout and design and strong content. Third place Sports Jim Stafford Journal & Courier (Lafayette) Comments: Nice layout and design. Good local coverage. Best Feature Section or Pages/ Category 26 First place Dine & Dish Debra Sorrell The Star Press (Muncie) Comments: This is an appealing publication. You can learn about a local restaurant, get recipes to cut out and hang on to and the food photos are great. Second place Community Scott Miley & Nancy Elliott The Herald Bulletin (Anderson) Comments: This section has an old-school newspaper feel done in a modern way. The page headers direct the reader and keep everything organized. There is something in this section for every possible reader. Third place ETC. Emily Carroll Journal & Courier (Lafayette) Comments: Etc. is a great name for a section. The local content is interesting and presented in a very visual way. Page 56

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