The Press-Dispatch

April 25, 2012

The Press-Dispatch

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H A century of service Court report The Press-Dispatch Continued from page 2 the situation was far more serious. "He lost all color. He had no pulse. There was clearly no breathing," he re- called. Murdock immediate- ly started CPR, but when that didn't revive the boy, he decided they would have to reach medical help. Vol- unteers positioned the boy on a piece of marine ply- wood in the back of a raft and launched the raft, while Murdock and the boy's father continued giv- ing CPR. When Murdock tired, 19-year-old Eagle Scout Titan Sweeten took over. The boat finally reached a takeout point where the U.S. Forest Service had in- stalled an automated exter- nal defibrillator. Murdock used the AED on the Scout, reviving him on the third try. The Scout was soon airlifted to a children's hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah, where doctors ex- pressed amazement that he had survived after 30 min- utes of CPR. He has since fully recovered. aren't called upon to nav- igate a damaged space craft or stage a dramatic rescue. But that doesn't make their service any less important. "While we're proud to Most Eagle Scouts claim some truly great men in American history among our ranks, we're even more proud that ev- eryday Eagle Scouts be- come wonderful hus- bands, fathers, and citi- zens," said Bob Mazzuca, Chief Scout Executive of the Boy Scouts of Ameri- ca. "They lead. They vote. They donate. They volun- teer. They work hard and achieve their goals. In short, Eagle Scouts are exceptional men." Not all of us can be Ea- gle Scouts. But all of us can adopt their same spir- it of selfless dedication and strive to make our communities better. Thank you, Eagle Scouts. Here's to the next century of service. Ed Feulner is president H Mixing and matching Continued from page 2 a century ago, Jews did not live at random among themselves. Polish Jews had their neighborhoods, Rumanian Jews theirs, and so on. Meanwhile German Jews lived uptown. In Chi- cago, when Eastern Euro- pean Jews began moving in- to German Jewish neighbor- hoods, German Jews began moving out. It was much the same story in Harlem or in oth- er urban ghettoes, where blacks did not live at ran- dom among themselves. Landmark scholarly stud- ies by E. Franklin Frazier in the 1930s showed in de- tail how different neighbor- hoods within the ghettoes had people of different edu- cational and income levels, with different male\ female ratios and different ways of life living in different places. There was nothing ran- tion not only live separangte- ly from each other but have very different ways of life— and are growing increasing- ly remote from one another in beliefs and behavior. None of this matters to politicians and ideologues who are hell-bent to mix and match people according to their own preconceptions. Moreover, like many things that the government does, it does residential integration more crudely than when people sort themselves out. Back in the days when E. of The Heritage Founda- tion ( charged with count I, theft, a class D felony and count II, criminal trespass, a class A misdemeanor. Melinda K. Catt charged David L. Gray, Jr., Criminal Docket Pike Circuit Court with illegal possession, a class C misdemeanor. Small Claims with count I, resisting law enforcement, operating a vehicle, a class D felony; count II, operating a ve- hicle with 0.15 percent or more blood alcohol con- tent, a class A misdemean- or; count III, operating a vehicle while intoxicat- ed, a class A misdemean- or; count IV, driving while suspended (prior), a class A misdemeanor; count V, speeding, 60 mph in a 35 zone; count VI, expired plates. Joe E. Smitson waiver of extrdition. Shawnee L. Howell charged with count I, pos- session of meth, a class D felony; and count II, pos- session of paraphernalia, a class A misdemeanor. Larry J. Dunn charged vices sues Cheryl K. and David Krock on complaint for account plus costs. Hoosier Accounts Ser- Hoosier Accounts Ser- Pike Circuit Court vices sues Sherice L. Love- land on complaint for ac- count plus costs. Hoosier Accounts Ser- vices sues Melinda K. Mar- tinez on complaint for ac- count plus costs. Hoosier Accounts Ser- vices sues Sheila C. Mos- by on complaint for ac- count