Shelby Shopper Shelby NC
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704-484-1047 Our 40th Year • Issue No. 31 • August 3, 2023 "In GOD We Trust" 2SHQLQJ$FW *UH\ODQ-DPHVDW30 *UH\ODQ-DPHVDW30 IROORZHGDW30E\KHDGOLQHU IROORZHGDW30E\KHDGOLQHU &+5,6/$1( &+5,6/$1( Giggle B' Circus 3:30-6:30PM Contemp:ary Christian music 3:30-6:30PM Giggle B' Circus 3:30-6:30PM Fun f the Whole Family!! Concert FREE FREE Activities FREE FREE 6$785'$<$8*8677+Ć30Ć8372:16+(/%< 6$785'$<$8*8677+Ć30Ć8372:16+(/%< NC BeachBlast Festival returns to KM on August 18 and 19 Band of Oz performs at Patriots Park on Saturday at 7 p.m. Too Much Sylvia plays Friday, August 18 at 6:30 p.m. Photos provided Cat5 Band keeps the music flowing at 1 p.m. on Saturday. Jim Quick and Coastline play Saturday at morning at 10 a.m. Swingin' Medallions go on stage Saturday at 4 p.m. The City of Kings Moun- tain brings the Beach back to downtown as the NC Beach Blast Festival comes to Patri- ots Park Friday and Saturday, August 18 and 19! Presented by Carolina Power Partners, the festival blasts off Friday, August 18 at 6:00 p.m. with DJ Eric Bow- man, followed by Too Much Sylvia at 6:30 pm. On Saturday, August 19 at 10:00 a.m., enjoy a full day of music and family fun with DJ Johnny B and four of the hottest Carolina Beach Music bands in the Southeast – Jim Quick and Coastline, Cat5, Swingin' Medallions, and Band of Oz. Vendors will be on hand with great food and bever- ages, and beginning at 12:00 p.m., Festival goers can shop till they drop on the Boardwalk Vendor Row with over 50 ven- dors! There is fun for the whole family – with inflatables, games, the Rotary Splash Pad, Water Wars, watermelon eating, hula hoop, Beach Party costume contests, the big beach ball drop, pirates, mermaids, and an all-new BeachBlast Golf Cart Parade. To register for the golf cart parade, please call 704-730- 2101. Kings Mountain looks forward to seeing you at the 2023 NC BeachBlast Festival. For more information, go to beachblast-festival. ©Community First Media Community First Media HUGE SALE ALL REMAINING MOWERS IN STOCK ALL REMAINING MOWERS IN STOCK PRICED AT OUR LOWEST PRICE EVER! PRICED AT OUR LOWEST PRICE EVER! 356 E. Main St.,Lawndale 704-538-0508 Mon-Fri 7:30am-6pm • Sat 8am-4pm WE NOW SELL WE NOW SELL DEER CORN DEER CORN EASY EASY FINANCING FINANCING AVAILABLE AVAILABLE HAVE AN HAVE AN ANSWER IN ANSWER IN 15 MINUTES 15 MINUTES OR LESS! OR LESS! COME SEE COME SEE MIKE TODAY. MIKE TODAY. Only Only $ 8,450 8,450