Rutherford Weekly - Shelby NC
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Our 18th Year • Issue No. 47 • November 24, 2010 Carolina Chiropractic Plus & Rutherford County Chamber of Commerce Invite You To A CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION Thursday, December 2nd •5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. CAROLINA CHIROPRACTIC PLUS 152 West Main Street - Forest City, NC •Caroling • Holiday Hay Ride • Santa • Treats/Eggnog/Hot Cider Be Sure To Bring An Unwrapped Gift For Salvation Army Christmas Cheer Toy Drive “SMALL T WN FRIENDL “SMALL TOWN FRIENDL Y” ® 369 Butler Road, Forest City, North Carolina 28043 UNLIMITED MINUTES UNLIMITED TEXT MESSAGE Nationwide Cellular Works On The Nations Largest Network NO CONTRACT NO CREDIT CHECK $4495 pageplus 828-202-5597 644 S. Broadway St. Forest City Mon.-Fri. 9am-6pm ;Sat. 10am-2pm The Chamber Board of Directors eats lunch and keeps going with the intense planning for the 2010 Reverse Raffl e! By M.A. Andrews • Entry form on page 29. DOUZO’S GYM GYM •T-Shirts• •Muscle Shirts• •Polo Shirts• •Supplements• •Training Gear• Since the beginning, the Rutherford Chamber of Commerce Reverse Raffl e is an event to look forward to every year. It ushers in the holiday season and the biggest Christmas gift anyone can get is winning the $10,000! Every year with excited an- ticipation, we go through 500 numbers and can't wait to hear the winning number. Those who buy a ticket to this great event enjoy a dinner complete with drinks and desserts and the companionship of good friends. Truly, this has become the social event of the year in Rutherford County. Now, suffi ce to say, the 2010 Reverse Raffl e is "moving up another notch!" With intense planning, the Rutherford Chamber and its Board of Directors are making this years Reverse Raffl e "the big show" in Rutherford County. A new logo headlines the event. In addition, the magic number this year is "10"! December 10th is the date for the possibility of your winning the grand prize of $10,000. The odds of winning the grand prize are just 500 to 1. This year every fi fth ticket will win a valuable prize and there will be a 50/50 raffl e as well. Just another opportunity to win some big bucks. As The Reverse Raffl e goes "full speed ahead" new and exciting presentations will take place. This year comedy to entertain will take place. Also, in addition to the music, there will be dancing. A new entry to this magnifi cent event is that there will be a variety of eats! There will be, not one, but four vendors providing a variety of food. The diversifi ed menu will continue to make the evening an adventure well above the ordinary. There will also be more drink stations to accommodate you more quickly. Gift Certifi cates Available S. Broadway St. Forest City 828-382-0284 Join Now Only $ CONTRACT Per Month NO 25 Instruments Another new addition to this "big show" will be that the raffl e will be held in the Foundation auditorium on stage with a live video feed throughout the facility. That way, where ever you are, you won't miss a winning number. Let it be noted that in 2010, Rutherford County's Chamber of Commerce Re- verse Raffl e is getting bigger and better. The entire facility of the Foundation will be an array of good food, drinks, entertainment and companionship. It will be a ongoing display designed to keep you entertained as you wait to see the many winners leading up to the grand prize. It will defi nitely be a sell out! So the best advice is - don't delay - get your ticket or tickets today! You can purchase your tickets on line at, by phone - 828-287-3090 or by stopping by the Chamber offi ce in Rutherfordton at 162 North Main Street. The offi ce is open from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Special tables can also be purchased. This year, the festive occa- sion is guaranteed to be a fun fi lled new adventure for this annual sellout event. SHOP EARLY FOR THE BEST SELECTION! Large GREAT PRICES! TOO MUCH TO LIST! STOP BY & CHECK US OUT Musical Selection Electronics B&D’S THRIFT & LOAN 596 South Broadway St., Forest City • 828-245-3551 Game Systems & Games From TVs to iPods! • From Drums To Guitars We Have A Large Selection & Supplies Too! Mon.-Fri. 8:00-5:45 • Sat. 8:30-4:30 Major Credit Cards Accepted GREAT PRICES! TOO MUCH TO LIST! STOP BY & CHECK US OUT SHOP EARLY FOR THE BEST SELECTION! Bring us your chains, rings bracelets...anything gold & we’ll pay you TOP DOLLAR! Cash on Cash on the Spot!the Spot! One important reminder, please remember to bring an unwrapped gift for the Rutherford County Christmas Cheer Toy Tree! Your gift will add to putting a smile on a special someone's face. What else can I say, dress up, slip into your dancing shoes and get ready for the biggest and best party of the year. How can you lose? Rick Austin, Executive Director of the Rutherford County Chamber, was very pleased to relate that the Assistant Director of the North Carolina Rural Center said at a recent Economic Summit: "The Rutherford Chamber of Commerce is the best chamber in the state! It is doing more to help its members, business, and entre- preneurs in the county than any other Chamber in North Carolina. The Reverse Raffl e is a most important part of the Rutherford Chambers success. This event, along with membership, entirely supports this organizations continuing efforts. You won't want to miss the "better than ever" 2010 Reverse Raffl e. HOME PHONE SERVICE No Connection Fee! Starting At $1432 Per Mo. • Phone: 828-248-1408 • Email: EZ Wireless Now Becoming "The Big Show!" Reverse Raffle Goes Full Speed Ahead! w Becoming "The Big Show!" erse Raffle Goes Full Speed Ahead! ©Community First Media ©Community First Media ©Community First Media RESULTS! RESULTS! WE GET WE GET Layaway Now Layaway Now For For Christmas! Christmas!