Our 40th Year • Issue No. 30 • July 27, 2023
"In GOD We Trust"
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Giggle B' Circus 3:30-6:30PM
Contemp:ary Christian music 3:30-6:30PM
Fun fC the Whole Family!!
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7th Inning Stretch
Festival begins and
ends with music
Article contributed
by ALWS Staff
Music lovers can find some-
thing to sing about from the time
the 9th Annual 7th Inning Stretch
Festival opens at 3:00 PM until it
closes at 10:00 PM.
On Saturday, Aug. 5, the
festival, with two music stages
and plenty of food, trinkets, and
games, will fill the streets on three
sides of Shelby's uptown Court
Square and spill over onto South
Lafayette Street to the Graham
Street intersection.
The festival is
the opening
act for The
A m e r i c a n
L e g i o n
World Series,
scheduled for
Aug. 10-15, at
Shelby High
School's Keeter
Stadium. The
local ALWS
committee initi-
ated the festival
as a thank you for the communi-
ty's support of the annual national
baseball tournament.
Before country music hitmakers
Greylan James and Chris
Lane turn up
the volume on
the main stage
at Lafayette and
Warren streets,
local perform-
ers will ring out
with praise songs
of Contemporary
Christian music.
The Hometown
to be set
oupn Washington
Street and spon-
sored by Food
Lion, will be the
platform for the
Hope Worship
Collective, Destiny
Life Worship, and
Falling forty-two.
3:15 PM: The
Hope Worship
Collective, a ministry of Shelby's
Hope Community Church, writes
and produces its own original
music with the goal of pointing
people to the story of hope in
4:30 PM: Destiny Life Worship,
a multicultural team of believers
from Destiny Life Center Church,
covers all genres of Christian
music, including their first original
release "Back to the Altar" in 2020.
5:20 PM: Just when the crowd
thinks it's pretty loud, the Crest
Drum Line will increase the vol-
5:30 PM: Falling forty-two is
a four-piece band that combines
an energetic stage presence and
uncommon instrumentation to
provide a unique take on several
musical genres.
When Greylan James,
noted for his guitar acumen and
his songwriting, takes the stage
at 7:00 PM, the crowd will change
musical gears for country music.
The final act of the evening at
8:30 PM is headliner Chris Lane,
known for "Fix," "Howdy," and "Big,
Big Plans," among other hits.
Throughout the afternoon, festi-
valgoers can enjoy food and crafts
from festival vendors and from
Uptown restaurants and shops.
For more information on the fes-
tival, visit www.7thinningstretch.
cc. For more information on the
2023 ALWS, visit www.american-
Something to sing about
August 5, 2023
"Awards for All Occasions"