The Press-Dispatch

July 1, 2020

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The Press-Dispatch Wednesday, July 1, 2020 B-3 ernment operates separate- ly, it is Christian people who should help influence the po- litical process. The secular humanists and liberal politi- cians fear the influence of re- al Christians. Every Christian should learn where people stand on the issues. We have to decide whether we want freedom or secularism. Do we want pro- tection for the unborn and for our elderly? It's not so much a political party but principal that counts. Too many poli- ticians are corrupt and com- fortable with half truths or no truth. Seek divine guidance before you vote. When good people do nothing then bad things will happen to our be- loved nation. VIEWPOINT Continued from page 1 MINUTES Continued from page 1 RAMBLINGS Continued from page 1 ratio of 300 to 1. Third, the Vatican and Sinaitic manu- scripts, which do not con- tain it, leave spaces where it has been omitted. Fourth, we have translations earlier than our oldest manuscripts which do contain it. Fifth, we have the writings of fathers who lived still earlier, con- taining quotations from this passage. The most conclusive evi- dence, however, is that con- tained in Peter's testimony at Pentecost. Surely Peter was working under the "great commission" at this time. Surely, also, he was better able to interpret the commis- sion than we are. The Lord had already "opened their un- derstanding, that they might understand the Scriptures" (Luke 24:45). With eyes thus opened, the apostles further sat under Christ's special in- structions for forty days be- fore His ascension (Acts 1:3). And to cap it all, we read that "they were all filled with the holy ghost" (Acts 2:4). Surely, under such condi- tions Peter could not have misinterpreted his commis- sion. And are the terms laid down in Mark 16:16 omitted from his offer of salvation, or does he change or minimize them aught? Indeed not! He emphasizes them as he says to his convicted hearers: "Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the re- mission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost" (Acts 2:38). Surely, Spirit-filled Pe- ter, taught for forty days by Christ, with his understand- ing opened to God's revealed plan, would not have demand- ed water baptism for the re- mission of sins if he had not been instructed to do so. Those who would seek to eliminate Mark's record of the commission to the elev- en (later twelve) have this further fact to face. Sad to say, some also misrepresent these words of Peter's by sub- stituting three periods or an "etc." for the words "for the remission of sins." Peter interpreted the rest of the Mark commis- sion correctly too, for as it says, "these signs shall fol- low them that believe," and he promised that "the gift of the Holy Spirit" (for miracu- lous power) would follow re- pentance and baptism. Unless Fundamentalists are ready to interpret and proclaim the message of Mark 16:15 -18 as Peter did, they should acknowledge that we are to labor, not un- der the so-called great com- mission given to the eleven, but under that much greater commission given by the as- cended Lord to Paul and to us (2 Cor. 5:14-21); that commis- sion in which water baptism has no place, but the all-suf- ficiency of Christ and His fin- ished work is the theme. when we worked together. We were fortunate enough to be able to travel to Houston, Texas twice. We were work- ing to develop our lock pro- gram. Sure wish Steve and his family good blessings. The room we have been working on is being loaded with the things we took out of it. We are beginning to won- der how we had all that stuff in there. I have always kid- ded my wife about her abil- ity to put two gallons into a gallon jug. Sometimes you have to say something has to go and we are condensing several items and the room is taking shape. We finally got one garage bay open and a car parked in there, which brought on a Tarzan scream with the pounding of my chest in celebration. We installed vertical blinds as window covering and I believe some engineer had to be sitting somewhere laughing as we attempted to spread and turn the blind op- erating bar so it would snap into place. We had instruc- tions, but they made little sense so we had to wing it with the installation. Well after a little angry fit we got them hung and they don't look bad at all. People talk about the COVID 19 and sound as though they know some- thing about it, but does any- one really understand what this thing is doing and how in the world can a virus mu- tate. There are so many more questions than there are an- swers. I only hope and pray that it doesn't get us in a lock- down again. It isn't just the USA who are suffering and concerned. It has affected about every country in the world. My sister has been in the nursing home for about four or five years now and we hav- en't been able to see her for at least four months now. I hear from the home about how she is doing and she seems to be doing okay, thank God. When we can visit, but we have to keep it short. She gets to asking questions I can't answer and it sort of up- sets her so I don't want to up- set her while this virus has us captive. I do miss seeing her. Sunday morning Linda taught us about Proverbs 13 and how we should make good decisions after asking God for good answers and quit doing things rashly and acting on her own. Proverbs is full of advice about how to keep from doing foolish things. Our message scripture les- son was about waiting. We should wait before we judge others and their wealth, be- cause being well off isn't a