ML - Michigan Avenue

2014 - Issue 6 - October

Michigan Avenue - Niche Media - Michigan Avenue magazine is a luxury lifestyle magazine centered around Chicago’s finest people, events, fashion, health & beauty, fine dining & more!

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INVITED 80 MICHIGANAVEMAG.COM Benjamin Greenfield and Alexia Imaz Liz Bobak, Katie Morlan, and Ali Cabedo Guests mingled in the Altitude lounge. Jerry Brown, Deanna Wasilenko, Natalie Trombetta, and Lake Wismer Chantelle and Josh Rateliff Bryan Novak and Maria Schmidt Piret Puusepp and Abigail Simon Julie Barnett and Jaime Bolber Amanda Nakken and Ryan Dybas DJ Rock City Jen Avery and David Dvorak NEARLY 200 GUESTS gathered at Freestyle Food + Drink in the Dana Hotel and Spa to toast the winners of the Project Windows design contest. Partygoers enjoy ed the restaurant's light bites while sipping libations by Double Cross Vodka, including the Chicago-inspired Lakeside cocktail. PROJECT WINDOWS AWARDS RECEPTION Project Windows winners show off their awards. MICHIGAN AVENUE FÊTED SEPTEMBER cover star K ristin Cavallari with a celebration at Altitude at the W Lakeshore. Throughout the evening sponsored by R ivers Casino and Bob Loquercio Auto Group, the crowd sipped libations by Stella Artois and Wansas Tequila. KRISTIN CAVALLARI COVER PARTY PHOTOGRAPHY BY JEFF SCHEAR (CAVALLARI); CORY DEWALD/JEFF SCHEAR VISUALS (PROJECT WINDOWS) Beth Arnott and Michele Olson Andy Li and Eba Qi Dr. Joaquin Brieva and Jennifer Sutton-Brieva Jordan Phelps and Vince Martel

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