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SANTA CRUZ SENTINEL WHO'S WHO IN REAL ESTATE THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 2017 17 dwellsc.com MY GOAL IS TO MAKE IT SEAMLESS. Regular communication, compulsive organization and exceptional service are key. One size does not fit all in real estate, which is why I listen carefully and adjust to the individual needs of my clients. I put their interests first. Both in personal and professional life, I strive to treat others as I would want to be treated. BUYING OR SELLING A HOME CAN BE A COMPLICATED PROCESS. photo: Elisabeth Summer MARCELLINA CATALANO REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL B A I L E Y P R O P E R T I E S marcellina@dwellsc.com dwellsantacruz.com 831-428-3617 CAL BRE #01941023 c o n t r i B u t e d

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