ML - Michigan Avenue

2014 - Issue 6 - October

Michigan Avenue - Niche Media - Michigan Avenue magazine is a luxury lifestyle magazine centered around Chicago’s finest people, events, fashion, health & beauty, fine dining & more!

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INSPIRED BY... ChiCagoans are inspired by all that is around us—as are watChmakers, who look to history, human aChievement, and the endless possibilities of spaCe to spur Creativity and embolden their designs. by roberta naas photography by jeff crawford T he art of watchmaking is a nearly 500-year-old tradition. Still, artisans con- tinue to build even more beautiful, intricate, and mechanically innovative timepieces that are truly works of art. In the beginning, inspiration was drawn simply from the revolutionary ability—thanks to the development of the main- spring—to build these cutting-edge devices. But as time and technology progressed, watchmakers became more creative in their designs. Today inspiration can come from a host of sources: For some, it is architecture and design; for others, it is the heav- enly skies and the natural world, the power of machines, or the richness of history. Here is a look at several stunning creations where inspiration has been chan- neled into an artful wristwatch. For more watch features and expanded coverage go to styling by terry lewis 102

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