sin although how they got there might be. We need to keep on serving God and not allow the world to cause us to tire of doing good. We need to not worry because God hasn't sent Jesus back to claim the church. Those who are in it, for it is not His great will for any to perish but come to ev- erlasting life, and we need to wait and be ready to become citizens of heaven as our new home. I ask you to be a blessing to someone each week and there are some weeks I need to listen to my own preaching and take a dose of my own medicine. So let us all go out and be blessing to someone. Methodist ALFORD UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1709 E. SR. 356 Petersburg Sunday school scheduled the first Sunday of each month at 9:30 a.m.; Sunday worship each week at 10 :30 a.m. Everyone is welcome to come and worship with us. Shane Springer, Pastor ALGIERS UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Highway 356, Petersburg Sunday school 9 a.m. and worship service 10 a.m. You are always welcome to join our friendly church and worship God with us. Mike Atkins, Pastor GOOD SHEPHERD UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 210 W. Harrison Street, Oakland City Church 812-749-3525 Sunday school 9:30 a.m.; wor- ship service 10 :30 a.m.; commu- nity luncheons the third Tues- day of each month 10 a.m.-noon CDT. The community of Good Shepherd United Method- ist Church exists to glorify God through Jesus Christ our Lord. As a body of believers, we pledge ourselves to allow the Holy Spirit to develop with- in us maturity of spirit, unity of faith and knowledge of the Son of God, so that we may be pre- pared to share His love, mercy and grace through our words and actions to a needy world. We extend an invitation to the public to come and worship with us. The Good Shepherd takes care of His sheep. Neal Scifres, Pastor OTWELL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH P.O. Box 146, 10041E. Washington Ave. Otwell 812-766-3344 Facebook: Otwell United Methodist Church and Jeff Pinney. Otwell United Methodist in- vites you to join us this Sun- day at 10 :30 a.m. as we worship our Lord Jesus Christ; Sunday school, 9:30 a.m. "So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach uni- ty in the faith and in the knowl- edge of the Son of God and be- come mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ" (Ephesians 4:11-13, NIV ). Jeff Pinney, Pastor PETERSBURG FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 801 East Walnut Petersburg 812-354-6658 Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world Our website is peters- burg1stunitedmethodist.wee- which has news and recorded weekly sermons. Follow us on Facebook at Pe- tersburg First United Method- ist Church. We are now having in-per- son worship service on Sun- days at 9:30 a.m. Everyone is welcome to join us. "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strength- en you and help you; I will up- hold you with my righteous right hand" (Isaiah 41:10). God Bless. Michael (Mike) Punke, Pas- tor PETERSBURG FREE METHODIST CHURCH 202 E. Walnut Street Pastor 812-354-6646 You are invited to special 'Drive-In' Sunday morning services, which meet each week at 10 :30 a.m. The mu- sic and sermon will be broad- cast on low-power FM 87.9, and anyone parked on the premises can receive the broadcast on their car radi- os. The service lasts 35 to 45 minutes. Also available is our live stream on Petersburg Free Methodist Church Facebook page. No other events are sched- uled during current restric- tions. Peace and joy in the Lord. Mark Schlechty, Pastor RUMBLETOWN FREE METHODIST CHURCH 1485 N. St. Rd. 57 Petersburg Adult Sunday school at 9:30 a.m.; morning worship at 10 :30 a.m. The church is located south of Petersburg on State Road 57. Hope Barnett, Reporter SPURGEON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 11505 N. Hwy. 61 Spurgeon Pastor Cell 812-202- 8903 or church office 812-922-8215 Church service 9 a.m.; Sunday school 10 a.m.; Fri- day Bible study at 1 p.m. Today reading: John 13:31- 35. "Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples" ( John 13:35, NLT). But real love doesn't stop there. We extend that love by sharing the gospel in hopes of drawing people to the Saviour. As Paul wrote, "We are...Christ's ambassadors" (II Corinthians 5:20). In this way, the body of Christ can both reflect and project God's love, the love we so desperately need, to both each other and to our world. May both efforts, em- powered by His Spirit, be a part of cutting through the distractions that hinder us from seeing the wonder of God's love in Jesus. Read the Discovery Se- ries booklet Truth with Love: Sharing the Story of Jesus at To a world living in the fog of distraction, we bring the light of the good news of Je- sus. Josh Sanders, Pastor Sherry Julian, Reporter WHITE RIVER CHAPEL UMC 3555 W. SR 56 Bowman 812-582-8896 Sunday worship 9 a.m.; Sun- day school 10 :15 a.m. We are exploring the words in Philippians 4:4-9 and how they can help us thrive in cha- os. So many trials come into our lives and along with the business of life. These things can easily choke out the Life of God in us. But praise God, "But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteous- ness; and all these things will be added unto you" (Matthew 6:33). What things will be add- ed? God's order back into our lives—a peace that passes all understanding—He is in con- trol. Facebook: White River Chapel UMC, Jeff Pinney. Questions regarding church events, call 812-766 -3344 or mail to: 3555 West State Road 56, Petersburg, IN 47567. Jeff Pinney, Pastor Nazarene PETERSBURG CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 