The Press-Dispatch

October 10, 2018

The Press-Dispatch

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The Press-Dispatch Local Wednesday, October 10, 2018 B- 15 2018 Miss Buffalo Trace Queen Madyson Hegedus poses with her court last Saturday during the festival. Pictured are (l to r): Kassandra Evans, Director's Award; Madyson Hegedus; Abigail Sutt, First Runner-Up, Miss Congeniality and Miss Photogenic; and Mackinzee Key, Director's Award. Photos courtesy Peggy Voyles 2018 Junior Miss participants were (l to r): Jordan Bradfi eld, Miss Congeniality and Director's Award; Gracelyn Miller, Director's Award; Calleigh Wibbeler, First Runner-Up; Brooklyn Quer y, 2018 Junior Miss Buffalo Trace; Kenadie Houchins, Second Runner-Up; Emiley Riker, Third Runner-Up; and Elle Readle, Photogenic Award. 2018 Little Miss participants were (l to r): Mia Woodall, Director's Award; Kellcyn Riker, Best Smile; Aubrey Sturgeon, First Runner-up; Addison Wibbler, Third Runner-up; Elle Wiscaver, Little Miss Buffalo Trace Festival Queen; Addison McDaniel, Second Runner-up; and Natalynn Ashby, Best Theme Wear and Director's Award. The 2018 Teen Miss Buffalo Trace Festival court included (l to r): Aver y Hunt, Miss Photogenic and Miss Congeniality; Bella Toman, Director's Award; Jerzey Reibold, 2018 Teen Miss Queen; Kayla Cannon, First Runner-Up; and Sarah Siggers, Director's Award. 2018 MISS BUFFALO TRACE PAGEANTS Honey Ralston, 2017 Miss Petersburg, crowns Kenadie Houchins, the 2018 Junior Miss Buffalo Trace Queen during the Sept. 29 pageant. Aver y Hunt, of Petersburg, shows off her athletic gear during the Teen Miss competition on Saturday, Sept. 29. Madyson Hegedus, 2018 Miss Buffalo Trace Queen, is congratulated on her win by Mayor R.C. Klipsch after the pageant on Sept. 29. Natalynn Ashby, of Petersburg, clinched the Best Theme Wear and Director's Award distinctions during the Little Miss contest. Elle Wiscaver, of Petersburg, was crowned the 2018 Little Miss Buffalo Trace Queen on Sept. 29. Aubrey Sturgeon, of Petersburg, looks out over an "ocean" of people during the theme wear portion of the Little Miss contest. Kole Eck, of Petersburg, entertained the crowd during the Sept. 29 Buffalo Trace Festival pageants.

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