The Press-Dispatch

April 18, 2018

The Press-Dispatch

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A-4 Local Wednesday, April 18, 2018 The Press-Dispatch EXPERIENCED QUALIFIED ENGAGED ote JON CRAIG Republican for County Council FOCUSED ON THE FUTURE PAID FOR BY CANDIDATE BRAD JENKINS for Sheriff Paid for by Myrna Jenkins MOOSE LODGE Dining Specials 5pm-8pm 115 Pike Ave., Petersburg OR ORDER FROM MENU FRIDAY 04-20-18 SATURDAY 04-21-18 Bacon Cheeseburger with Fries $6, Country Fried Steak with two sides $7.50. NOW OFFERING PIZZA Open to Members and Qualified Guests Coffee or Tea with special. Wed., Fri. and Sat. • 5pm - 8pm Buffet with Salad Bar. Only $9.95. )5((6.,1 &$1&(56&5((1,1*6 'LG\RXNQRZWKDWPRUHSHRSOHDUHGLDJQRVHGZLWKVNLQFDQFHUHDFK \HDULQWKH8QLWHG6WDWHVWKDQDOORWKHUFDQFHUVFRPELQHG"2UWKDW RQHLQILYH$PHULFDQVZLOOGHYHORSVNLQFDQFHUE\WKHDJHRI" 'R\RXKDYHDFRQFHUQLQJVSRWRQ\RXUVNLQEXWQRWVXUHLI LWLVFDQFHURXV" 1RZLV\RXUFKDQFHWRKDYHWKDWVXVSLFLRXVVSRWRQ\RXUVNLQ FKHFNHGE\DSK\VLFLDQDWRXU)5((6NLQ&DQFHU6FUHHQLQJ *RRG6DPDULWDQ&RPPXQLW\+HDOWK6HUYLFHV 66HYHQWK6WUHHW_9LQFHQQHV,1 DPWRSP_&DOOIRUDSSRLQWPHQWDW 7XHVGD\0D\ &RPPXQLW\+HDOWK6HUYLFHV Jim Corn's Karate was part of the Child Safety Festival hosted by Pike County CASA last Friday evening in Petersburg. Karate kids there for the fun, which included balloons, food and a bounce house, were Jake Furman, Stephanie Gartner, Mya Furman and Brelynn Gordon. Above: A cute little black and white goat at the Pike County 4-H booth during Friday's Child Safety Festival, hosted by Pike County CASA, at- tracted seven-year-old Shane Crume, his six-month-old sister Kayliana and mother, Amber. Amber said it was the first time for both children to see a goat. Right: A large crowd was on hand for Friday's Pike County CASA host- ed Child Safety Festival along Eighth Street in Petersburg. Carol Arvin was clowning around as usual and making balloon figures, along with Patty Warner. The pair made and handed them out to a great ma- ny kids during the Child Safety Festival in Petersburg this past Friday eve- ning. James Capozella photos CASA served up snow cones and hot dogs at the Child Safety Festival on Eighth Street in Petersburg this past Friday. The rain held off and tempera- tures stayed at about 70 degrees while kids and adults had a pleasant time outdoors among friends and child-oriented agencies. CASA CHILD SAFETY FESTIVAL

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