The Press-Dispatch

July 12, 2017

The Press-Dispatch

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A-6 Local Wednesday, July 12, 2017 The Press-Dispatch %ORFN3DUW\ KRVWHGE\WKH6DPDULWDQ&HQWHU 7KH6DPDULWDQ&HQWHULQ3HWHUVEXUJLV WKURZLQJDSDUW\-RLQXVIRUDQDIWHUQRRQ RIIXQIHDWXULQJDFWLYLWLHVIRUNLGV YHQGRUVJLYHDZD\V)5((VFUHHQLQJVDQG LQIRUPDWLRQDERXWPHQWDOKHDOWKVHUYLFHV )5((EORRGSUHVVXUHFKHFNV 0HHWRXUQHZHVWSK\VLFLDQDWWKH3HWHUVEXUJ 0HGLFDO&HQWHU'U.ULVWD&R[ (QMR\)5((SRSFRUQSURYLGHGE\*HQRD 3KDUPDF\ )5((SRSVLFOHVIURPWKH6DPDULWDQ&HQWHU 3XUFKDVHVRPHGHOLFLRXVWUHDWVDWDEDNHVDOH VSRQVRUHGE\'RZQWRZQ7HUUDFH (QWHUWRZLQSUL]HVGRQDWHGE\+DOOPDUNDQG .XWWLQ/RRVH+DLU6DORQ 5HFHLYHLQIRUPDWLRQIURPPXOWLSOHYHQGRUVVXFK DV$PEHU0DQRU0':LVH$XWLVP6SHDNVDQG +ROO\¶V+RXVHEDVHGLQ(YDQVYLOOH$QWKHP3LNH &RXQW\¶V&RPPXQLWLHVWR(QG'UXJ$EXVHDQG PRUH )ULGD\-XO\ WRSP 10DLQ6WUHHW 3HWHUVEXUJ,1 5DLQ'DWH-XO\ Marge's Shop 716 Main St. 812-354-9372 Petersburg Mon.-Thurs. 9-5; Fri. 9-6; Sat. 9-5 BLOCK PARTY Sidewalk Sale ONLY Friday, July 14 SAVE TO 50% 75% on Seasonal & Everyday Ty Beanie Babies & Miniatures Chamber of Commerce T-Shirts in assorted colors 2017 PIKE COUNTY FAIR OPENED SUNDAY Ross Clerk was introduced and presented with his Tenure Award by Fair Board president Kelly Cook and vice-president Judy Gumbel. Clerk said he mostly worked with rabbits during his years in 4-H. Junior Miss Pike County 2016 Jayla Harris waves to the crowd as she makes her way along the parade route Sunday. Pageant contestants and reigning queens participated in a balloon release to signal the official start of the 4-H Fair. Michael Cochren, of Cochren and Company, performs at the Sunday night community-wide worship service that followed the 4-H Fair opening ceremo- nies. Allyson Davis sang the National Anthem a capel- la during opening ceremonies. Left: Junior Miss contestant Carly Halbrader had a unique ride in the parade. Right: Pe- tersburg's Cub Scout Pack had a big time in the pa- rade. STOP it takes 3 MINUTES to subscribe to 812-354-8500 VIDEO NetEdition Exclusive

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