118 West Pike Ave. Church 812-354-8851 As we celebrate the birth of our nation this week and the freedom it brings, let us al- so celebrate the freedom we have through Jesus Christ. The freedom from death and a life eternal if we accept His free gift. Join us this Sunday at 10 :30 a.m. as Pastor Steve continues in Genesis 11— "In the Begin- ning – Sin and God's Author- ity." July 12 starts a new sched- ule for church activities: 9:30 a.m. fellowship and snacks; 10 :30 a.m. worship service; 6 p.m. Sunday school; mid-week services resume on Wednes- day, July 15, at 6 p.m. We hope to see you at church. Steven Hamilton, Pastor Pentecostal HOUSE OF MERCY CHURCH Corner of East and Porter Winslow Pastor 812-789-5229 A Church with open arms and a loving heart. Sunday morning service 10 :15 a.m.; Sunday school at 11 a.m. We are back having Sunday services. According to the Bible, we are truly in the last days. Jesus told the disciples of the signs that would be prominent and OAKLAND CITY FIRST PENTECOST Hwy. 64 East Sunday morning service 9:30 a.m. with children's Sun- day school during the minis- try of the Word; Wednesday and Sunday evening services at 6 p.m. All services are CDT (Gibson Co. times). "Before you can have the gift, you 'must' believe the giv- er. Unbelief is a spiritual dis- ease"—Jesse Duplantis. To all those churches who Continued in next column are struggling to get your congregations back after the closing, hang on, be not deceived....God will turn it around. Ron Vickers, Pastor Elaine Young, Reporter, 812-749 -1122 (leave a mes- sage). Pentecostal they are truly here. The one thing Jesus emphasized was three times deception and it has surely happened in our world today. I can not empha- size enough about the church praying and fasting in this hour. God will be found and moved when we call. Keep our president, vice-president and the cabi- net in your prayers that the right decisions will be made. Remember those in hospitals and nursing homes, who are in a place of no family or friends coming to visit. Also pray for families, your friends and neighbors that do not know Jesus as their Lord and Saviour, and for reviv- al fire to begin to burn fresh and anew. In His Service, George Bruce, Jr., Pastor Presbyterian MAIN STREET PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 10th and Main Streets, Petersburg 812-354-6844 Sunday worship 10 :30 a.m. Come visit us, our doors are always open to you. Independence Day lessons for church life • Return to the basics — On July 4, we commemorate the origins of our country. In terms of faith, we also peri- odically need to hear again the foundational stories of Creation, the Israelites and, of course, Jesus. • Honor the gift of free- dom — "For freedom Christ has set us free … do not sub- mit again to a yoke of slav- ery" (Galatians 5:1, ESV ). We strive as citizens to pre- serve and live out our nation- al freedom. Likewise, as cit- izens of God's kingdom we live gladly in the freedom of salvation and share that gift with others. • Enjoy community — July 4 is known for picnics, parades and other commu- nity gatherings. Similarly, the church is nourished by coming together for wor- ship, meals and other spe- cial events. • Be light in the darkness — As fireworks brighten the sky with light and color, the church is called to display the Gospel's unique light in a dark world. Our word dy- namite and the Greek word for power — as in, "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you" (Acts 1:8) — share a root. Through God's power in us, we share Jesus — dynami- cally! — with others. Office hours: 9 a.m.-noon, Monday-Friday. Amy Melhiser, Secretary Wesleyan OTWELL WESLEYAN CHURCH 2277 N. Mechanics Street Otwell Pastor 812.354.3028 Morning worship at 10 :30 a.m.; Sunday school at 9:30 a.m. and evening worship at 6:30 p.m. will begin July 5. God sent His Angel to help me There was a homeless man who was trying to sleep in be- tween some office buildings in the city, but because he hadn't eaten in three days, he could not get to sleep. He was suffer- ing so much that he thought about killing himself. As the night went on, he finally fell asleep. In the morning, the man woke and thought, if he could get $ 3.45, it would allow him to get something to eat. But where and how could he get the mon- ey. $ 3.45 at that time in his life was like trying to get $1,000. Then out of nowhere a man came walking toward him, and told him there was some mon- ey by the tree by the red brick house. As he hurried off to get the money, he realized that he had forgotten to say thank you, but when he turned back, the man was gone. He tried his best to find him by going up and down the alley, but he had just vanished. The homeless man went to the location and he found the tree in someone's front yard. He walked over to the tree and looked and looked, and nothing was there, but a little voice in his head told him to keep look- ing. So he got on both knees and looked again for the money, but he saw nothing. That was it, he had made up his mind, today was the day that he was going to kill himself. Weak, tired and cold, the small voice spoke to him again, look one last time. So he did, and to his great sur- prise, there were some coins. A fter quickly grabbing up the coins, he headed across the street to count it, and to his happiness, the total amount was $ 3.45, just enough for his first meal in three days for and saving his life. Be someone's angel this week. If anyone has a need, you can call the pastor at 812-354-3028. Roy Stilwell, Pastor Pam Lemond, Reporter

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