The Milwaukee Post

January 26, 2018

Milwaukee Post

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DID YOU KNOW? • In Mexico, the Tooth Fairy is known as the "Tooth Mouse." • The idea of contact lenses was first introduced by Leonardo da Vinci in 1508. – Source: MARK BELLING A disaster is looming, but is avoidable Page 8 State Republicans may lose everything in 2018 BRAVING SNOW, SLEET, RAILS FOR A LIFESTYLE JOB – PAGE 11 OWEN ROBINSON Americans see immediate impact from tax reform Page 9 More take-home pay expected in February MILWAUKEE COUNTY'S WEEKLY NEWSPAPER JANUARY 26, 2018 By DAVE FIDLIN Special to the Post MILWAUKEE — Local public educators from a variety of back- grounds weighed in on possible changes to state licensure rules, and a number of the speakers expressed concerns with some of the measures that could be taken in the years ahead. The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction is holding five hearings this month as potential changes are considered to address a shortage of public teachers. DPI held the Jan. 19 hearing at Milwaukee Public Schools' dis- trict office. The teaching shortage reflects a national trend. The number of teachers applying to open posi- tions across the U.S. has inched downward the past three years. In addition to addressing this statis- tic, DPI officials are planning statutory changes stemming from Gov. Scott Walker's 2017-19 bienni- al budget. At its core, the DPI's proposed changes reflect a four-tiered sys- tem, ranging from a short-term license at the initial stage to a master educator designation on the upper end of the spectrum. Each tier, under the proposal, car- ries specific prerequisites. Some of the speakers at a Jan. 19 hearing said they believed the revised requirements — particu- larly on the first tier — are too relaxed. Cheryl Ward, co-founder of the Wisconsin Reading Coalition, said she was concerned a founda- tions of reading test was not specifically listed as a prerequi- site on all tiers under the DPI's proposal. "Most educators know we are not closing the gaps like we should," said Ward, who was one of more than a dozen area teach- ers and advocates who spoke to DPI officials at the hearing. "The inequities will continue to grow." But other educators said base requirements across all teaching tiers could be punitive and lead to unintended consequences. Terri Morris-Allen, a special education teacher at Milwaukee See DPI LICENSING on Page 5 State agency considering changes as few teachers apply for open positions Local news at your fingertips Visit Like us on Facebook: DO YOU NEED A WILL? DO YOU NEED A WILL? Attorney James J. Winiarski An experienced professional in estate planning. A standard simple will is $215.00, and that charge includes a private conference with Attorney Winiarski. Husband and wife for $400.00. •Probate services are also available at reasonable rates. •Emergency consultations are available. •Please Call for a Free Simple Estate Planning Consultation Attorney James J. Winiarski 3625 W. Oklahoma Ave., Milwaukee (414) 383-3902 259047013 A $349 Value! Must mention ad for special! 259047010 BROKEN GARAGE DOOR SPRING, CABLE OR OPENER? We'll Fix It Fast! Same Day Service-Lowest Price Extend the life of your door & opener with a TUNE-UP, LUBE & SAFETY INSPECTION Parts extra if needed. $ 69 95 414-418-3667 (DOOR) • $ 299 * $ 739 * Quality top rated garage door opener includes two remotes, deluxe inside wall station, safety photo eyes, lifetime motor warranty, installation, haul away old opener & tax. includes: installation, remove and haul away old door, reattach existing opener & tax. *Prices may vary due to Lead Abatement Law New Chamberlain LiftMaster 1/2 HP Model 8160 Ultra Quiet DC Motor on Sale! LIMITED TIME OFFER! 16 x 7 Steel Raised Panel Door Special Package Includes Installation 414-418-3667 (DOOR) Senior Discounts, Family Owned, Honest, Reliable Service Over 25 Years Educators express concerns with proposed DPI licensure requirements

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