plus costs. Hoosier Accounts Ser- Kayla R. Lance charged Wednesday, April 25, 2012 C-3 Inc., Evansville Surgical Assoc., Roderick L. War- ren, MD, Buchanan Home- town Pharmacy, Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance, Pike County EMS, Norris & Love Orthopaedics & Sports, PC on complaint for declaratory judgement. US Bank National As- sociation sues Michael L. Wilder, Procol, Inc. for complaint on note and to reform and foreclose mort- gage on real estate. Tamela Sue Dunn sues vices sues Stacy M. Pierce and Roy Pierce on com- plaint for account plus costs. Hoosier Accounts Ser- vices sues Christopher M. Potts on complaint for ac- count plus costs. Hoosier Accounts Ser- with count I, intimidation, forcible felony, a class D fel- ony; count II, battery, seri- ous bodily injury, a class C felony. In re:investigation, sub- poena duces tecum. Paul A. Walker charged with two counts of child molesting, a class A felony. Bradley S. Smith charged with count I, re- sisting law enforcement, vehicle, a class D felony; count II, operating a ve- hicle while intoxicated, a class C misdemeanor; and count III, operating a ve- hicle while intoxicated, a class C misdemeanor. Misdemeanor Docket Pike Circuit Court Franklin Frazier was doing his scholarly studies of the composition and expansion of black ghettoes, he found the most educated and cul- tured elements of the black communities living on the periphery of these commu- nities. It was these kinds of peo- dom about it. Within Chica- go's black community, the delinquency rate ranged from more than 40 per- cent in some black neigh- borhoods to less than 2 per- cent in other black neigh- borhoods. People sort them- selves out. None of this was pecu- liar to blacks or Jews, or to the United States. When emigrants from Scotland went to Australia, the Scot- tish highlanders settled separately from the Scot- tish lowlanders. So did em- igrants from northern Italy and southern Italy. Separate residential pat- terns that are visible to the naked eye, when the peo- ple are black and white, are also pervasive among peo- ple who physically all look alike. Charles Murray's eye- opening new book, "Com- ing Apart," shows in detail how different segments of the white American popula- ple who typically led the ex- pansion of the black com- munity into the surround- ing white communities. By contrast, government pro- grams often take dysfunc- tional families from high crime ghetto neighbor- hoods and put them down in the midst of middle-class neighborhoods by subsidiz- ing their housing. Whether these middle- class neighborhoods are al- ready either predominant- ly black or predominant- ly white, the residents are often outraged at the in- creased crime and other be- havior problems inflicted on them by politicians and bu- reaucrats. But their complaints usu- with count I, operation of vehicle with 0.08 per- cent blood alcohol content or more, a class C misde- meanor; count II, operating a vehicle while intoxicated, a class C misdemeanor. Dustin B. Thompson Larry M. Halter charged charged with public intox- ication, a class B misde- meanor. Colton D. Head charged with minor consuming. Jace Taylor charged with minor consuming. sues Douglas Simpson for complaint on note and to foreclose mortgage on re- al estate. Infractions with speeding, 70 mph in a 55 zone. Michelle R. Jones-Sand- Kheeli P. Jones charged Pike Circuit Court vices sues Gary W. and Robin R. Traylor on com- plaint for account plus costs. Ginger Hills Apts. sues Shawnee L. Howell on com- plaint for action for posses- sion of real estate. Allied Collection Servic- es sues Amber Lynn Col- lins for complaint on ac- count and cost. Allied Collection Servic- ers charged with speeding, 64 mph in 55 zone. Matthew J. Kavanaugh charged with speeding, 39 mph in 30 zone. Ryan S. Keith charged with speeding, 64 mph in 55 zone. Blake W. Lamb charged with expired plates. April D. Wiscaver Tina L. Winchell charged charged with speeding, 74 mph in 55 zone. Travis L. Woolems charged with seat belt vi- olation. Carolyn S. Allen charged with expired operator's li- cense. William D. Lillard charged with no valid op- erator's license. Joseph C. Melhiser Larry Joe Dunn for disso- lution of marriage. JP Morgan Chase Bank charged with speeding, 80 mph in 55 zone. Brandi J. Wiesehan charged with permitting