Shelby Shopper Shelby NC
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704-484-1047 Our 39th Year • Issue No. 47 • November 22, 2022 We Are Thankful For Our Readers! HOURS: Mon - Fri 8am - 5:30pm Sat 8am - 3pm Mon - Fri 2011 S. Lafayette St. (Hwy. 18 S) • Shelby, NC Limited Edition Yeti Cups and Coolers! Coolers! 704-482-8464 704-482-8464 Ariat Pants Ariat Pants starting at starting at $39.99 $39.99 Carhartt Pants Carhartt Pants starting at starting at $29.99 $29.99 n NORRIS MERCHANDISE Conceal and Carry Handbags $39.99 S h o p S m a l l S h o p S m a l l T h i s S e a s o n! T h i s S e a s o n! Conc Conc Browning Fleece Browning Fleece Jacket Jacket $29.99 $29.99 N.C. TRACTOR & FARM SUPPLY 299 Railroad Ave., Rutherfordton • 828-288-0395 Mobile: 828-429-5008 • SALES • SERVICE • PARTS IF YOU BUY ANYWHERE ELSE YOU WILL PAY TOO MUCH! IF YOU BUY ANYWHERE ELSE YOU WILL PAY TOO MUCH! PROUDLY SERVING RUTHERFORD, CLEVELAND, GASTON, LINCOLN, POLK COUNTIES AS THE AREAS HOMETOWN MASSEY FERGUSON DEALER. Great Selection Great Selection Crossroads Rescue Mission never wants anyone to be alone on Thanksgiving by MICHAEL E. POWELL CF Media Crossroads Rescue Mission Executive Office Supervisor Martha Badger said recently their organization never wants anyone to be alone on Thanksgiving, or any holiday, for that matter. To that end, and for the past 20 years, she said Crossroads Rescue Mission (CRM) has been in existence since 2001 and feed- ing Thanksgiving Dinner to many because, "We never want a per- son to be alone on Thanksgiving. We will be your family and your friend." Badger's job consists of "… whereever and whatever" she's needed for. "I manage the office and handle all events from fund- raising to hosting the events." Rocky Shelton is CRM's found- er and Executive Director and Deborah Shelton is Executive Director of the Women's Mission. Others rounding out the organi- zation, said Badger, are: Becky Estes (financial secretary); Dennis Blanton (head supervisor over the men's division); Michael and Brandy Lovelace (head super- visor of the women's division); Jamie Edwards (chief mechanic); Kyle Smart (store manager of Crossroads Thrift store, Shelby); Nicole Parker and Hollie Mullinax (sales associates in the thrift store and the thrift store, Handfuls of Purpose in Gaffney, SC). The group's mission is to help reach men and women with the gospel of Jesus Christ, she said, adding, "…and to instruct them in the Word of God, further their education, equip men and women with marketable skills, help with job placement, help restore broken families, and to feed the homeless." Their burden is to help break the chains of addiction and find hope and forgive- ness through Jesus Christ, The men's facility in Shelby houses up to 45 men and their Gaffney wom- en's facility houses up to 12 women, It's free for their residents. "We feed, clothe, and house all residents while they go through the pro- gram, which is initially a 90-day program for the first phase, but to complete the entire program requires nine months, which involves going through the six month 'Sons of God' class (the equivalent of the first year of bible college)," she said. Food for their Thanksgiving Dinner comes from donations from churches and loving individ- ual supporters," noted Ms. Badger. "Our friends from all churches See CROSSROADS, Page 8 A "Thanksgiving full house" in this 2014 photo, showing the many who came by to be fed physically and spiritually. Photos provided by CFM Some of the volunteers on the serving line at the CRM 2021 Thanksgiving Dinner. This young lady is focused on making sure everyone has enough fantastic dessert of just about every kind at a previous CRM Thanksgiving Dinner. Our Offi ce Is Closed Nov. 24 & 25