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704-484-1047 Our 40th Year • Issue No. 26 • June 29, 2023 "GOD BLESS AMERICA" More than 90 year old Friendship Quilt finds its way back home By Jean Gordon Using a walker for just a bit of extra security, Kathryn Mooney Wall, 93, gingerly made her way across the room to a wall inside the Golden Valley Community Club. Only minutes before her treasured Friendship Quilt was hung on the wall, as it had finally found its forever home. "It's a dream come true," said Mrs. Kathryn. "I have worked on finding a home for this quilt for the past 20 ye a r s. . . h e r e where it was made to honor the people whose names are on the quilt," she said. The Friend- ship Quilt was made in 1931 by members of the Mooney family, friends and neighbors. It was given to Mrs. Kath- ryn by her aunt Jettie Mooney, who helped make the quilt at least 90 years ago. For the past three decades the quilt has been at Mrs. Kathryn's home in Shelby, but she wanted it returned to its golden roots. Other relatives quilting in 1931 were her step- grandmother, Mary Hardin Mooney and another aunt, Lillie Mae Mooney Walker. The quilt is now placed in a 86"x86" shadow box designed by Janet Berry and Ted Dedmon and built by C l e v e l a n d L u m b e r Company. Berry was on hand recently as the large shadow box was gently placed on a pri- mary wall at the center. Berry works with FMG Frame Masters Gallery and was con- tacted by Mrs. Kathryn to help her with the project. The framing is similar to that of some pieces of art at the Biltmore House, Mrs. Kathryn said. David Brackett, Michael Towery, Arthur Smith, Jeff Hawkins and Jesus Martin arrived at the community club early one morning recently to hang the shadow box. Before the Golden Valley Community Club members were asked about taking own- ership of the Friendship Quilt, Mrs. Kathryn made a visit to Golden Valley Methodist Church but there was not enough room for the quilt. After a trip to Fairview church for a family reunion and dis- cussing placing the quilt there, Mrs. Kathryn believed the best option and the place where it would be seen the most was the Golden Valley Community Club. "I wanted it to go in the community where it was made and to honor the peo- ple whose names are on the quilt," she said. Each one of the original quilters was given 13 pieces of material from dresses worn back in the day. A quilt block was made from the dress fab- ric and names were placed in the block. Kathryn Mooney Wall's name is included on a block See QUILT, Page 2 Kathryn Mooney Wall was just a "kid" when her grandmother helped with the quilt. Inside the quaint Golden Valley Community Club the 90-year-old Friendship Quilt has found a forever home. Mrs. Kathryn talks about the memorable quilt. Hanging the quilt recently — David Brackett, Michael Towery, Arthur Smith, Jeff Hawkins and Jesus Martin. Kathryn Mooney's grandmother honored her with a quilt square. Material came from the dresses she wore as a child. Our Office Will Be Closed On Tuesday, July 4 Advertising Deadline: Monday, July 3 At Noon for our Thursday, July 6 edition holiday