Hoosier State Press Association - The Indiana Publisher - Better Newspaper Contest
Issue link: http://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/222183
The HSPA Foundation appreciates your support of these programs in 2013 The educational opportunities, recognition of excellence in journalism and outside grants to advance awareness of the First Amendment all depend on available funding for the year. Although much of our revenue comes from interest on the Foundation's investment account, programs still depend heavily on member newspapers' donations. We also encourage individuals to donate a personal gift or one remembering or honoring someone special. The Foundation appreciates your consideration and continued support. Internships & scholarships ►Eugene S. Pulliam Internships (10) ►High School Print Journalism Scholarships (2) ►High School Journalism Advisers Internships (2) Rewarding excellence & sharing best ideas ►Advertising Contest ►Editorial Contest Training & educational programs ►Newsroom Seminar ►Road Show for Reporters (partnering with Indiana Associated Press Managing Editors) ►Annual Meetings & Government Conference Civic engagement & partnerships ►Journalism Job & Career Fair (partnering with Indiana Associated Press Managing Editors, Franklin College, Ball State & IUPUI) ►The Foundation partners with the Indiana University Center for International Media Law & Policy Studies on First Amendment projects ►Circulation Conference (partnering with Indiana Circulation Executive Association) ►Advertising Conference (partnering with Indiana Newspaper Advertising Executives Association) ►New NIE weekly activities on website for teachers (partnering with Indiana State Reading Association & Indiana Newspaper in Education Foundation ►Public Access Aware ess Sessions n for Communities & Newspapers ►Visits to Journalism classes ►"We the People" judging, Indiana Bar Foundation ►Arsenal Technical High School – Urban Media Institute Grants ►Ernie Pyle World War II Museum ►Four amicus briefs ►Indiana Historical Bureau – The Indianapolis Times marker HSPA Foundation Mission Statement The Hoosier State Press Association Foundation believes free speech and a free press benefit all citizens and help preserve constitutional rights. Our society faces challenges to the concepts of open government and the marketplace of ideas necessary for democracy to flourish. The HSPA Foundation exists to foster public understanding of the role of a free press in society, to increase public literacy, to enhance the ability of Indiana newspapers to fully educate and inform the public, and to defend the principles of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. www.HSPAfoundation.org