Shelby Shopper

June 15, 2023

Shelby Shopper Shelby NC

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Page 18 - shelby shopper & info - 704/484-1047 Thursday, June 15-June 21, 2023 Local Fishing Report Tammy Melton with The Anglers Choice Thursday night tournaments at Moss Lake continue now thru October 19th. Tournament times are from 6:00pm to 9:30pm, entry fee is $40 with 100% payback. $30 paid back at the end of each tournament and $10 withheld to be paid back on the "End of Year Fish Off". You must fi sh or pay for at least 10 Thursday night tournaments to be eligible to fi sh the "End of Year Fish Off, scheduled on Saturday, November 4th. Anglers Choice Marine Bonus Bucks, $100 is presented to the highest fi nisher that bought their boat from Anglers Choice Ma- rine. There were 27 boats on June 8th. • 1st place: 10.31lbs, Larry Weathers and Scott Crotts $405 • 2nd place: 8.51lbs, Jay Johnson and Cameron Ramsey $203 • 3rd place: 6.74lbs, Adam Roper and Brad Ellis $67 Big Largemouth: 3.89lbs, Larry Weathers and Scott Crotts $135. County Bass Anglers 2022/2023 season has come to a close and they are taking sign-ups for the 2023/2024 season! If your child is interested in fi shing with the youth team, or you are interested in being a boat captain, please make plans to attend the sign-ups scheduled for Monday, June 26th, 6:00pm at the Bobby Bell Pavilion in uptown Shelby. Bass Pro Matt Arey will be there to help in celebrating the 1st class of CCBA graduating seniors, Coleman Self and Jackson Wilson. We look forward to seeing all our current and future CCBA family members on Monday, June 26th! Thanks for taking the time to read this article, and if you have any fi shing news or pictures that you would like to share, please email me at Let's talk about doubt. We all have it. We all use it. Even in the most certain areas, doubt is always present. I can have a trail cam picture of a certain buck that shows up at a certain time of the day, and set up there on the following day, and still have doubt the buck will show up. I can catch fi sh for fi ve straight days off one point, and can show up the next day, and doubt will still rear its head to play with my head about the possibility of a sixth straight day. Pure doubt itself is agnostic. It only moves to belief or unbelief after more knowledge. For instance, I may want to buy a new bow and want the fastest one on the market. Right now, I have doubts as to which one that is. And not only that, but I also really don't care what brand it is. I am agnostic. I have one parameter. It must be the fastest. When I fi nd out (gain more knowledge) I move from doubt to belief in one and unbelief in another. Doubt is defi ned as hesitation or uncertainty between two positions. It is a fi xed position between two or more points. Biblical doubt is confusing sometimes. Sometimes the original text refers to unbelief and not pure doubt. Sometimes, there is an honest question about it, as to when Jesus asked Peter, "Why did you doubt?" Here's what I want you to know. Don't let doubt cause you to doubt. Let me write that again. Don't let doubt cause you to doubt. Let me illustrate. In the scriptures, there was a paralyzed man who sat at the pool of Bethesda. He had sat there for 38 years waiting to be put into the pool when the waters were stirred, thinking he would be healed. And for 38 years he wasn't the fi rst one in. And then Jesus healed him. But he had 38 years of minding-fi lling belief about his physical state. Now he is healed but must lay down each night for sleep. I wonder how long – for how many months or years, he opened his eyes in the morning and thought "I wonder, can I still walk? I wonder, is the miracle still effective? I wonder, is the healing still working? I wonder, are Jesus' words still good?" Doubt. Now some would criticize his doubt, but his doubt was legitimate. It came from a mindset that had been established for 38 years! It would take a while to change this. But if we looked at his heart. When HE looked deep in his heart. He knew. He believed. And he got up another day, until his life was over. What about you. Have you let the devil or others, or even yourself, tell you your doubt has hindered God's desire and ability to bring that miracle into your life? Here's how you can know. Look at your heart. Listen to your heart. When it comes to Jesus, and your belief in him and his goodness and his ability…. What does your heart say? Don't listen to your mind. The Apostle Paul said, "Take every thought captive." Why? Because he knew that some of us have decades of a faulty mindset and it may take years for our mind to match our heart. But until then, keep chasing away those thoughts, and one day you'll just get up without ever even remembering the days you couldn't walk. God is still the same. Don't let doubt cause you to doubt. By By Gary Miller Gary Miller Aiming Outdoorsmen Toward Christ Gary Miller has written Outdoor Truths articles for 20 years. He also speaks at wild-game dinners and men's events for churches and associations. GARY MILLER SUDOKU SUDOKU Fill in the blank squares so that each row, each column, and each 3 by 3 block contain all of the digits 1 thru 9 using logic. Answers ? ? ? ? ANSWER KEY HURRICANE SEASON WORD SEARCH ADVISORY ALERTS ATMOSPHERE CENTER COAST CYCLONE EYE WALL GALE HURRICANE INTENSITY INUNDATION LANDFALL LOCATION POSITION PRECAUTION RAINING SEASON STORMY TRACKING TYPHOON VORTEX WARNING WATCH WINDS (2nd Part of "Get a Grip" Series) Our days can be invaded with circumstances and people that agitate us. It seems that our children sometimes lack good sense or judgment which is probably why scripture mentions foolishness being in the heart of the child, and science says the brain is not fully developed until age 25. Our spouses don't always act the way we want them to or do what we think they should be doing, opposites do attract. Then, we get in our cars and get stuck in ridiculous traffic! Already we have been annoyed multiple times and it's only 8 am in the morning! We can decide that the rest of the day is going to be terrible, or we can use our super- power - the ability to control our attitude. Philippians 2:5 (NASB) "Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus." Positive or Negative Energy The greek word for attitude is phroné . It means to "properly regulate from within, as the inner-perspec- tive shows itself in corresponding, outward behavior." In other words, it's a way of thinking or feeling about someone or something that affects a person internally whether good or bad, and it's displayed externally. Proverbs 15:13 (AMP) says, "A heart full of joy and goodness makes a cheerful face, But when a heart is full of sadness the spirit is crushed." It also affects others, because one's attitude exudes either a positive or negative energy that everyone around can see and experience. Leadership guru, John Maxwell stated, "People may hear your words, but they feel your at- titude." The Honeycomb One way to check our attitude is to fill our minds with uplifting words. Proverbs 16:24 (NKJV) says, "Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, Sweetness to the soul and health to the bones." Every day I strive to read at least one scripture and a positive quote to keep my mind on the right track. Also, when my atti- tude becomes negative, I get out my journal and write what I am thankful for. Gratitude will put a bad attitude in its place. In addition, I remind myself to not get bent out of shape about things that are temporary and un- important. Lastly, I surround myself with people who strengthen me, instead of draining me. When I attend church or connect with good friends, it improves my attitude. PRAY THIS PRAYER: "Father, I love you. You are the essence of joy and peace. I praise you for your goodness in my life, espe- cially since I don't deserve it. Forgive me for a nega- tive attitude which didn't represent you well. I ask that you would help me to get a grip on my attitude and make it obey you. I pray that when other people en- counter me they will feel your Presence, and they will see the light of Christ in my life. Lord, I surrender to you. In Jesus' name I pray – Amen." Danyale Patterson would love to hear from you! Contact her at to share a testi- mony, send a prayer request, or book her to speak. Use Your Superpower DANYALE PATTERSON Carolina CLASSIFIEDS .com

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