The O-town Scene

July 28, 2011

The O-town Scene - Oneonta, NY

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Contents of this Issue


Page 2 of 31

SCENE Contents 2- Masthead | Editor’s Note 5- Living Long and Prospering | Working Girl 6- Trust Me, I’m a Counselor 7- Vinyl Vault: the Misfits ‘Walk Among Us’ 8-9- Art People: Patricia Coyle 10- Music People: Langhorne Slim 11- Americana Festival 12-13- LOCAL EATS: use all that zucchini with Backyard Bake recipe 15- REVIEWS – Lost in the Trees, ‘Captain America’ 16-17- Pie in the Sky: a country-living dream 18- Retro Ad | Nostalgia column 19- WUOW featured artist 20-21- Diversity Scene 22-23- Coming events 25-26- Calendar 26- RoBS 28-30- Classified ads 31- Advice Goddess July 28, 2011 O-Town Scene 3 Pie in the Sky is a rural wonderland of organic produce, homemade ice cream and baked goods and friendly service. Pages 16-17 Josh Baldo Emily Erns- berger utilizes overgrown zucchini in her Backyard Bake recipe. Pages 12-13 Emily Ernsberger The perils of Pit Bulls when apartment hunting. Working Girl, Page 5. July 28-Aug. 3 Contributed

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