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Fall Ag Report

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Fall 2017 Central Coast AGRICULTURE A special advertising & content section of the Monterey Herald and Santa Cruz Sentinel JOHNJHAGINS@AOL.COM ISA CERTIFIED ARBORIST CONTRACTOR # 1 0 1 1 8 5 8 408-768-2799 The community's choice for local banking. 457.5000 | sccountybank.com Member FDIC | Equal Housing Lender "Santa Cruz County Bank has provided us with the support and service I can trust to operate a resilient and healthy farm." ~Tom Broz, Owner of Live Earth Farm @sccountybank #banklocally In addition to being North America's leading producer of salads and healthy fresh foods, Taylor Farms is always looking for ways to give back to the community. They believe in supporting youth education and develop- ment, which is why they've partnered with Golden State Foods Foundation to give backpacks filled with school supplies to first graders at local elementary schools. For seven years, they've donated backpacks to first graders at Salinas elementary schools: Roosevelt, Frank Paul, Alisal Community, and Los Padres; and expanded the program this year to include students at La Gloria Elementary School in Gonzales, CA. "We have always known about Taylor Farms' history of supporting local school children and were absolute- ly thrilled when we found out the backpack program had expanded to include our school this year," said Yolanda Barba, Principal, La Gloria Elementary School. "The donation makes such Taylor Farms equips students for success an impact on our students back to school experience and we look forward to many more years of partnership with Taylor Farms!" In addition to support- ing local schools, Taylor Farms has expanded the back-to-school giving to include children of company employees. This program is a company-wide favor- ite where employees are involved from start to finish, from filling each backpack with school supplies, to delivering and handing them out to students during their first week of school. "Our team members at Taylor Farms enjoy the opportunity to help give young students some of the tools they need to study for a bright future," said Bruce Taylor, Chairman and CEO, Taylor Farms. Taylor Farms believes equipping students with tools for education is extremely important, which is why they continue to hand out backpacks each year — with 2,880 handed out this year and over 9,800 to date! Provided photos, used with permission Santa Cruz County Fair booth wins silver medal Sacramento, CA - An elabo- rate exhibit featuring Santa Cruz County received a Silver Medal at the California State Fair in Sacramento. The exhibit was among many County displays shown at the State Fair. More than 637,000 guests came to see "The Best" of California on display during the 17-day State Fair (July 14-30). As one of the featured ex- hibits, Santa Cruz County showcased the Santa Cruz County Fair's 2017 theme, "Fly Me to the Fair". This unique program was first in- troduced at the State Fair in the 1870's and has evolved into one of the most favored attractions because of its unique ways of highlight- ing California's agriculture, diverse landscape, economy and culture. It is the only competition of this kind in the country to showcase all of the counties within a single state. "We are extremely pleased to have a presence at the State Fair and to receive this award," said Steve Bonta- delli, President of Agri-Cul- ture. The Santa Cruz County Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers Commit- tee and the organization Agri-Culture coordinated the exhibit along with the professional booth designers at Mikon Productions. The agricultural education orga- nization, Agri-Culture serves as the lead organization in the fundraising drive within Santa Cruz County and comes up with the design. The Counties Exhibits are a cherished favorite at the State Fair and were viewed by the 637,000 people during the fair. "This is a huge marketing and out- reach tool," said Bontadelli. For those who didn't make it to the State Fair this year, the Santa Cruz County ex- hibit was on display as part of the Santa Cruz County Farm Bureau booth at the Santa Cruz County Fair in Watsonville (September 13-17). Donors for the Santa Cruz County State Fair Booth included numerous local businesses and individuals, including Driscoll's, Lakeside Organic Gardens, Bontadelli, Inc., Cowles Berry Farm, Inc., J.E. Farms, S. Martinelli & Company, Jeanette Crosetti, Live Earth Farms , Gizdich Ranch, Country Crossroads Map, McSherry & Hudson, Porter Ranch, T.H.A.N.K.S. Agricultural Education Fund, John Cooper, Kenny Kusmoto, and Fred Caiocca. Provided photos Central Coast Motorsports Spectacular SALINAS, CA - The Central Coast Motorsports Spec- tacular roars into Salinas on Sunday, October 15th, showcasing Monster Trucks, Truck & Tractor Pulls and the Farmer 500, new this year. Presented by Gold Star Buick GMC and produced by the California Rodeo Asso- ciation, tickets are on sale now for this family-friendly event. Tickets prices are $10 for children ages 2-12, $22 for adults in the grandstands and $27 for box seats for all ages. The Salinas Sports Complex Box Office is open Monday-Friday from 10am to 6pm for walk up sales at 1034 N. Main Street in Salinas or phone orders at (800-549-4989). Tickets are also available online at www.tickets.com. Gates open at noon on Sunday, Oc- tober 15th with motorsports action starting at 2pm. Coors is sponsoring the Monster Truck event featur- ing ten giant trucks compet- ing in the arena filled with crushed cars and dirt ramps, including the first ever back flip ramp! The truck line up is: Obsession, Obsessed, Ni- tro Menace, Jail Bird, Dragon Slayer, Kamikaze, Jackedup, Cyclops, Terminator and Big Kahuna. Truck & Tractor Pulls, sponsored by Ace High Designs, will feature different classes of trucks and tractors showcasing their horsepower as they pull a two-ton sled across the dirt floor. The all new Farmer 500 auto race is present- ed by Braga Fresh Family Farms and features wild four banger cars racing around the track while swapping paint. There will be a pit party on Saturday, October 14th from 12pm to 5pm at the Salinas Sports Complex. Fans can see the Monster Trucks up close and get driver auto- graphs between 2 and 4pm. Purchase tickets and get full details along with a list of sponsors at http://www. salinassportscomplex.com/ events/2017/ccms2017. Photos by John F. Gay Jr.s.

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