The Press-Dispatch

August 19, 2020

The Press-Dispatch

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The Press-Dispatch Wednesday, August 19, 2020 A-7 Court Report EDUCATION Continued from page 6 hearted and dedicated volun- teers stepped up and provid- ed the much needed help to keep the operation going. It is difficult to name everyone, past and present, for fear of missing someone. The Good Lord knows who they are. The new temporary sched- ule of operation is: Tuesdays 10am-2pm and Thursdays noon to 4 pm. For questions, please call 812-354-2443. We continue to be ever grateful for the organizations that give us grants, church- es and individuals who con- tinue to provide monetary help and goods. They have helped us continue 26 years of uninterrupted assistance to those in need in our com- munity. What a blessing. • • • Humor of the week: Sit- ting by the window of her convent one evening, Sister Barbara opened a letter from home. Inside the letter was a $100 bill her parents had sent. Sister Barbara smiled at the gesture. As she read the letter by the window, she noticed a shabbily dressed stranger leaning against the lamp post below. Quickly, she wrote, "Don't despair–Sister Barbara" on a piece of paper, wrapped the $100 bill, got the man's at- tention and tossed it out the window to him. The stranger picked it up, and with a puz- zled look and a tip of his hat, went off down the street. The next day, Sister Barba- ra was told a man was at her door, insisting on seeing her. She went down and found the stranger waiting. Without a word, he handed her a huge wad of $100 bills. "What's this? " she asked. "That's the $ 8,000 you have coming Sis- ter," he replied. " Don't De- spair paid 80 -1." SERMONS Continued from page 6 LEFTISTS Continued from page 6 Jews was "huckstering" and that the Jew's god was "mon- ey." Marx's view of Jews was that they could only become an emancipated ethnicity or culture when they no longer exist. Just one step short of calling for genocide, Marx said, "The classes and the races, too weak to master the new conditions of life, must give way." Marx's philosophical suc- cessors shared ugly thoughts on blacks and other minori- ties. Che Guevara, a hero of the left, was a horrific racist. He wrote in his 1952 mem- oir, "The Motorcycle Dia- ries": "The Negro is indolent and lazy and spends his mon- ey on frivolities, whereas the European is forward-looking, organized and intelligent." British socialist Beatrice Webb griped in The New Statesmen about declining birthrates among so-called higher races, which would lead to "a new social order" that would be created "by one or other of the colored races, the Negro, the Kaf- fir or the Chinese." The So- viets espoused the same "Jewish world conspiracy" as the Nazis. Joseph Stalin embarked upon a campaign that led to the deaths of Jew- ish intellectuals for their ap- parent lack of patriotism. By the way, the Soviet public was not told that Karl Marx was Jewish. Academics who preach Marxism to their classes fail to tell their stu- dents that his ideology has led to the slaughter of tens of millions of people. What's worse, they fail to even feign concern over this fact. White liberals are useful idiots. BLM, antifa and oth- er progressive groups use the plight of poor blacks to organize left-leaning, mid- dle-class, college-educat- ed, guilt-ridden suburbanite whites. These people who topple statues and destroy public and private proper- ty care about minorities as much as their racist prede- cessors. Their goal is the ac- quisition and concentration of power and Americans have fallen hook, line and sinker for their phony virtue sig- naling. Walter E. Williams is a pro- fessor of economics at George Mason University. FELONY Pike County Circuit Court Chance Ryan Thompson charged with count I unlawful possession of a firearm by serious violent felon, a level 4 felo- ny, count II possession of methamphet- amine, a level 6 felony, count III unlaw- ful possession of syringe, a level 6 felo- ny, count IV maintaining a common nui- sance - controlled substances, a level 6 felony, and count V possession of meth- amphetamine, a level 5 felony. Michael McCandless charged with count I neglect of a dependent, a lev- el 5 felony, count II possession of meth- amphetamine, a level 6 felony, count III maintaining a common nuisance - con- trolled substances, a level 6 felony, and count IV dealing in marijuana. Cody May charged with count I pos- session of methamphetamine, a level 6 felony, and count II possession of meth- amphetamine, a level 5 felony. Roger A. Morton charged with main- taining a common nuisance - controlled substances, a level 6 felony. Arlena F. Morton charged with main- taining a common nuisance - controlled substances, a level 6 felony. TRAFFIC AND MISDEMEANOR Pike County Circuit Court Billy Joe Moore charged with visit- ing a common nuisance - controlled sub- stances. Laura Nicole Bennett charged with theft. Matthew Z. Bowden charged with count I operating a vehicle with an ACE equivalent to .15 or more and count II op- erating a vehicle while intoxicated. Joshua V. Hopf charged with theft. CIVIL Pike County Circuit Court State of Indiana sues Kent Hyneman, Deborah A. Hyneman and Pike County Indiana, c/o Valentine J. Fleig, on com- plaint. INFRACTIONS Pike County Circuit Court Jerlyn J. Stoltzfus charged with speed- ing, exceeding 70 mph. Amanda Gore charged with speeding, exceeding 70 mph. Christy J. Chambon charged with speeding, exceeding 70 mph. Martin C. Welp charged with speed- ing, exceeding 