Better Newspaper Contest

2013 Award Winners

Hoosier State Press Association - The Indiana Publisher - Better Newspaper Contest

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Division 6 Best Feature Photo/Category 19 First place Airport James Brosher South Bend Tribune Comments: Makes a reader take a second look. Second place Pit spit Robert Franklin South Bend Tribune Comments: Great expression. Third place Pick her Jason Clark Evansville Courier & Press Comments: Captured the moment. A woman and child make their way past airline check in counters at the South Bend Regional Airport. Best Multiple Picture Group/Category 20 First place Horse Shoe Club James Brosher South Bend Tribune Comments: The images were excellent and the package was an excellent example of using photos to tell the story. Second place Deadly gas explosion Matt Kryger The Indianapolis Star Comments: Strong images in a difficult breaking news situation. Third place Slop Denny Simmons Evansville Courier & Press Comments: A strong, entertaining package. Best Picture Story with Audio or Video Story/Category 21 First place In life and love Swikar Patel The Journal Gazette (Fort Wayne) Comments: A difficult topic and difficult to watch at times, but the presentation was tasteful, compelling and emotional. Second place Sarah Jo Pender fights for new trial Danese Kenon The Indianapolis Star Comments: Well-produced, well-edited piece that flowed smoothly. Fine job in video storytelling. Third place Blind woodworker James Brosher South Bend Tribune Comments: Video and still images worked well together and subject was a good interview. Nicely done. Page 64 A member of the Mishawaka Horseshoe Pitching Club lets a horseshoe fly at Bendix Park in Mishawaka.

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