Tribstar TV

October 08, 2023

TV listings, entertainment news and streaming suggestions from your hometown newspaper, serving Terre Haute and the Wabash Valley.

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October 8 - 14, 2023 • Terre Haute Tribune-Star • 11 crossword fun Solution on page 3 ACROSS 1. Plead 4. The ___ Piper 8. Lute tuner 11. Tarnish 12. Look ___ (ad- mire) 13. Letters before a pseudonym 14. TSA scanners 17. Poseidon's realm 18. Star pitcher 19. Mama's man 21. Fraternal group 24. Chopper 25. Small music release 26. French pro- noun. 27. "Leave!" 28. Word proces- sor command 30. Sunrise direc- tion 32. Bosh 34. Small amount 35. Did something in a never be- fore seen way 41. South Ameri- can resort 42. Rock's Clapton 43. Pumpernickel grain 44. Unit of elec. current 45. Legend 46. Without prec- edent DOWN 1. Stunt biker's bike 2. Piece of corn 3. Get the mean- ing of 4. Mountain lion 5. Hoppy beer, for short 6. Truncation abbr. 7. Qatar's capital 8. Comic-strip unit 9. Barely manage (with "out") 10. Kind of sta- tion 15. Alumnus's keepsake 16. Banana split ingredient 19. Set of socks 20. Wheels con- nector 22. Brewers' bar- rels 23. Catch a glimpse of 29. Sag 31. Opposite of uglify 33. Abound 34. Kind of sup- port 35. Bathing suit top 36. Lip 37. Stab 38. Chart topper 39. Alkaline made from ashes 40. Pasture mois- ture G THERE T LOW COST (812)232-2675 Need a Ride? Need a Ride? We provide low-cost year-round rural public transit services. You can use our transit service for trips to: We provide low-cost year-round rural public transit services. You can use our transit service for trips to: Grocery Stores Government Offices Banking Facilities Vaccine & Medical Appointments Grocery Stores Government Offices Banking Facilities Vaccine & Medical Appointments THR VE 515 Wabash Ave. Terre Haute, IN (812) 232-2628 2 HR. Free Parking Anywhere Downtown Open 10am-6pm Mon.-Sat. $ 10 No Extra Charge on Special Orders All Naot Footwear SPECIAL WEEK of the OFF Vigo County CASA 812-231-5658

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