Diversity Rules Magazine

January 2012

Diversity Rules Magazine - _lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning_

Issue link: https://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/51543

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Diversity Rules Magazine Keep Up Now by Terry Ludwig Terry's brother Rob died of AIDS in 2004 and leſt her his writings of which Keep Up Now is the result. Terry can be reached at keepupnow@gmail. com. now. We dream of hope, peace and happi- ness, but we're not sure exactly how to achieve it. We've been conditioned to relate to joy as a measure of our success based on the amount of physical pleasure we derive on a day to day basis. Instead of being the creator of our joys, we've become the receiver. Our pleasures are tied to material gains, accumulation of objects, friends and even family. In this dream we have become the victim. We've been trained to think, something has gone wrong, if our material worth diminishes, an object is damaged, a friendship is sev- ered or a loved one passes, and it's reflected in our level of con- tentment and our ability to ex- perience happiness in the present moment. Our entire existence revolves around these beliefs. We don't realize we are the dreamer of our dream of life. We're making it all up; the people, the places the dra- ma; all of it… projects from our one mind. Everyone has a dream… in fact, you're dreaming it right of dreams past, or fantasies of future dreams, keeping you locked in a pattern of victimiza- tion. Break free and awaken to this moment now. Learn to love each moment. There are always ONLY two choices within this dream; love or fear. You will understand when you choose love, you create happiness, abundance and joy; when you choose fear, you create sadness, scar- city and dread. It's your dream, your choice. You are a creative being. You create with each thought you think, whether you take responsibility for it or not. OWN it! When you do, you'll be sure to watch your thoughts more carefully. To manifest consciously, you must bring your thoughts to the present and continue to choose Love at every moment. If you are having difficulty choosing love, think of five things you are grateful for. Gratitude is the most powerful emotion for manifesting abun- dance within this dream. inspiration put in motion, permanently effects change in the energy that is the human experience." – Rob Ludwig "Creative thought, with Try not to dwell on the past or the future. The mind easily slips out of the now. We fanta- size about the future; we remember the pain that came with the past. Pain turns into anger and pleasure quickly turns into ad- diction. Release yourself from the chains of the past and the future. Here and now is the only place you will find your true self and it is the only place you truly cre- ate within your dream. Make this your promise for the New Year. Within this dream, we've invented the New Year. As one year comes to an end; a new one begins. We hope the New Year will bring happiness, but until we take responsibility for being the dreamer, we volunteer to become the victim of circumstances we feel are thrust upon us. Let go of your imaginary sense of limitations. Embrace your responsibility for creating your dream of life and learn how to manifest hap- piness and abundance! What you think, how you feel and the action you take NOW is liter- ally creating your dream of life. Now is the only moment that truly exists within the dream. Now is your opportunity to awaken to your true self. Your mind is preoccupied with memories If you're thoughts have brought you unhappi- ness, stop now, and choose love. Appreciate the opportunity you have to begin again, know- ing the Universe has something better in store for you. Find joy in this moment, Now. Put yourself in play and connect with other peo- ple. Share love with everyone you come in contact with in this dream. You will become a magnet; new doors will open you never knew were there, introducing new people and fresh opportunities helping you along your path to manifesting the life of your dreams. Last year has given you many opportunities to choose Love or fear. This year, you are con- scious. Remember, this is your dream. This can be a wonderful dream or it can be a night- mare. What are you dreaming now? Three

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