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June 9, 2021

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The Press-Dispatch Wednesday, June 9, 2021 B-7 value of homes "because they just flat out look better (by add- ing) more green space." Sometimes communities put artwork in the middle. Bottom line: Roundabouts are safer, cost less, move more traffic and are better for the environment. Yet, most Americans still say, "I don't want these things." I tell Brainard, "They're con- fusing. I'm more likely to have an accident! " "Well, it takes public edu- cation," he responds. "Chevy Chase didn't do us any favors." Brainard points out that Chase was stuck in a large ro- tary, not a roundabout. Some traffic circles and rotaries have many lanes. The one by Paris Arc De Triomphe con- nects 12 roads! Those are dangerous, says Brainard. That's not what we're building. Modern round- abouts are small; the smaller they are, the safer they be- come. They're very different. Europe learned that lesson. European countries are build- ing lots of small roundabouts. "America is way behind," I tell Brainard. "America is catching up," he replies. "When I started, we probably had under a cou- ple of hundred in the United States. Today, we're pushing five or six thousand." That's progress. Still, his little town, with just 97,000 residents, has two per- cent of all the roundabouts in America. John Stossel is author of "Give Me a Break: How I Ex- posed Hucksters, Cheats, and Scam Artists and Became the Scourge of the Liberal Media." Today, many of the West- ern nations have birth rates below replacement-level fer- tility (2.1 kids per woman of childbearing age) and are pro- moting exactly the opposite of what was preached only a few decades ago: pro-natalist pol- icies. Governments are now paying women to have kids. No country faces a greater demographic crisis than Chi- na, which now has an inverted population pyramid with lots of old people and few kids to take care of them. This complete reversal of the scientific consensus is reminiscent of the evolution of the climate debate. Fifty years ago, we were warned of a coming ice age. The left is now frantically trying to erase that history and pretend that the global cooling warnings never happened. Now these same scientists assure us we are facing catastrophic warm- ing of the planet. Well, which is it? It's "climate change." So, how did the green doomsday lobby get it so wrong? It turns out that man- kind does not act like Norwe- gian field mice. We have rea- son; we have minds; we re- spond to changes in the world around us. The left loves to look at short-term trends and erroneously extrapolate them out for 20, 50 and 100 years. They predicted, as Ehrlich did, that we would run out of food, oil, gas, farmland, drinking water and clean air. Instead, thanks to human ingenui- ty and free markets, we have more food, oil, water and clean air than ever before in the his- tory of the planet. As the cli- mate changes in one direction or another, which it certainly will continue to do, humans will react through innovation and technology and changes in the way we live and work. What is certain is that if we have to rely on government and the United Nations, we truly are doomed. Politicians will make the same tragic mis- takes they made in response to the false population bomb. As for young people, my ad- vice to those who truly want to save the planet is this: Go out; get married; and make babies. Lots of them. Hurry! Stephen Moore is a senior fellow at the Heritage Founda- tion and an economic consul- tant with FreedomWorks. He is the co-author of "Trumponom- ics: Inside the America First Plan to Revive the American Economy." You can buy or sell any other individ- ual part of a firearm just as easily as you could a bar of soap. But not so with the frame or receiver. Any person or entity "engaged in the business" of manufacturing or selling firearms—including frames or receiv- ers—has to be licensed by the the Bu- reau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, or ATF, as a federal firearms licensee. Federal firearms licensees are subject to a plethora of regulatory burdens: Their firearms must be marked with individ- ualized serial numbers; they must keep extensive records of all firearm sales or transfers; and they must conduct back- ground checks on all prospective firearm purchasers. But Americans who want to build fire- arms for their own personal use don't have to become firearms licensees and aren't subject to those stringent regula- tions. It's still illegal for a prohibited per- son to make a firearm for personal use, or for these unlicensed private gunmak- ers to "engage in the business" of selling their guns