The O-town Scene

December 2, 2010

The O-town Scene - Oneonta, NY

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6 Special Notices  Ride to & from Binghamton, Mon- day through Friday December 6 – 10 & December 13 - 17. Will help pay for :  River St. area: small Call 607-267-1428 9 Lost  . black & white dog with black speckles on legs. 7 mos. “Stella” 433-2277 20 Musical Instruments       !"   #$%&'()&'*+,          Dobro Bass Guitar, Ibanez 6 String Bass Guitar, 5 String Banjo, Jazz Guitar, 2 Violins. Must Sell Make Offer.  22 Garage Sales  12noon til 4pm. 19 Park Ave., Oneonta 432-6601   bicycles, running or not.   33 Wanted to Buy wanted dirt bikes or Cash paid up to $16. box. Call Rob 800-583-0073 .   Hess Trucks, 50 Porcelain dolls. Sat. Dec. 4th   Over 300 ,   Reliable – References Cleaning Services Painting Hauling Services Painting Pellets, Gravel, Stone, Saw Dust, Debris Etc. Fully Insured       Lawn & Garden        Serving Oneonta Free estimates. 432-0516 Plumbing & Heating  Lawn & Garden   20 years. Call 432-1775 Hickory Hill Restorations   Del–Otsego-Chenango Weight Strength & Aerobic Training 432-  (3476)   Area's Only Private Gym Personal Trainers Lawn & Garden insured.  Painting Interior/Exterior. Fully   Lawn & GardenPet Services   In-Home Cat Sitting 607-441-3120      Recycling Insured. Junk Cars & Trucks Most $200 & Up. Licensed &  after 6pm     Snow Removal Painting    Water & Sewage Pumps Pump & Well Service Simmons Water Well  or Well Drilling/Pump Service Serving 3 county area 607-432-8009 Barney & Sons  Well Drilling 0-Town Scene Dec. 2, 2010 29

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