The Bluffer

December 16, 2015

The Bluffer - Red Bluff, CA

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December 16, 2015 Serving Red Bluff High School since 1901 Volume CXVI Issue 7 Holiday Greeting Sober Grad • Sell your 5 yellow tickets to get in FREE to the Sober Grad. • Turn them in at the Student Store. • Also, the tamale sale starts NOW! . • Prizes every time you sell a dozen. • The top 4 sellers get a $25 Dutch Bros card. • Send a greeting to a friend or loved one on campus for only $1 • Candy canes and festive notes!!!! • You can write a message! • These may be purchased in room 408 at break and lunch • Deadline to purchase is Monday, December 14th , delivery will be 15th and 16th. "I feel very stressed about about having to take seven finals instead of six." -Belen Villalobos 370 Abby O'Sullivan Staff Writter GSA returns to RB campus Shania Prieto Staff Writer Holiday Classic, page 3 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas', page 4 Wrestling, Page 5 Julissa Villalobos/Bluffer Courtesy Photo Students struggle with finals and Holiday Classic Bluffer The Service hours • Anyone who would like to earn community service hours come to room 109 after school! • Wrap presents for the Children's Christmas Festival! • This opportunity will only last as long as we have presents to wrap. • Talk to Somavia if you have questions. • The Math and Science club will be meeting Thursday. • Be in Room 92 at Lunch!! • We will be discussing The Science Show, a CSU, Chico field trip and a Friday Night Game Night!! • Anyone is welcome to be a part of the club we hope to see you soon! Calling all Nerds Finals this year are going to take place on the same week as Holiday Classic. The pressure of having to take an extra final is starting to take it's toll with the sophomores, juniors and seniors. Belen Villalobos, sophomore, stated, "I feel very stressed about having to take seven finals instead of six." With another final, holiday classic and any extra curricular activities the students may be involved in, the stress is definitely piling up for students at Red Bluff High. For the freshmen, however, they have no previous knowledge of past finals so as Kathleen Portillo stated, "I've never taken the finals before so the extra class really doesn't make a difference." Even if the freshmen don't have the anything to compare it to, it doesn't mean it isn't stressful. Portillo continued stating, "It's kind of frustrating because you have to study for certain classes and you don't remember stuff from the very beginning." Some students find this extremely stressful but others are feeling c o n f i d e n t and ready to face it head on such as Grant C o l l i e r , senior. The s t u d e n t s have been studying a lot for the past few weeks and have found it, "difficult because we have to remember to many different things." as Villalobos stated. S o m e s t u d e n t s have found easier ways to study that work best for them. Some use f l a s h c a r d , some reread all the material and some just find writing e ve r y t h i ng a second time easiest. Others who find academics come more easily to them are feeling great and don't feel the need to study. Finding ways to study isn't the hardest thing, some find just staying on task or staying focused is harder than studying. Although it's becoming even more stressful with Holiday Classic, for those who aren't as involved are finding the rallies, posters and all the other fun activities amusing. Portillo stated, "I feel like it's going to be an enjoyable distraction from all the stress of finals." Holiday Classic might be enjoyable for some students but as Portillo stated, "The schedule for finals is a bit complicated but once we start we'll become accustomed to it." Even the best of students are worried for at least one final. Grant Cottier, senior, stated, "[My hardest final will be] AP Physics." Even Mr. Dais is ready to take the week head on, he knows it will be a bit awkward but "in one week we're free," he said. He added, "I'm excited and I think the students are really excited, they love being tested and judged." The Gay Straight Alliance club is a student ran club that helps bring together students to support each other and provide a safe environment to socialize and create a platform to fight against racial gender. Some of the goals that Cindy Haase the adviser of GSA hopes to achieve this year is to create a safe and accepting environment for all. Haase is planning on incorporating many new fun activities to GSA. Haase is looking into buying t shirts to promote GSA not only around RBH's campus but throughout the community as well. Haase goes on to explain, "Spring semester I want to have an anti- bullying pledge, and whoever signs the pledge will get a free bracelet." Haase adds, "I want kids who join the club make them feel comfortable and be able share their experiences to help the other kids feel like they have a safe place to talk." The President of GSA Jen Beaston believes that GSA means a lot more than what people generally think, GSA is about helping others and creating a safe environment for everyone. When asked Beaston what are some of her ideas for the club, she went on to say, "Some of my ideas for GSA is to be able to have a diverse group of people, and make them feel at home at the high school." When asked Beaston what made her want to become the president of GSA. Beaston replied, "From my past I had to undergo a lot of bullying so I decided I would reach out to anyone who needed a safe place to talk and some friendly advice." Beaston added,"I want to let people know that you are not alone, and don't ever be afraid to be yourself because that is most important." Hannah Armstrong another member of Gay Straight Alliance wants to create posters, buttons and t-shirts to spread the word. Some things that Armstrong wants to accomplish while she is a part of GSA is to make everyone who joins the club feel welcome and feel like they are truly making a difference in the community.

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