unlawful use of vehicle. David W. Basham charged with speeding, 39 mph in 30 zone. Jeremy W. Epley charged with seat belt violation. Henry T. Langedon with speeding, 64 mph in a 55 zone. Keith E. Perkins charged with seat belt violation. Lee A. Gress charged charged with seat belt vi- olation. Jack R. Morgan charged with seat belt violation. George M. Rincon with speeding, 71 mph in 55 zone. Daniel P. Lee charged with seat belt violation. Steven M. Lower es sues Marquette Cook for complaint on account and cost. Allied Collection Servic- es sues Christina Garland for complaint on account and cost. Allied Collection Servic- es sues Jimmie D. Knight for complaint on account and cost. Allied Collection Servic- es sues Amy N. Lewis for complaint on account and cost. Allied Collection Servic- charged with seat belt vi- olation. Stephen P. Price charged with seat belt violation. Matthew L. Morris charged with seat belt vi- olation. Taven S. Randolph charged with throwing burning material from a moving motor vehicle. George A. Reed charged with unsafe start. Connie J. Rowe charged es sues Patricia G. Onyett for complaint on account and cost. Civil Docket Auto Owners Insurance Co., Deaconess Hospital Inc., Evansville Radiolo- gy, PC, Orthopaedics As- soc. Inc., AirEvac EMS Stacy D. J. Mosby sues Pike Circuit Court with child restraint system violation. Kevin K. Rudisell charged with speeding, 64 mph in 55 zone. Kristin N. Seitz charged charged with speeding, general restriction. Tony R. Rostron charged with seat belt violation. Justin Van Brunt charged with seat belt vi- olation. Jordan M. King camping in unauthorized area. Luke H. Shover charged with operating an off-road vehicle in unauthorized ar- eas. Andrew M. Berg charged with speeding, 64 mph in a 55 zone. Matthew S. Clark charged with speeding, 35 mph in a 20 zone. William L. Russell charged with speeding, 64 mph in a 55 zone. Donna J. Adams charged charged with seat belt vi- olation. Conrad G. Stinson with speeding, 34 mph in 25 zone. Christopher M. Williams charged with speeding, 44 mph in 55 zone. with speeding, 65 mph in a 55 zone. Dennis G. Clark charged with speeding, 75 mph in a 55 zone. Lolita R. Goens charged with speeding, 64 mph in a 55 zone. Ferran R. Mason charged with speeding, 75 mph in a 55 zone and driv- ing while suspended. H Points to ponder—by Rev. Ford Bond knowledge of him and threw him overboard for the race hustlers to savage. National Review swift- Continued from page 2 Just not in the pages of NR or NRO, or as someone asso- ciated with NR any longer." There you have it. The ally fall on deaf ears. People convinced of their own supe- rior wisdom and virtue have no time to spare for what other people want, wheth- er in housing or health care or a whole range of other things. ly fired him, and in a press release editor Rich Lowry pointed out that though Der- byshire is "deeply literate, funny, and incisive writer . . . his latest provocation, in a webzine, lurches from the politically incorrect to the nasty and indefensible. We never would have published it, but the main reason that people noticed it is that it is by a National Review writer . . . It's a free country, and Derb can write whatever he wants, wherever he wants. thought police targeted and silenced another noncon- formist who refuses to tow the liberal-ideological line that whites are racists and that blacks continue to be victims and suffer the after- effects of segregation. Many Americans fear ra- cial strife is on the horizon, and the race hustlers, both white and black, are stoking the fire. My prayer is let this not "When Whites and Blacks stop seeing every incident as racial, we may heal the pain of the past but not while peo- ple fan the racial flames!" I offer my own antidote to racial strife. It comes from Paul's Letter to the Galatians where he writes "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus." The love of Christ which regener- ates mankind is the answer! Think about it! Let Us Improve Your Indoor Air Quality Let Us Improve Your Indoor Air Quality Breathie C Iond Comfort. Breat Uhep In Comfort. Call ABLreeas Itnhme Ine Comfort. • Outstanding No Hassle Replacement™ limited warranty and 10 year parts limited warranty protection* • Quiet operation be so. One blogger wrote what I think is a good sum- mary of this