Better Newspaper Contest

2013 Award Winners

Hoosier State Press Association - The Indiana Publisher - Better Newspaper Contest

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Division 3 Best Feature Photo/Category 19 First place Love, love, love Nicole Ott Columbia City Post & Mail Comments: Adorable moment. Second place Pig kiss Scott Cousins The Times (Frankfort) Comments: None given Third place Llama Elaine Moore The Herald-Press (Huntington) Comments: None given Best Multiple Picture Group/Category 20 People of all ages, including Jade North, left, 5, and Ethan Krider, 3, celebrate Valentine's Day. First place Pallet fire Scott Cousins The Times (Frankfort) Comments: None given Second place Clockwork Mike Kenny The Rochester Sentinel Comments: None given Third place Jumpers Aaron Piper The Tribune (Seymour) Comments: None given Best Picture Story with Audio or Video Story/Category 21 First place Man risks life to save pets David Burns The Courier-Times (New Castle) Comments: None given Firefighters try to control the fire in a small building during a massive fire at Industrial Pallet Corp. Second place Historic Henry County Home comes down David Burns The Courier-Times (New Castle) Comments: None given Third place Neighbors: Bobbi Grill Brian Glick, Mike Marturello & James Tew Herald-Republican (Angola) Comments: None given Page 37

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