The Press-Dispatch

March 4, 2020

The Press-Dispatch

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The Press-Dispatch Church Wednesday, March 4, 2020 C- 3 RAMBLINGS Continued from page 1 PAWS WEEK PAWS WEEK Pet of the JADE "When you've been working too hard, a cat will walk across your pa- pers to let you know it's time for a break. A cat will show her gratitude for the simplest act, such as scratching her under the chin, by serenading you with her deep, rich purr. A cat will still adore you on those days when you look your worst"—Pam Johnson Bennett. This week, PAWS is featuring a striking young feline named Jade, who is a long-haired tab- by that may have some Maine Coon heritage as well. She is quite gregar- ious and mild-mannered, and has a soft undercoat of light champagne col- ored fur with mackerel/ striped fur on her back, long white whiskers and pretty green eyes. You must see this stunning beauty. To adopt Jade, call 812- 354-9894. to be there for a proclama- tion. Our district governor is planning to be there as well. The DSL played at Am- ber Manor this past Tues- day evening. We gave a bet- ter performance since we've had practice performing at all the other locations. Thursday, John Burns and I helped a fellow Lion with a chore he couldn't do be- cause he has had surgery on his ankle and can't be on it for a couple of months. The lease on his wife's car had ran out, he asked us to take it back for him. It wasn't much of a task, but it was a big help to him and his wife. I was blessed when I went to Golden Living to play and sing a few songs for the group of residents Rick Mi- ley gathers in to have fellow- ship. The group sang sever- al songs and some of them were sing-a-longs. The res- idents did a fabulous job. I hardly ever miss a chance to play and sing for people, especially in the nursing homes, because they really love their music. There are three ways an entertainer may be blessed. They are: if someone dances to your music, if they sing along with you and if they ask you to come back, which they al- ways do. We had a long-range plan- ning meeting at Cal and Bobbi Biddle's house, and several potential projects were planned and brain- stormed by a few of the club members. The group could use some help. Why not be- come a Lion? I know there are some readers thinking, "I really would like to make a difference." Listen to your heart and get in touch with one of us and we'll do the pa- perwork. Call 812-354-9597. If there is no answer, leave a message. Our church was closed Sunday because our mem- bers are from Washing- ton, and they were all busy and couldn't travel. It is a shame our church has got- ten so outdated, but I'm not sure even if there was a new building with a huge gym and free breakfasts each Sunday morning that it would draw a crowd. I have faced all the de- mons of my mind, who seem to want to blame me or my preaching, but I have come to the conclusion it is just people have no urge to go to church and no inspi- ration. However, when the time comes, and it always does, when they have no an- swers, they want to ask of God. Our Lord is gracious and answers many of our pleas, but where were you when He needed you to go to your neighbor when you could have been part of their plea for help? Where are you when someone is hurting be- cause they need Jesus and you have no idea how to show them the way to God and His Son? Where were you when, instead of helping your neighbor, you gossiped behind his or her back pre- tending to protect your nor- mal neighbors? I went to Glezen Gen- eral Baptist Church Sun- day morning and enjoyed a great Sunday school lesson and message by Bro. Dwight Howe. He and I have been friends for years, but I had never heard him bring the Word. He brought a fabu- lous message about staying on course and finishing your race, which is probably a lit- tle different than another's, but we each have many peo- ple helping us through our path if we will just listen and heed. Well, you have read and now we are challenged to go out to be a blessing next week. HOLLAND U.M. CHURCH 205 N. Second Ave. 812-536-4862 Thursday, March 5, 1 p.m. Senior Balance exercise class; 7 p.m. Delilah Circle meeting and Lydia Circle meeting. Friday, March 6 at noon, World Day of Prayer at St. Paul. Sunday, March 8, 9 a.m. Sunday school classes; 10 :10 a.m. morning worship service and 5:30 p.m. Lenten service here. Monday, March 9, 6:30 p.m. exercise class. Tuesday, March 10, Bible study. Wednesday, March 11, 5:15 p.m. Confirmation class and 5:30 p.m. KIC. Keith Chanley, Pastor PETERSBURG FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 801 East Walnut Petersburg 812-354-6658 Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Sunday worship at 9:30 a.m. and Sunday school at 10 :45 a.m. John 3:1-17. This week's reading con- tains two of the memorized passages of scripture: "You must be born again" and "For God so loved the world that He gave his only begot- ten Son that whosoever be- lieveth in Him shall not per- ish but have everlasting life." Even though they seem simple, more sermons, books, articles and opinions exist around these state- ments. They make up the core of the dialogue between Jesus and Nicodemus as the city scholar and the coun- try Rabbi talk about God's plan for our human salva- tion. In the midst of the di- alogue lies an interesting comment from Nicodemus: "How can these things be? " Our reasonable and logical world cannot answer that question. Neither can our emotions and feelings. The answer lies at the core of our believing and without that answer, neither "born again" nor "everlasting life" have meaning. That answer: Interesting question. Let's talk about it on Sunday. God bless. Michael (Mike) Punke, Pastor ZOAR U.M. CHURCH 8818 W. Old Rd. 64 Holland 812-536-4862 Thursday, March 5, 7 p.m. Bible study. Friday, March 6 at noon, World Day of Prayer at St. Paul. Sunday, March 8, 9 a.m. morning worship service; 5:30 p.m. Lenten service at Holland UM Church. Monday, March 9, 6:30 p.m. Bible study. Tuesday, March 10, 10 a.m. Bible study and 7 p.m. UMW meeting. Wednesday, March 11, 5:15 p.m. Confirmation class at HUM and 6 p.m. EPIC. Keith Chanley, Pastor OTWELL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH P.O. Box 146, 10041E. Washington Ave. Otwell 812-766-3344 Facebook: Otwell United Methodist Church and Jeff Pinney. Otwell United Method- ist invites you to join us this Sunday at 10 :30 a.m. as we worship our Lord Jesus Christ; Sunday school, 9:30 a.m. "So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become ma- ture, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ" (Ephesians 4:11-13, NIV ). Jeff Pinney, Pastor PETERSBURG FREE METHODIST CHURCH 202 E. Walnut Street Pastor 812-354-6646 Normal weekly schedule is as follows: Sunday school starts at 9:30 a.m., with morn- ing worship starting at 10 :30 a.m.; Wednesday evening the children and youth ministries meet at 6:30 p.m., during the school year; There is a casu- al Bible study Thursday eve- ning at 7 p.m. If you can't make it to church on Sunday, check out our live stream on Petersburg Free Methodist Church Face- book page. Peace and joy in the Lord. Mark Schlechty, Pastor RUMBLETOWN FREE METHODIST CHURCH 1485 N. St. Rd. 57 Petersburg Adult Sunday school at 9:30 a.m.; morning worship at 10 :30 a.m. The church is located south of Petersburg on State Road 57. Hope Barnett, Reporter WHITE RIVER CHAPEL UMC 3555 W. SR 56 Bowman 812-582-8896 Sunday morning worship 9 a.m.; Sunday school 10 :15 a.m. We are exploring the words in Philippians 4:4-9 and how they can help us thrive in chaos. So many trials come in- to our lives and along with the business of life. These things can easily choke out the Life of God in us. But praise God, "But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things will be added unto you" (Matthew 6:33). What things will be add- ed? God's order back into our lives—a peace that pass- es all understanding—He is in control. Facebook: White River Chapel UMC, Jeff Pinney. Questions regarding church events, call 812-766 - 3344 or mail to: 3555 West State Road 56, Petersburg, IN 47567. Jeff Pinney, Pastor Methodist Continued from page 2 Nazarene Continued in next column PETERSBURG CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 118 West Pike Ave. Church 812-354-8851 Sunday school at 9:30 a.m.; morning worship and children's church at 10 :30 a.m.; children's and teen ser- vice at 6 p.m. Upcoming activities and services: • Church board meeting, tonight at 6:30 p.m. • Don't forget to set your clocks ahead this coming Saturday, March 7, before you go to bed. • Teen service, Sunday, March 8 at 5 p.m. Evening service begins at 6 p.m. • Women's Ministry Nazarene Brunch, Friday, March 13 at 10 a.m. Bring along a dish to share. • Children's Mission Les- son, Sunday, March 15, dur- ing morning worship. All children are welcome. • Pray for the church's need of a pastor. Need a church home? Stop in and visit us. We would love to have you be a part of our church family. Jeannine Smith, Reporter Pentecostal HOUSE OF MERCY CHURCH Corner of East and Porter Winslow Pastor 812-789-5229 A Church with open arms and a loving heart. Sunday morning worship at 10 :15 a.m.; Sunday school classes at 11 a.m. Second Thursday of each month, Bible study at 6 p.m. Ever have a dream and at the moment you were not sure what it meant, then you realized it was from God. Even then, you did not know what it was. Then, in the fu- ture, you realized what the dream was about. For before your eyes there was the ful- fillment of that dream. Never get impatient when you feel you just had a God dream. God will bring it to pass in His time—Sweet dreams. Be blessed this week. Pray for our president and all