Negocios Now

Who's Who in Hispanic Chicago-2016

Negocios Now is the Hispanic Business Publication in Chicago with National Distribution

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The first "Book of List" or "La Lista" of Negocios Now is coming! Page 15. NegociosNow La voz de los negocios latinos de Chicago y suburbios A Peter LisAgor AwArd-winning PubLicAtion NegociosNow AWARDEES ANÚNCIESE EN 1-773-942-7410 Junio 2016 Adela Cepeda A.C. Advisory President and CEO, known as the "One Billion Dollar Woman" receives Latina in Business Award. Jose Maldonado The owner of Old Veteran Construction, a General Contracting company, wins the Business of the Year Award. Ann Alvarez The retired former CEO of Casa Central receives Lifetime Achievement Award. Paul Roldan The founder of Chicago Housing Corporation receives the Community Champion Award. Javier Palomarez The president and CEO of the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerces is the recipient of El Amigo de Negocios Now Award. He aquí algunos de los nuevos rostros en esta ter- cera Edición Especial Negocios Now Who's Who in Hispanic Chicago. Son líderes en Negocios, Salud, Medios, agencias sin fines de lucro, Gobierno, Edu- cación, Cultura y Corporativos. Hay desde médicos cirujanos, extraordinarios profesores universitarios, hasta personas como Oscar Muñoz, Presidente y CEO de United Airlines, el ejecutivo más alto de una organización en los tres años consecutivos que este medio ha publicado esta exclusiva lista de promi- nentes hispanos de la ciudad y su área metropoli- tana. Ellos se unen a otros prominentes figuras que también forman parte de una legión de más de 300 miembros de la comunidad latina. Here are some of the new faces of the third Nego- cios Now Who's Who in Hispanic Chicago Special Edition. They are leaders in business, healthcare, media, nonprofits, government, education, culture, and corporations. They go from medical surgeons and extraordinary university professors to people like Oscar Muñoz, president and CEO of United Airlines. These individuals join other prominent figures in the legion of renowned Hispanics in this unique edition. Negocios Now could not be more pleased to have the support of so many and be the privileged vehicle through which this modest selection of Hispanic leadership in the Greater Chicago area can be pre- sented to the entire Latino community. THE NEW FACES Negocios Now will launch an exclusive Edition about Latino Lawyer specialedition@ more information on Page 26

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