Tehama - The Magazine

Spring 2012

Tehama - The Magazine - Red Bluff Daily News

Issue link: https://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/66310

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Lassen Peak and Brokeoff Mountain By Chip Thompson Bluff and Tehama County where you aren't treated to views of Mt. Lassen to the east, but often overlooked is Brokeoff Mountain — the southern peak that makes up the twin peak view. There are few places in Red Brokeoff present rewarding day hikes. Those looking for a chal- lenge will scale both peaks in a day, but you'll need an early start and a good level of fitness. Whether you climb Lassen and Brokeoff in a day or a week- end, you'll be enjoy two very different experiences. Elevation is relative At 10,457 feet, Lassen Peak puts you about 1,200 feet higher in elevation than Brokeoff, but For hikers, both Lassen and Top: Lassen Peak as seen from Brokeoff Mountain. Left: Brokeoff from the Lassen Peak Trail. the latter is a longer hike, at 7.4 miles round trip compared to 4.8 miles for Lassen, and the ele- vation gain is 2,600 feet compared to 1,957 feet. Diversity Tale of Two Peaks Climbing Brokeoff Mountain offers more variety of scenery because you start at a much lower elevation and spend the first few miles in the forest before emerging from the tree line. Probably the greatest reward of a climb to the top of Brokeoff is unpar- alleled views of Lassen Peak to the north — a perspective it's impossi- ble to find elsewhere in the park. May, 2012, Tehama - the Magazine 3

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