Diversity Rules Magazine

June 2020

Diversity Rules Magazine - _lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning_

Issue link: http://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/1253726

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David Wichman is an author, speaker, sexual healer, and entrepreneur who is respected and well-known all over the world to those who seek to live free of s gma, shame, and fear around sex, love, and in macy. Raised in Fremont, California, David survived a childhood marked by severe neglect and abuse, which led him into years of homeless- ness, alcoholism, and drug addic on. A er decades of struggle and rehabilita on failures, he finally obtained freedom from his addic on in 2005. He remains an ac ve member of New Thought and recovery movements to this day. In 2006, David found a calling in sex work. While working with seniors, the disabled, and those with severe in macy issues, he discov- ered the profound transforma onal power that sex work creates for both client and provider. In 2009, he founded his travel-companion company, the Male Adventure, through which he has accom- panied clients on life-changing adventures to all seven con nents. He is an ac vist, vocal ally, and grateful member of the LGBTQI2 community. JRK: Before we get into the interview can you tell readers a bit about David Wichman, where you are from, and all that good introductory stuff? DPW: I live in Palm Springs California I moved here 8 years ago a er 17 life mes in San Francisco where my book is predominantly based. I am s ll very much a sex worker and travel companion. I s ll be- lieve strongly in advoca ng and diminishing shame around sex and our need for in macy as a necessary part of life. I also write and create content in other areas as well especially in tech and personal growth spaces. I own a virtual reality (VR) company that is pre y much s ll a hobby. I create media on experi- ences for VR with covid19 I have had lots of me to create a bunch of cool new medita on recordings and do some deep inner work on what I will be mov- ing through next in my journey. For the most part I am just looking for ways to be useful in the world. I cannot work right now. Contact with clients is strictly for future appointments and trip planning only. JRK: You just published your first book en tled, "Ev- ery Grain of Sand." Can you talk about the book a bit? DPW: The short easy answer is my book is a memoir of my life and struggle with addic on abuse and liv- ing through it. More importantly, it is about finding my calling and heeding it. JRK: What mo vated you to write it? DPW: There were many mes in my life even in the dark days of addic on that I had stopped and thought to myself no-one will ever believe the things I am experiencing. One day I am going to survive this and tell this story when I got clean and sober. I spent several years star ng and stopping and giving up on wri ng "MY STORY" all about me just felt self-serv- ing. I felt like it would just be another recovery story. I could be er do that in daily mee ngs and share with people I work with. So I put it away for a long me. There were many mes as my life got bigger and more exci ng, I felt compelled to pick it up again but the same feeling came over me "more all about you" As I grew in my sex work and a er a series of pre y incredible experiences with the men I saw I knew that there was more to telling my story than me. I found a broader purpose. I couldn't just write about being a sex worker and defend it. I had to tell the whole story so that you the reader could experi- ence it as I did through the lens of where I came from and how I got there. At one point Congress passed FOSTA-SETSA, a far-reaching bi-par san act that would throw sex workers under the bus. I was upset about that and it triggered my desire again to write this book. With our current societal beliefs around Every Grain Of Sand A Chat With David P. Wichman By Jim Koury, Editor/Publisher 4 | Diversity Rules Magazine | June 2020

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