ML - Michigan Avenue

2014 - Issue 6 - October

Michigan Avenue - Niche Media - Michigan Avenue magazine is a luxury lifestyle magazine centered around Chicago’s finest people, events, fashion, health & beauty, fine dining & more!

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Page 38 of 147

photography by collier schorr V Is for Veneta Bottega Veneta creatiVe director Tomas maier reVeals a refined fall menswear collection that's perfectly at home in the Brand's lush park hyatt chicago suite—and Beyond. by lauren finney Tomas Maier describes himself as "restrained, analytical, and a perfectionist," words that could just as easily apply to the collections he produces as creative director of Bottega Veneta. Under- stated refinement is a key component of the brand, whose customers Maier calls "individuals with confidence and personal style who are more interested in craftsmanship and lasting value than a logo." Maier strives for this sense of purpose and control in all aspects of the brand. The German- born designer spent nearly 10 years of his career at Hermès, and when Gucci Group acquired Bottega Veneta in the Tomas Maier was an accomplished designer for labels like Hermès before becoming creative director at Bottega Veneta. continued on page 38  37 style the style setter

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