Special Sections

live it up 042718

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SANTA CRUZ SENTINEL FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 2018 LIVE IT UP! 3 President & Publisher Gary Omernick 831.706.3228 gomernick@santacruzsentinel.com Advertising Director Steve Bennett 831.429.2416 sbennett@santacruzsentinel.com Circulation Director Mardi Browning Shiver 706.3265 mbrowning@santacruzsentinel.com SCS Sales Team Susie Ronzano Elyssa Campos Alli Mayorga Kim Perotti Layout by Greg Borrego Production Assistant Jackie White Edited by Steve Bennett & Tara Fatemi Walker Cover photo contributed facebook.com/scsentinel @scsentinel This issue's hike: Fort Ord Dunes State Park by Tara Fatemi Walker P 4,6 Retirement reservoir by Donald Dimitruk P 8 Eating right on the central coast + recipes by Tara Fatemi Walker P 10-12 Where to get fit before summer hits by Tara Fatemi Walker P 14-16 WHAT'S INSIDE... Bertoli family leaves legacy contributed P 18

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