entire debate: Letter to the editor Letter writer says ambulance needed now, EMS service praised gard to the County Coun- cil putting the purchase of a new ambulance on hold. I have experienced first- hand on a very critical and personal level the impor- tance of a well-maintained and operating ambulance. In May of last year, my son Trenton fell into our pool. Within just a few minutes of the 911 call, Chris Young was the first to arrive at my home, and shortly thereaf- ter the first ambulance ar- rived. I know it did not take long to get the ambulance to our home, but when your child's life depends on it, to me, it felt like hours. Trenton was not able to stay here on earth, for God needed him more than I did, but my point in this letter is to make peo- ple aware of emergency sit- uations where every second counts in saving a life. We are very blessed with Dear Editor, I am writing this in re- great medical EMT's and paramedics in this coun- ty, and I am going to brag a bit on some that helped try to bring my lil man back. When I saw Chris Young ar- rive at my home, I thanked God for him coming, for I knew if anyone could bring Trenton back, Chris or his brother Ryan would be two of our best, and this gave me hope. Then TJ and Em- ily Skelton arrived, and I had more hope. All of these people are the best when it comes to their jobs. I know we had more emergency medical people at our home, and I never doubted any of their capabilities. I was so lucky to have everyone who came. Connie Whitehead was so nice to drive me to the hospital. While en route to the hos- pital, the ambulance stopped about a mile away from our home. I was questioning what they were doing. Con- nie and Emily assured me that they were probably try- ing to start a line in Tren- ton and had to have the am- bulance completely still to do that. At that point of our tragic experience, if the am- bulance would have broken down, I would have been liv- id! Thank God it didn't. The outcome of that day was not what we wanted as Trenton's life had already ended in our pool that day. We have a super great person running our coun- ty's medical personnel, and he has already increased the budget for the first quarter, so why would we deny our emergency medical person- nel the equipment that they need!! This is not just equip- ment; these are items need- ed to save people's lives. Why would we not want the best for our county when it comes to the lives in this County? Can we really put a price on the lives of our Pike County citizens?? I hope many of you never have to use an ambulance, but for those who do, I would hope your loved one would never have to suffer because of the ambulance breaking down. We need to stand up for in such an emergent situa- tion and imagine it break- ing down or a life being lost because we cannot get the equipment we need. I truly believe that an irresponsible decision has been made, and the consequences of that de- cision may just be more un- necessary tragedy. Why are we so short on funds in this county that we cannot af- ford the purchase of an am- bulance? Please, let's find a way to make this happen for the emergency ambulance personnel to better serve the people of our county. I have begun to call the this and get these ambu- lances ordered because it is going to take time to get possession of them even af- ter the decision is made to place the order. Why should the people of the county have to suffer and wait for the consequences of one tri- al to make a decision on if we have money to buy the am- bulances? I cannot believe we are hesitating on this de- cision! I would like for any- one who does not think we need new ambulances to put your selves in my shoes or someone's shoes who has had to use an ambulance some of the present mem- bers of both the County Council and the Commis- sioners and am also con- tacting those citizens who are seeking election to those offices. I want to know each person's opinion of this is- sue; it WILL help deter- mine my vote and the votes of many other people in the next election. Please feel free to also call me on your opinions my number is 354- 9311. Thank you for your con- Pike County Let Us I Amrprove Your Indoor Air Quality Let Us Improve Your Indoor Air Quality Breathe In Comfort. bout Our Enerrogvy-Efficient Totally Cool itioners • Energy efficiencies as high as 18 SEER‡ * Timely registration required for 10 year parts limited warranty. Limited warranty period is 5 years for parts if not registered within 90 days of installation. 