to others. UNDERSTANDING THE CONTROVERSY Americans have a long and proud his- tory of private gunsmithing. We've al- ways been tinkering with our guns in our garages. Why are homemade guns suddenly an issue? As has been the case throughout histo- ry, most home gunsmiths today are more "gunbuilders" than "gunmakers," assem- bling a variety of largely premade parts into a custom weapon. Generally, this type of assembly requires some degree of skill, special tools, and time, especially when starting with a "blank" (complete- ly solid) frame or receiver. But with the advent of 3Dprinting, on- line tutorials, and a tremendous growth in the number of manufacturers selling partially finished frames and receivers (known as "80 percent receivers" be- cause they're about 80 percent complet- ed), homemade gunbuilding has become increasingly easier and more accessible for the average American. Additionally, some manufacturers now sell "gun kits" that contain not just par- tially finished frames or receivers, but all the other components or tools necessary for a relative novice to build a functional firearm in a single afternoon. Nothing in these kits technically com- prises a firearm—or a frame or receiv- er—at the time the kit is sold, so federal law doesn't require the parts to have seri- al numbers or that buyers undergo back- ground checks. The fear is that those prohibited from buying guns nonetheless may purchase these all-in-one kits and possess an oper- able firearm by the end of the day, while bypassing a background-check sys- tem designed to keep guns out of their hands. Further, because these kit guns don't have serial numbers, it's harder for police to find leads in criminal cases in which these guns are used. WHAT NEW RULES WOULD DO Among other things, the new rules would expand the definition of "frame or receiver" to include any part of a gun that can house even one mechanism of the firing process. They also would reg- ulate partially completed frames and re- ceivers when sold in "weapons parts kits" containing all of the tools necessary to as- semble a firearm. This essentially means that many gun kits and "80 percent receivers" now would be regulated the same as fully function- al firearms and finished receivers: They couldn't be sold without a serial number or without the buyer undergoing a back- ground check. Those kits presumably would still be available for purchase, but no longer could be mailed to your door via the in- ternet. Like firearms, the kits could be paid for online, shipped to a brick-and- mortar firearms licensee, and picked up in person after completion of a back- ground check. The proposed regulation would not impose additional requirements on un- licensed private gunmakers who build guns for personal use. It would impose new burdens, however, on firearms licensees who take in unmarked home- made guns and now would have to "mark" those homemade guns with a serial num- ber, record those marks with the ATF, and maintain records of the ensuing transactions, just like they would with a commercially manufactured gun. PROBLEM WITH RULE CHANGES There certainly are questions about whether aspects of the proposed rules constitute good policy. The rules certain- ly would upend over a century of com- mon understanding and agreement about what constitutes a gun's frame or receiv- er, based on dubious claims that these definitions are outdated. The new definition also could lead to absurd realities where homemade guns end up with multiple serial numbers stamped throughout different parts of the firearm. But those policy questions pale in com- parison to the legal question of wheth- er the ATF can impose these changes in the first place. In our system of government, execu- tive branch agencies such as the ATF are tasked with enforcing laws written and passed by Congress. Agencies necessar- ily must "interpret" and "apply" the laws they're supposed to enforce, and courts give considerable deference to these in- terpretations. But agencies cannot "reinterpret" laws in ways that effectively rewrite what Con- gress said, especially when reinterpreta- tion dramatically broadens the agency's regulatory authority. When Congress passed the Gun Con- trol Act of 1968, it specifically regulated firearms, including the frame or receiver. As renowned Second Amendment schol- ar Steven Halbrook has noted, "In ordi- nary nomenclature, a frame or receiver is a finished part which is capable of be- ing assembled with other parts to put to- gether a firearm." Yet the ATF's new rule in effect would change that law to allow for the regula- tion of "almost-frames" or "almost-receiv- ers." Congress simply did not give the Bu- reau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives the authority to drastically al- ter the plain meaning of statutes, or to regulate partially finished frames or re- ceivers that require more drilling or ma- chining on the part of the person assem- bling the gun. And the ATF is not consti- tutionally permitted to grant itself that authority, regardless of how good of an idea the agency may think it is to do so. POWER BELONGS TO CONGRESS It may well be good policy, as some have argued, to mandate background checks on IKEA-style build-a-gun kits, even though we know this isn't how the majority of would-be criminals acquire their guns. It also might be easier for law enforce- ment agencies to track down perpetra- tors of gun crime if fewer parts are sold without serial numbers to private gun- makers. And it even could be the case that the new rules are a reasonable way to regu- late gun kits while allowing Americans to build their own guns at home. But implementing this policy, wheth- er sensible or not, requires that an ex- isting statute be rewritten or that a new statute be enacted, which are not powers the Constitution grants to unelected bu- reaucrats at the ATF. The power to make and change law be- longs to Congress. And only to Congress. This piece originally appeared in The Daily Signal. Amy Swearer is a legal fellow in the Meese Center for Legal and Judicial Stud- ies. 'GHOST GUN' Continued from page 6 easily be missed. Example: Notify your post office to stop mail delivery while you are gone, or have a friend or neighbor who will pick it up for you. Remember to have some lights in your house on tim- ers. Make sure your thermo- stats are set right. Make sure you have a checklist of things to do before leaving, etc. A fter vacations, you will find out you need another vacation to catch up on your rest and everything else, such as laun- dry, yard work,,letters, bills, schedules, returning messag- es, and more. That's the beauty of vaca- tions, I think. Have a great time and a safe summer folks! Court Report FELONY Pike County Circuit Court Robert Wells charged with count I pos- session of methamphetamine, a level 5 felony, count II operating a vehicle with a schedule I or II controlled substance or its metabolite in person's body, count III possession of paraphernalia and count IV possession of marijuana. Dennis Brumfield charged with count I disorderly conduct, count II operating a vehicle while intoxicated and count III operating a vehicle while intoxicated, pri- or, a level 6 felony. Morgan Ridge charged with count I op- erating a vehicle with an ACE of at least .08 but less than .15 and count II operat- ing a vehicle while intoxicated, prior, a level 6 felony. TRAFFIC AND MISDEMEANORS Pike County Circuit Court John D. Allen II charged with operat- ing a vehicle with an ACE of at least .08 but less than .15. Nathan F. Stokes charged with reck- less driving. Travis A. Thurber charged with reck- less driving. Joseph V. Kortz charged with driving while suspended, prior. CIVIL Pike County Circuit Court Professional and Business Collections sues James Johnson on complaint. Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC sues Nathan Readle on complaint. Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC sues Chris Stafford on complaint. Avid Acceptance, LLC sues Robert Daugherty and Ashley Daugherty on complaint. Energy Plus Credit Union sues Emily Cherry on complaint. Ashley Roach sues Cory Roach for dis- solution of marriage. Sydney Alyssa Davis sues Zachary Am- brose for dissolution of marriage. INFRACTIONS Pike County Circuit Court Jerry L. Woodruff, Jr. charged with speeding, exceeding 55 mph. Melanie J. Walker charged with speed- ing, exceeding 70 mph. Luke H. Shover charged with seatbelt violation. Francis E. Thomas charged with speeding, exceeding 55 mph. Ian S. Pearson charged with speeding, exceeding 70 mph. Branden M. Hiler charged with speed- ing, exceeding 70 mph. Fletcher L. Boyd charged with speed- ing, exceeding 70 mph. Hunter M. Littlepage charged with seatbelt violation. Adam J. Grubb charged with seatbelt violation. Hayley L. Wills charged with seatbelt violation. Tavion D. Cobb charged with speed- ing, exceeding 70 mph. Cheryl L. Kelley charged with speed- ing, exceeding 70 mph. Ashlee M. Mackey charged with speeding, exceeding 70 mph. Juana Mora charged with seatbelt vi- olation. Madisyn N. Heilmann charged with speeding, exceeding 70 mph. Samantha R. Aldridge charged with seatbelt violation. Warren A. Riker III charged with speeding, exceeding 70 mph. Justin L. Lundy charged with seatbelt violation; Quadasia Titania Boyd charged with speeding, exceeding 70 mph. Stone M. Russell charged with speed- ing, exceeding 70 mph. Paul O. Stroud charged with seatbelt