Tehama - The Magazine

Spring 2012

Tehama - The Magazine - Red Bluff Daily News

Issue link: https://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/66310

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another 3-5 hours, so those attempting both peaks in one day need to start early. Camping is available in the park, so a more leisurely way to scale both peaks is over a weekend. There are seldom crowds on Brokeoff, so just plan to set out in plenty of time to return well before dark. During the height of summer, the Lassen Peak Trail can get crowded. Those wanting to bask in nature and not so much their fellow hikers will want to start early. The road through Lassen Volcanic National Park typically opens in June, but check www.nps.gov/lavo for trail and road Stark contrast. The Brokeoff trail, left, takes you past lush forest, while Lassen's trail is sparse and rocky. 6 Tehama - the Magazine, May, 2012

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