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Ask your contractor for details or visit Type Your Information Here LLC © 2010 International Comfort Products, LLC © 2010 International Comfort Products, LLC PRO REQ VERS PROOF REQUI Type Your Information Here HEATING & AIR-CONDITIONING 303 Breckinridge Rd, MONROE CITY BOx 35 Craig Perry sideration in this matter, Amber Leighty, A concerned resident of Vance Perry Phone: 743-2382 FAx: 743-2169 Email: Complete Line of: Air Conditioning, Gas Furnaces, Heat Pumps, Whole-Home Air Cleaners, Humidifiers, Water Heaters and Water Conditioners © 2010 International Comfort Products, LLC ©2010 International Comfort Products, LLC VERSION ICON ___ COPY _____ AD _________ CD _________ PROOF __ AE __________ CLIENT __ ICON COPY AD ___ CD ___ PROO AE ____ CLIEN r f t * Timely registration required for 10 year parts limited warranty. Limited warranty period is 5 year if not registered within 90 days of installation. Jurisdictions where warranty benefits cannot be conditioned on registration will receive the registered limited warranty periods. Please see warra certificate for further details and restrictions. Many models are ENERGY STAR® qualified. Ask your contractor for details or visit r See warranty certificate for details. Timely registration required. 10 10 i i t See warranty certificate for details. Timely registration required.f f 10 10 10 See warranty certificate for details. Timely registration required. Timely registration required.Timely registration See warranty certificate for details.See warranty certifica • Complete central system provides year-round com • Central system humidifier eliminates dry, damagin • Central system air cleaner filters out indoor polluta • Outstanding No Hassle Replacement™ limited warra and 10 year parts limited warranty protection* • Complete central system provides year-round comfort • Central system humidifier eliminates dry, damaging air • Central system air cleaner filters out indoor pollutants • Outstanding No Hassle Replacement™ limited warranty and 10 year parts limited warranty protection* • Complete central system provides year-round comfort • Set-back thermostat provides maximum comfort and energy savings * Timely registration required for 10 year parts limited warranty. Limited warranty period is 5 years for parts if not registered within 90 days of installation. Jurisdictions where warranty benefits cannot be conditioned on registration will receive the registered limited warranty periods. Please see warranty certificate for further details and restrictions. • Central system air cleaner filters out indoor pollutants • Complete central system provides year-round comfort • Central system humidifier eliminates dry, damaging air • Central system air cleaner filters out indoor pollutants • Central system humidifier elimi- nates dry, damaging air for details or visit • Set-back thermostat provides maximum comfort energy savings ‡SEER stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. • Complete central system provides year-round co • Central system humidifier eliminates dry, damag • Central system air cleaner filters out indoor pollu Many models are ENERGY STAR® qualified. Ask your contractor * Timely registration required for 10 year parts limited warranty. Limited warranty period is 5 ye if not registered within 90 days of installation. Jurisdictions where warranty benefits cannot b conditioned on registration will receive the registered limited warranty periods. Please see w certificate for further details and restrictions. Breathe In Comfort. Your I door Air Quality • Outstanding No Hassle Replacement™ limited war and 10 year parts limited warranty protection* Timely registration req See warranty certificate f S S S S S S e e e e e e e e e e e e i l s i l . i l s s . i l s . . . i l . s s i l w w a a w a w w a w a a e t e a t e e a t t a e a a t e t a r r r r r r r r r r r r d d d d d d a a a a a a f o f f r o f f r o o r o r f r o r n n n t t t n n t t n t e e e e e e y y y y y y a t a a t a a t t t a t Perry's c c c c c c i c i i c c i i c c i c

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