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Live It Up, Fall 2015

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SANTA CRUZ SENTINEL FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2015 LIVE IT UP! 3 President & Publisher Gary Omernick 831.706.3228 gomernick@santacruzsentinel.com Vice President of Advertising Steve Bennett 831.429.2416 sbennett@santacruzsentinel.com Circulation Director Mardi Browning Shiver 706.3265 mbrowning@santacruzsentinel.com Internet Director Mike Blaesser 429.2413 mblaesser@santacruzsentinel.com SCS Sales Team Ray Klopp Susan Pryce Susie Ronzano Patrick Smith Cherie La France-Anderson Layout by Greg Borrego facebook.com/scsentinel @scsentinel C rossFit has become a wildly popular form of fitness training, not just in this country but all over the world. What many people may not realize is that the methodology for this core strength and conditioning program was developed right here in Santa Cruz. Founded in 1995 by former gymnast Greg Glassman, CrossFit promotes overall physical fitness using a variety of exercises most commonly found in the activities of weightlifting, sprinting and gymnastics. "CrossFit is constantly varied, functional movements executed at high intensity," explains Hollis Molloy, owner of CrossFit Santa Cruz, who started training with Glassman in 2006. Glassman first used his technique when he was asked to train the Santa Cruz sheriff's department. ""The concept was derived from the physicality of what human beings were designed to do, like run, jump, push and pull," said Molloy. The program enhances a wide array of physical characteristics, such as cardiovascular endurance, strength, flexibility, agility and balance. According to Glassman's philosophy,"The needs of the Olympian and the needs of our grandparents vary by degree and not by kind." Both groups need and perform the same physical movements," said Molloy. A particular class at the Santa Cruz location would entail a warm-up followed by an instruction of a particular skill–such as squats or shoulder presses– followed by a high-intensity workout and cool-down. "CrossFit training is appropriate for any age," said Molloy. "We work with everyone from teens to seniors … My mom was training at the same time I was." The program includes among its clientele the U.S. Dept. of Defense. "The U.S. military is among CrossFit Inc's biggest clients," Molloy said. According to a report on functionalmovement.com, "In 2005, there were 13 CrossFit gyms. Today there are over 10,000 CrossFit affiliates." CrossFit Inc. has 200 trainers that travel the world giving seminars. "Our trainer [Leah Polaski] just got back from China," said Molloy. For more information about CrossFit Santa Cruz, go to http://www.crossfitsantacruz.com/crossfit_santa_ cruz/ or call 831 421 2065. ROOTED IN SANTA CRUZ, CROSSFIT HAS BRANCHED OUT WORLDWIDE By Susan Pascal

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