Shelby Shopper

October 25, 2012

Shelby Shopper Shelby NC

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Page 22 - shelby shopper & info - 704/484-1047 CROSSWORD AUTUMN WORD SEARCH KIDS' PAGE SUDUKO ANSWERS Thursday, October 25-October 31, 2012 MAZE CRAZE! The One-Room Schoolhouse Imagine sitting in a classroom surrounded by students of all ages and being taught by the same teacher year after year? Sounds wild, huh, but that is what students once experienced. Back in the 1800s, most schools were small one-room buildings called "schoolhouses." Each schoolhouse had just one teacher to teach first through eighth grade. Students would come to the schoolhouse by foot and by horse. There was very little paper at the time, so students would do their work on slates with slate pencils. Along with their studies, students would help the teachers take care of the schoolhouse and the surrounding yard.

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