violation. Michael C. Stillwell charged with seat- belt violation. Amadou Diallo charged with failure to change lanes for authorized emergency vehicle. Aaron A. Burnett charged with speed- ing, exceeding 55 mph. Anakin D. Moody charged with seat- belt violation. Jason A. Woodall charged with seat- belt violation. Sebastian C. Schneider charged with speeding, exceeding 70 mph. Terry Russell Cain charged with speeding, exceeding 70 mph. Maya N., Baker-Miller charged with speeding, exceeding 70 mph. Christopher D. McKinney charged with seatbelt violation. Joel William Smyth charged with speeding, exceeding 70 mph. Caleb R. Cockerham-Willis charged with speeding, exceeding 70 mph. Jason W. Smith charged with seatbelt violation. Daniel O. Offor charged with speed- ing, exceeding 70 mph. Zachary A. Head charged with seat- belt violation. Richard P. Robinson charged with speeding, exceeding 70 mph. Phillip R. Zimmerman charged with seatbelt violation. Shelbi G. Anderson charged with speeding, exceeding 70 mph. Adam R. Tooley charged with speed- ing, exceeding 70 mph. Michelle A. Owsley charged with speeding, exceeding 70 mph. Shawn M. Cates charged with speed- ing, exceeding 70 mph. Kurt W. Drybread charged with speed- ing, exceeding 70 mph. Jasmin E. Serrano charged with speed- ing, exceeding 70 mph. Sean M. Woodruff charged with speed- ing, exceeding 70 mph. Ahmed Aaai Montaser charged with speeding, exceeding 70 mph. Corbin R. Lopez charged with speed- ing, exceeding 70 mph. Matthew R. Skolnick charged with speeding, exceeding 70 mph. Alexander T. Davis, Jr. charged with speeding, exceeding 70 mph. VACATIONS Continued from page 6 POPULATION Continued from page 6 Now President Biden not on- ly wants to continue this de- struction; he wants to use our tax dollars to subsidize it. Star Parker is president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education and host of the week- ly television show "Cure Ameri- ca with Star Parker." DOLLARS Continued from page 6 TAKE Continued from page 6 ROUNDABOUTS Continued from page 6 formation of glial cells. Why glial cells become malignant is unknown. High-grade glio- mas are fast-growing tumors and incurable. The average du- ration of survival is less than 12 months. Senators John Mc- Cain, Ted Kennedy and Pres- ident Biden's son, Bo Biden, died from the same cancer. Upon hearing this dire di- agnosis, Ford faced the news with faith, not fear. He kept a journal through his ordeal and wrote: "As I think about my Christian walk; I know I am called to be a witness. The dis- ciple is called to be a witness to life's events. What makes any of us think we are 'spe- cial? ' Scripture reminds us all are subject to the events of life. In our walk as a disciple, some are called to be missionaries, others, martyrdom is thrust upon them, while still others are called to be a witness in physical adversities. As Paul reminded us, whatever state he found himself in–he was content. I take that to mean his witness for Christ was evi- dent in wherever and whatever events were transpiring." Ford took his responsibility of being a "Torch Bearer" se- riously. He faced death by liv- ing. While undergoing daily chemotherapy and radiation, he continued to write columns for this newspaper, and pastor the church God had called him to lead. Ford was NOT prepar- ing to die, because he had pre- pared to live in Christ. Ford talked about people needing something to live for and he was living for Christ. When he completed the first round of treatments, his doctors told him it appeared the treatments were working. They assured him he would be around to ex- change Christmas gifts, and he should continue pastoring and doing what he enjoyed for at least the next year. Unfortu- nately, the cancer was not co- operating, and Ford left us to see Jesus. A few days before his death, he said that he was leaving the hospital for hospice care. He was not giving up; he was not committing suicide; he was go- ing home to see Jesus. Going home to Jesus is not just Ford's desire. He hoped it was every Christian's desire. The words of the Apostle Paul written to Timothy are a fitting tribute to a brother who carried the "Light of Christ" honorably. "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. From now on there is reserved for me the crown of righteous- ness, which the Lord, the righ- teous judge, will give me on that day, and not only to me but also to all who have longed for his appearing." Ford has passed the Torch. Editor's note: Curtis Bond is the identical twin brother of Ford Bond. He is going to take over the duties of writing a col- umn for Ford. Curtis is also a United Methodist minister in LaPorte.

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