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live it up 042718

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4 LIVE IT UP! FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 2018 SANTA CRUZ SENTINEL F or those looking for a new place to explore—and even do some hiking or biking at the same time—Fort Ord Dunes State Park is a little less than 40 miles from Santa Cruz. Located along four miles of coastline on Monterey Bay, it was created from part of the now-closed Fort Ord Army Base. It opened in 2009, and includes four miles of beach and 979 acres of dunes. e official address is in the city of Marina, and it borders Seaside and Sand City. Visitors can access a cell phone tour while exploring the park, and learn about topics such as military history and local wildlife. e phone number is 831-998-9458. As you see various signs along the road, you type in the "stop number" you'd like to learn about. ere are 13 stops such as "Marine Sanctuary" and "Legless Lizard." No pets are allowed on the beach. Leashed dogs are allowed on the accessible paved trail. Because the main trail (aka Beach Range Road, four miles long) is mostly level, with a few inclines and declines, people will find it an easy walk for the majority of the time. "ere is one mildly strenuous incline," shares Sean James, Public Safety Superintendent and acting Monterey Sector Superintendent. From the main parking area, visitors may stroll down the short boardwalk to a bluff-top viewing platform. Here, there are eight educational panels where people can learn about the park's natural and cultural history. is boardwalk lookout is also a good spot to view whale spouts. "is is best in the winter months when they are traveling north and stay closer to the shore with their calves," says James. A shorebird called the Western Snowy Plover can be found on the beach year-round but may be hard to spot. "Nesting is from March through September, and various areas of the beach may be cabled off to protect eggs from being accidently stepped on," says THIS ISSUE'S HIKE EXPLORING MONTEREY COUNTY'S FORT ORD DUNES STATE PARK CONTINUES ON 6 BY TARA FATEMI WALKER PHOTO BY MORGAN GOLDER

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