55 mph. Scott A. Duncan charged with speed- ing, exceeding 55 mph. James N. Kuria charged with speed- ing, exceeding 70 mph. Erica Owens charged with speeding, exceeding 70 mph. Adam J. White charged with littering. David A. Jones charged with seatbelt violation. Broderick Patrick O'Brien charged with speeding, exceeding 70 mph. Nathan Stevens charged with count I allowing unlicensed individual to operate vehicle on highway and count II failure to register an off-road vehicle. FRAUD Continued from page 6 so, allegations of wrongdoing led federal and state govern- ments to significantly beef up their ballot protection ef- forts for the 2018 elections. That effort has continued as we head toward this Novem- ber's elections. In gauging threats, Amer- icans ought to be far more concerned about domestic voter fraud and the integri- ty of state-managed election efforts. The Heritage Foun- dation maintains a database, a sampling of recent cases of voter fraud around the coun- try. It shows that domestic voter fraud is all too real and all too common. Every vote cast illegal- ly undermines the integrity of the system and the rights of legitimate voters. In close elections, fraud could under- mine our democratic will. Those wishing to preserve the integrity of our elections should worry less about for- eign interference and con- centrate on pressing state and local election authori- ties to adopt practices and provide oversight to assure that every legitimate vote is counted, and every bogus vote gets spotted and tossed out. But what about that oth- er phenomenon: foreign ef- forts to influence American voters? Certainly these ef- forts are being made. But how much of an impact do they have? Politicians, parties, and PACs already spend tens of billions of dollars trying to influence our decisions as to who gets our votes. Influence spending by foreign powers is but a drop in the bucket. Nor are American voters hopelessly naïve. Knowing that some of the voices they hear are not legit makes vot- ers warier, making them a harder target for foreign in- fluencers. The American electorate is deeply divided. But it's di- vided for many reasons— reasons that have nothing to with foreign manipulation and, in most cases, are im- pervious to it. Foreign policy issues typ- ically take a backseat to do- mestic policy considerations in U.S. elections, and that certainly appears to be the case this year. It's hard to be- lieve many Americans will be led to switch their votes be- cause they believe Beijing or Moscow loves or hates their candidate. Furthermore, however folks feel about "Big Tech" there is no question that America's social media gi- ants have made an effort to either block foreign influenc- es or make customers more aware of their presence. Twitter, for example, re- cently started labeling Chi- nese news sources as govern- ment-sponsored media. So- cial networks routinely try to cull trolls from their ranks. Is there more we can do to tell Beijing, Moscow, and Tehran to get lost this elec- tion season? Sure. The gov- ernment can punish illegal activity. We can use our in- telligence services to under- stand and undermine their actions. Civil society can help bring transparency to foreign influences. All this will mitigate the threat even further. What does not help is we do our enemies' work for them and use their ill-intend- ed behavior to bash each oth- er. James Jay Carafano is a leading expert in national se- curity and foreign policy chal- lenges. ter for Urban Renewal and Ed- ucation and author of the new book "Necessary Noise: How Donald Trump Inflames the Culture War and Why This is Good News for America." Read- ers can respond to Star's col- umn by emailing star-parker@ RIGHTS Continued from page 6 Allow me to leave you with four import points; • Pay attention to yourself when you begin to preach to yourself—what precipitat- ed it? • Pay attention to your thoughts when you hear yourself preaching to your- self. • Pay attention to how you are reacting. • Pay attention to "if" you react. Remember, you are being dispensed the "Living Wa- ter" that Jesus said he was able to give to those who sought refreshment. So do not forget to drink what you're serving! Think about it! Introducing Our Newest Physician Jennifer Young, MD Interventional Radiology Medical School Trinity School of Medicine Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Residency MetroHealth Hospital / Case Western University, Cleveland, Ohio Good Samaritan 520 S. Seventh Street Vincennes, IN 812-882-5220 For more information or to find a physician, call 812-885-8500. Fellowship Cleveland Clinic Foundation Cleveland, Ohio EAST GIBSON Barton Township Elementary Mrs. Susan Smith's sixth grade class challenges their critical thinking skills by attempting to build towers us- ing only spaghetti, marshmallows and tape. Making masks at the Gibson County Antique Machinery show Jeanie Dierlan, of Francisco, sews masks at Gibson County Fairgrounds Saturday, with Stacy and Ruthie Ice, of Mount Olympus. They sold during a vendor fair at the tractor pull hosted by Gibson County Antique Machinery. Above: Keziah Doern- er cracks a smile as her tower falls. Right: Anna Ireland builds her tower as Jes- se Willis watches. Elle Schlottman is all smiles as she assembles her tower. Jackson VanMeter shows off his creation. Gage Stuckey is hard at work while attempting to build their spaghetti towers. Brylee Brogan is fo- cused as her spaghet- ti tower begins to take shape.

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