government entities, and also for those in nurs- OAKLAND CITY FIRST PENTECOST Hwy. 64 East Sunday morning service 9:30 a.m. with children's Sunday school during the ministry of the Word; Wednesday and Sunday evening services at 6 p.m. All services are CDT (Gib- son Co. times). Don't live in the past, it can't see the future. We are instructed to not look at those things behind. If you've asked God to forgive, then, you need to forgive and move on. God cannot bless an unforgiving heart. He works through love. Ron Vickers, Pastor Elaine Young, Reporter, 812-749 -1122 (leave a mes- sage). ing homes, hospitals, loved ones and your neighbors. Go forth and reach a life for Je- sus this week. In God's Service. George Bruce Jr., Pastor Presbyterian MAIN STREET PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 10th and Main Streets, Petersburg 812-354-6844 Sunday worship 10 :30 a.m. Come visit us, our doors are always open to you. God and your money What money? That's a good question. The sad reality is that many American families spend more money than they make. That should be a shock- ing fact for Christians. Why? Because Christians are sup- posed to be good stewards of all that we have: our time, tal- ent, intelligence, energy and possessions, including money. Let's consider money from the Christian standpoint. 1) It is not sinful to earn all the legitimate money one can garner. In itself, money is not evil. It is the love of money we must resist. 2) It is important to save as much as one can - at least 10 percent. 3) It is vital to make a bud- get and stick to it. 4) God owns the world and gives us the responsibility to take care of it. It takes money to care for home and property. 5) We should strive to give at least 10 percent to God's work, which includes the church. 6) One reliable fact about stewardship: There is no way we can out-give our loving God. Ever! Office hours: 9 a.m.-noon, Monday-Friday. Amy Melhiser, Secretary Wesleyan OTWELL WESLEYAN CHURCH 2277 N. Mechanics Street Otwell Pastor 812-354-3028 Sunday school 9:30 a.m.; morning worship 10 :30 a.m.; evening worship ser- vice 6:30 p.m. Nursery available. Tuesday morn- ing women's Bible study at the fellowship hall 10 a.m. Fourth Thursday eve- ning every month, the church hosts Ireland Home Based Services "Parent Cafe" from 5:30 -7:30 p.m. EST at the fellowship hall. All people of all ages who want to learn more about parenting/raising chil- dren are welcome. Fos- ter parents receive train- ing hours. Free meals and free child care with RSVP to Deb Cooper at 812-483- 8369. Ruth went to her mailbox and there was a letter with no stamp, no postmark, on- ly her name and address. "Dear Ruth, I`m going to be in your neighborhood Sat- urday afternoon and I'd like to stop by for a visit. Love Always, Jesus." Her hands were shak- ing as she placed the letter on the table. She thought, "Why would the Lord want to visit me? I'm no- body special. I don't have anything to offer." Ruth didn't have anything to fix for dinner for the Lord, so she ran down to the store and bought a few grocer- ies. A fter purchasing the groceries, she was head- ed back and a gentlemen said, "Hey lady, can you help us? " Ruth had been so absorbed in her dinner plans, she hadn't even no- ticed a man and woman, Youth Convention at Petersburg Holiness Church The Annual Winter Youth Convention was Saturday evening at the Petersburg Holiness Church. Pic- tured is the Convention Choir performing at the event. both of them dressed in lit- tle more than rags. "Look lady, I don't have a job, my wife and I have been living out here on the street, and, we're getting hungry." Ruth looked at them both. They were dirty, they smelled bad and frankly, she was certain that they could get some kind of work if they really wanted to. "Sir, I'd like to help you, but I'm a poor woman my- self. All I have is a few cold cuts and some bread, and I'm having an important guest for dinner tonight and I was planning on serv- ing that to Him." "Okay lady, I understand. Thanks anyway." As Ruth watched them leave, she felt a familiar twinge in her heart. "Sir, wait. Look, why don't you take this food? I'll figure out something else to serve my guest." She noticed that the man's wife was shivering. "You know, I've got another coat at home. Here, why don't you take this one? " Ruth unbuttoned her jacket and slipped it over the wom- an's shoulders. Then smil- ing, she turned and walked back to the street...without her coat and with nothing to serve her guest. A fter returning home, Ruth no- ticed another envelope in her mailbox. "Dear Ruth: It was so good to see you again. Thank you for the lovely meal. And thank you, too, for the beautiful coat. Love Always, Jesus." We invite all of you to come and worship with us. Roy Stilwell, Pastor Pam Lemond, Reporter

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