Rutherford Weekly

October 8, 2015

Rutherford Weekly - Shelby NC

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Page 24 - Rutherford Weekly 828-248-1408 Thursday, October 8-October 14, 2015 How Patients Are Living Without Numbness, Tingling, or Sharp Pains If you're suffering from nerve problems in the arms and legs, you must read below... Call TODAY for Special Offer, First 15 callers! Numbness, tingling, and pain is an extremely annoying problem. It may come and go...interrupts your sleep...and even makes your arms or legs feel weak at times. Maybe you've even been to other doctors and they claim all the tests indicate you should feel fine. More Pills Are Not The Solution A common treatment for many nerve problems is the 'take some pills and wait and see' method. While this may be necessary for temporary relief of severe symptoms, using them long term is no way to live. Some of the more common drugs given include pain pills, anti-seizure medications, and anti- depressants -- all of which have serious side effects. The Likely Cause Of Your Problem Our practices have been helping people with neuropathy and nerve prob- lems for years. Often neuropathy is caused by a degenerating spine pressing on the nerve roots. This can happen in any of the vertebral joints from the neck all the way down to the tail bone. The good news is that chiropractic treatments have proven effective in helping to remove the pressure on the nerves. Finally, You Have An Option Other Than Drugs or Surgery New research in a treatment called low level laser therapy is having a pro- found effect on patients suffering with pain. Unlike the cutting type of laser seen in movies and used in medical procedures, Laser Therapy penetrates the surface of the skin with no heating effect or damage. Laser therapy has been tested for 40 years, had over 2000 papers pub- lished on it, and been shown to aid in damaged tissue regeneration, de- crease inflammation, relieve pain and boost the immune system. This means that there is a good chance laser therapy could be your pain solution, allow- ing you to live a more active lifestyle. By using gentle techniques, I'm able to release the pressure that has built up on the nerve. This allows the nerve to heal and the symptoms to go away. Could This Be Your Solution? It's time for you to find out if chiropractic will be your neuropathy solution. $25 will get you all the services I normally charge new patients $250 for! Available To The First 15 Callers. What does this offer include? Everything. Take a look at what you will receive: t"OJOEFQUIDPOTVMUBUJPOBCPVUZPVSIFBMUIBOEXFMMCFJOHXIFSF* will listen…really listen…to the details of your case. t"DPNQMFUFOFVSPNVTDVMBSFYBNJOBUJPO t"GVMMTFUPGTQFDJBMJ[FEYSBZTUPEFUFSNJOFJGBTQJOBMQSPCMFNJT contributing to your pain or symptoms. t"UIPSPVHIBOBMZTJTPGZPVSFYBNBOEYSBZöOEJOHTTPXFDBOTUBSU mapping out your plan to being pain free. t*MMBOTXFSZPVSNPTUQSPCJOHRVFTUJPOTBCPVUOFSWFQSPCMFNTBOE how chiropractic can help. 5IFöSTUDBMMFST can get everything I've listed here for only $25. The normal price for this type of evaluation including x-rays is $250, so you're saving a considerable amount by taking me up on this offer. Call one of our offices at 828-393-0690 in Forest City or 828-393-0467 in Columbus. We can get you scheduled for your consultation, exam and x-rays as soon as there's an opening. When you call, tell the receptionist you'd like to come in for the Nerve Evaluation so we can get you on the schedule and make sure you receive proper credit for this special offer. Sincerely, Sarah Merrison-McEntire, D.C. Here's what our patients have to say: "Before treatment...I could not put very much weight on my left leg. I could not walk or stand for long periods of time, and had tremendous pain in my lower back and down left leg. Since having treatments, the pain is gone! I can walk and put weight on my left leg. I would highly recommend it, and have told friends about my results" -Monte T. "Before treatments...I could barely walk to my bathroom and had severe lower back pain. After... treatments I feel wonderful, and, for the first time in 10 years, no lower back pain." -Ann L. "Before treatments...I could not walk without extreme lower back pain. After treatment, I have a lot less pain and can move much better, and my bowels are more regular than they have ever been." -Mitch C. "Before treatments, I could not get out of bed in the mornings and could not stand for long periods of time. Following treatments, I'm feeling great, fantastic and my back is wonderful. Very seldom do I have any back pain." -Marian H. $25 CONSULT, EXAM, NECESSARY X-RAYS AND ONE LASER TREATMENT ($250 VALUE) Carolina Chiropractic Plus 152 W. Main St., Forest City, NC 799 W. Mills St., Columbus, NC *G:PV3FBE/PUIJOH&MTF3FBE5IJT More than 20 million Americans suffer from pe ripheral neuropathy, a problem caused by dam age to the nerves that supply your arms and legs. 5IJTQBJOGVMDPOEJUJPOJOUFSGFSFTXJUIZPVSCPEZT ability to transmit messages to your muscles, TLJO KPJOUT PS JOUFSOBM PSHBOT *G JHOPSFE PS mistreated, neuropathy can lead to irreversible health conditions. Why not get help by those trained to correct the NBKPSDBVTFPGQFSJQIFSBMOFVSPQBUIZ3FBEUIF full facts on this page. *G:PV%FDJEF5P1VSDIBTF"EEJUJPOBM5SFBUNFOU:PV)BWF5IF-FHBM3JHIU5P$IBOHF:PVS.JOE8JUIJO%BZT"OE3FDFJWF"3FGVOE'FEFSBM3FDJQJFOUT"SF&YDMVEFE'SPN5IJT0òFS Call Forest City at 828-229-7047 or Columbus at 828-393-0467 AVAILABLE TO THE FIRST 15 CALLERS

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