Shelby Shopper Shelby NC
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704-484-1047 Our 40th Year • Issue No. 25 • June 22, 2023 "GOD BLESS AMERICA" FOUR FOUR BIG BIG DAYS! DAYS! Ora Ora SUPER SUPERMARKET MARKET & BROAD RIVER HAMS & BROAD RIVER HAMS ONLY ONLY $ 6 99 99 each each 1026 EAST MARION ST., SHELBY, NC WE ACCEPT EBT, SNAP, FOOD STAMPS, DEBIT 704-487-4377 WWW.ORASUPERMARKET.COM Like Us On Facebook! BACON WRAPPED FILETS BACON WRAPPED FILETS FRIDAY • JUNE 23 FRIDAY • JUNE 23 RD & RD & 30 30 TH TH & SATURDAY • JUNE 24 & SATURDAY • JUNE 24 TH & TH & JULY JULY 1 1 ST ST HRS: 8AM-6PM MON-.SAT. Over 90 Years! Over 90 Years! Group raises total of $16,000-plus for Life Enrichment Center by MICHAEL E. POWELL CF Media A very dedicated group of fishermen took part on Saturday, May 3, 2023 in the Cleveland Masonic Lodge's 3rd Annual Charity Bass Fishing Tournament at Moss Lake's Main Landing. The money raised – which later amounted to over $16,000 – will benefit, according to the flier, the Life Enrichment Center Adult Day Care & Health Services. Cleveland Masonic Lodge #202 members Bryan Gordon and Chris Canipe talked recent- ly about Lodge #202's 3rd Annual Charity Bass Fishing Tournament, which was held at Moss Lake's Main Landing on Saturday, May 6, 2023, and raised $16,200. A facsimile check for $5,000 was present- ed recently by the members of Lodge #202 to the local charity, the Life Enrichment Center of Shelby. The Lodge's main char- ity normally, noted Gordon, is the Masonic Home for Children in Oxford, N.C. To date, the men noted, $11,200-plus has been raised just for Cleveland County. Gordon noted in an email that money raised in their three annual fishing tournaments is: 2023 – $16,200; 2022 – $13,000; and in 2021 – $9,000. "Money paid to local chari- ties," he added, "was, 2023 – $5,000; 2022 – $4,000; and in 2021 – $2,200." Over 60 participants took part in the tournament, noted Gordon, with about 120 folks at the weigh-in, or 180 in total. "Our goal that day was $20,000, and we raised about $16,200," said Gordon. "We are always taking donations though, and those can be made by scanning our QR Code (in this article's photos), or by con- tacting the Masonic Lodge at, or phoning (704) 466-0895, and talk- ing with someone about donating to help children." Additionally, checks can also be made out to the Cleveland Masonic Lodge and sent to the Lodge at P.O. Box 247, Shelby, N.C. 28151. Gordon and Canipe, members of Lodge #202, said they came up with the idea of starting a fishing tournament, adding they would like to see it "really catch on and grow from year to year." "Yes, that's right," agreed Canipe. "When we start- ed this, it was our desire to see it grow in order to make sure that we can give back to our community." Both men noted the Lodge's first charity fishing tournament See BASS, Page 2 Cleveland Masonic Lodge #202 Charity Bass tournament presents $5,000 check Representing Life Enrichment Center: Emily Smith, Della Ballew, Adriene Wilson, Elin Camp, Toni Camp, Tina Mauney, Mallory Camp, Talissa Taylor, Kennedy Faust, and Christy Pearson, and representing Cleveland Masonic Lodge #202 are Tyler Howard (Master of the Lodge), Chris Canipe (Secretary), Terry Conner (Senior Warden), Danny Smart (Senior Deacon), Bryan Gordon, and (in doorway) Tony Pizzolla (Tiler). (photos provided by Cleveland Masonic Lodge members) Mr. Daniel Tysinger with a big bass which weighed in at 5.05 pounds. A photo of the boats on Moss Lake in the minutes before everybody took off to fish Moss Lake. Mon.-Fri. 11am-7pm Sat. 10am-5pm 704-600-6038 UPTOWN SHELBY 224 S. LAFAYETTE ST. NEXT TO SHELBY CAFE COME REGISTER TO WIN 2 FREE VIP TICKETS LAINEY LAINEY WILSON WILSON CONCERT to the GAFFNEY PEACH FESTIVAL Friday, July 14, 2023 DRAWING JULY 1 ST at the